
[ G u n s ] Reviews

It was good. The starting had a strong angsty feel, but it faded at the flashback parts. It was there again towards the ending. The middle had more romance going on, but that's okay, because romance is where the angst comes from.

Pretty common. I wouldn't say it's something I'd reject all at once, but I may peek at your fic because of your title. I like how she doesn't die, nor she doesn't live. And the slipping of the cliff part was creative. I haven't seen any parts in any fanfictions that involves slipping of cliffs. It leaves us wondering, where is she actually? Dead or alive? From what I understood, she was dead but alive in his heart. Thus him hearing her voice. But I may be wrong =]

Maybe it's just me, but this line feels awkward.
"Park Jiyeon, Kim Myungsoo, do you love each ot
her?" he inquired.
Jaejoong's feelings wasn't clear, because you said he yelled in frustration, not in sadness or hearbreak.
There's one thing I wonder. When did they get married? A month ago as in, a month after their marriage she falls off a cliff? That is sad.........

I enjoyed it =D I can feel Myungsoo's pain after going through so many things and obstacles, and when he thought he finally got what he wanted, he lost it. I also like how there's no one to comfort him. The falling off the cliff and the fact that no one is there to comfort him makes your shot different =]

Mark: A =D

Thank you for requesting a review =]

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Chapter 5: Thanks for your review!
About my English, I'm still learning it. I will improve it.
Hi, I request!

Author : rezka_r07
Story Name : Forgiveness
Story Link :
Genre : romance, friendship
Characters : Jay Kim, Jungmo, Seohyun
Summary : It's about love triangle that brought their friendship in the top of the cliff.

Thanks :)
Chapter 2: Thank you so much for the review...
Author : GreenGardenPop
Story name : Memory in the Rain
Story link :
Characters : Kim Myungsoo & Park Jiyeon
Summary : She disappeared as if the earth had swallowed her up; he hoped that a miracle would bring her back to him.