Stories that can be read


Dear passerbys,

I am going to upload links here for original stories that you can read on fanficoverflow. 

What is fanficoverflow? This is a site by the same people who made this site.

It's a side project and they are more busy with their rp-site now.

So there fanfics that have nothing to do with asian countries can be placed and original stories are welcome.

I have the same screenname there as I have here.

There aren't much people now, but everyone is welcome.

I hope I'll meet you there <3

Please subscribe to know what I have ready for you.

Yours sincerely,



How I'll work

I'll be adding a chapter

The chapter will have the title of the story 

The chapter it self will explain what the story is about in very big lines

The chapter is not the same as something I wrote in my story

this means it's not a FOREWORD or an INTRODUCTION

I add a link on which you'll have to click to get there


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