Chapter 4

Two Loves

Yongguk's POV

Finally 2 months has passed. I was waiting for CL to walk through the door allowing me to leave, but she never came. I sat there for hours until I heard the door open. Somebody fell to the floor. I looked who it was. No.......

"Yah, no wonder why you havent died yet. CL has been feeding you lately" Minho said. I stared at CL lieing on the floor, covered in blood and bruises, breathing very slowly. 

"I'll just let her sit here with you. You'll have company for a short moment until she dies" he smirked and walked out the room. 

"Y-Yongukk......" I heard her faint voice. I had to do something fast. I looked around the room and saw a shard of glass. I scooted over to it and grabbed it from the table with my fingers. It took me 5 minutes to finally cut the rope. I untied my feet after and saw I had rope burns on my wrists and ankles. I ran to CL.

"Yah, yah. CL" I gently patted her face. She opened her eyes a little. "I'm sorry I couldn't keep my promise to you...." I shook my head. The door opened. 

"How did you get out?" "Minho, I'll give you Hana only if you let CL and me go" "That sounds very tempting but, how about this, I'll have Hana and I'll just let you all die here before the house blows up,deal?" "Blows up?" I asked.

"Neh, in exactly 2 hours from now, I'll run away leaving everybody here to die" "What?" 

Minho turned around and found Taemin staring at him. "So, this was all a setup, using us and then letting us die?"  

"Of course you idiots!!! Did you really think I would have actually let you lived?" Minho smirked. "You see Taemin, if Yongguk would have allowed me to have Hana, your poor sister would not be dieing" Minho stepped aside a little so Taemin was able to see CL in my arms, breathing more slowly by the ,minute.

"What did you do to her!!!!!!" Taemin yelled in rage. "Oh you know a little this, a little that. Now should I end her misery already?" Minho pulled out a gun and pointed it at CL. He was smirking at Taemin. I quietly got up and grabbed the shard and walked up behind Minho. 

"Taemin, I'm waiting for an answer. I'll just count to 3" I looked at Taemin, mentally telling him to grab the gun on cue. Taemin seemed to understood me. 

"3,2- AHHHH" I stabbed Minho on his side and Taemin grabbed the gun from his hands. Taemin pointed it at Minho's head. "I never liked you, but I tried to learn to. But you hurting my sister just makes me want to kill you." 

"Then kill me" Minho dared. Taemin kicked Minho's head causing him to flip back. "That was for me and this is for my sister!!!" BANG!

Minho  laid there, a hole thourgh his head, lifeless. "Hurry up, we have to tell the others!!" Taemin ran out the door. I lifted CL on my back and ran after him.

I know this chapter is y!!!!!! I'm having writers block so I may not be updating some of my fanfics, so plz do forgive me!!! Anyways thanks for reading, sorry if it ....

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Chapter 6: kya~ author-nim your story DAEBAK n luv your story!!
but can you make another sequel?? plz.. hehe.. ^^"