byung-bying's review

[ G u n s ] Reviews

these are random notes i took down while reading your fic. the overall neater review will be at the bottom.

When I clicked into your story, I went "Woah!" The strong death feeling background and poster matches the title perfectly. I didn't like the colours on Jessica's and Jonghyun's face though. Description tells us immediately that Jessica has a stalker, but I think having a stalker doesn't really mean 'living in a hell like world'

I didn't really like the sudden appearance of Sehun? But it's fine, since he's sort of a side character. And BOOM suddenly he betrays Jessica. How long have they been dating? You written down that she noticed his odd behaviour, but still follows him. Is it because of love or she doesn't know how to protect herself?

And here we have Jonghyun, who's a wacko stalker that likes Jessica. He scares her, caresses her, and threathens to kill her. Then he dies. Wow.

Sehun comes back to betray her again, and Jessica gives him a slap in return while Jonghyun gets caught by the police and goes to jail. And suddenly 3 years past. Hmm.....

I see the 'Rain Sound' lyrics reference =D emotionless=monotone. Don't have to repeat that. 

From Sehun's phonecall flashback to her being hung up(?) was sort of confusing. Then she's suddenly surrounded by some guys. Jonghyun takes off his cap, Jessica is shocked that he's bald. Wow. Then he leans in for a kiss, then drops dead.

Okay, so the first of all, the plot is pretty good, but the random addition of Sooyoung and Sehun's betrayal I could not understand. I think it was irrelavant.

From what I see, Jessica is.......not a really fast reacting girl is she? She knows something is wrong with Sehun, but goes with him. She knows Jonghyun is her stalker, but never actually taken any measures. She then pities her stalker Jonghyun who is going to die, but still has no idea why did he stalk her. I'm not sure what I think about Jessica's character.

Jonghyun was a wacko in the beginning. Then he got caught, thrown into jail, came back out three years later bald because he's dying. Because of what he's dying? And his character changed completely. He looked so weak at the end.

I don't feel like the whole thing has got anything to do with being haunted. I thought Jessica would be traumatized by Jonghyun, which is why the title was haunted, as in haunted by her memories.

You had grammar errors around. It was distracting me in some places, but didn't stood out in some others. I suggest you spell check, read through, ask someone to read through for you, read through yourself again to improve and to see where are the problems and errors.

Overall I think it was an okay fic. The stalker feature wasn't put in properly except in the 3rd chapter. I liked your background though =]

Mark: B-

Good luck and thank you for joining the contest ^^

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Chapter 5: Thanks for your review!
About my English, I'm still learning it. I will improve it.
Hi, I request!

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Thanks :)
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