New Deal

My Master



Haechul is being patient in waiting for my answer. He always hang with me lately and show his love and care to me. My slave on the other hand is always around with Krystal. I often see them always hanging together. I don't know if there is really something going on between them.


"Girls, do you think I had made Haechul wait enough?"I asked Tiffany and Yoona one morning in our classroom while we are waiting for our class to start.


"I think you did."Yoona answered and scoffed.


"Why not give your answer to him now, Sica?" Tiffany suggeste.


"Yeah, you should give your sweet 'yes' to him before he change his mind."Yoona followed.


"I guess you are right."I answered with a smile.


"Good." they both said in unison and with cheeky smile.


"Hey Amber!" Yoona suddenly called the dork when she saw him pass by in our classroom.




I often see Jessica with Haechul lately. I think Jessica really do like him. I think she will not believe me if I will tell her what I saw in the mall the other day. There is no doubt about it. I think all I need to do is keep her away from that guy first but I don't know how to do it. When I pass by in their classroom, Yoona called me which caught my attention. She then gestured to me to come inside their room. I greeted them politely and they greeted me with a smile, except the witch.


"You are going to be relieved soon of being Sica's slave,right?" Yoona said to me.


"Yeah." I answered with puzzled look.


"Do you want to be my next slave?"Yoona asked me jokingly.


"Uhm,I'm not really planning to become slave ro anyone, Yoon."I answered and smile timidly.


"Dork, since our sportfest is coming near, let's bet again."Jessica said to me. I think this is the perfect way to say to her to stay away with that guy.


"Okay." I answered without having a second thought.


"You two really love to compete with each other."Tiffany stated and giggled.


"So what is it this time?" I asked her.


"What sports are you planning to join to?"she asked me.


"Basketball."I answered.


"Okay, if your team can't win against Haechul's team, your time of being my slave will be exended."she said to me.


"If our team will win against them, you will listen to what I will ask you to do."I retorted. They all looked at me strangely. "I-I am not planning to ask you to do something erted stuff so don't worry."I  added.


"Okay, it's a deal."she said and we both shake our hands.


"We are the witnesses of this deal of yours."Yoona said and Tiffany nodded.


"Amber, you should do your best if you want to win against Jessica's future boyfriend's team."Tiffany said to me. I looked at Jessica and somewhat she is blushing.


"Wi--Princess, don't give your answer to Haechul yet, okay?"I said to her in a serious tone of voice.


I think they all think that I have feelings for her because that is what I see in their reaction after I said those words. I am about to explain myself but our school bell rang and their teacher came in the classroom so I got no other choice but to leave. I hope she will listen to me.

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YourSmile-I #1
Chapter 46: Hahahahaha!!! Thanks
Chapter 46: Oh........Ok.........LOL why so sudden i still want to know what will happen 'cause Hyuna is there i want to see some action....but btw NICE STORY...........ANNYEONG!
27Shinobi #3
Chapter 46: great story!!! enjoyed it very much!
YourSmile-I #4
Chapter 46: This is so good!!!! Thanks for this story author
bizzle030194 #5
Chapter 46: ayuuuuu!! i died on their sweetness
Clatomere001 #6
Chapter 46: kyah!! i swear if sweetness is a crime they'd both be sentenced to death~~
if you have time please write a sequel!!
yeolliee #7
Chapter 46: pfffuhh !! Done !:D

This story is the Best Jessber story that i ever read.
PERFECT is all i can say !!

Thanks for the story author-sshi
Chapter 42: Bwahaha !!this is the BEST chap of the story !!

Well done Amber !! u could calm down Hellsica with ur kiss !!

Nice chap,author-sshi :D *two thumbs up*