Bull's eye

[ G u n s ] Reviews

I'm not gonna give a rubric, because I believe those numbers and scores aren't really important. Well it is important, but I'm not giving out scores.

This is what I'm gonna judge, based on YOUR shot.

Make me smile. Not smilling throughout the shot, I may be a little insane if I do, if not then your shot must be really funny. Just a simple smile at the middle or the end will work. If you put a smile on my face, the fluff is good.

Tugging at my heartstrings will do. If my heart budges even a little, it's good. I don't sympathize with characters often. Lets say they're because they exposed themselves. Sorry, no pity party for you. Oh, and killing a character doesn't make the whole thing angsty.

Ghosts don't scare me. Neither do vampires, werewolves and draculas. If i'm reading your shot and I constantly turn back to see what's behind or around me, congratulations, you creeped me out.

I don't know, are there any mystery shots out there? Anyway, make me stop and think, why the hell did it happen? How? Make me ask the 6 'Wh-' questions and a 'H'

Make me laugh. That easy. Lame jokes don't give you any points, neither does slipping over a banana peel. You can prove me wrong.

I'm fine with , but not Yuri, sorry bout that. is not accepted. How dare you dirty the minds of a innocently cute Hallo Kitty
I like to read romance that isn't too cheesy. I like it sweet like floating bubbles and flowers in the air. A mix of angst is fine. Sad sad romance is just, sad.


I won't look so much on the grammar. Unless it really sticks out and bothers me. You can specifically ask me to look through your grammar, if not I'll just read through.


The marks will be A, B, or C, pluses and minuses

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Chapter 5: Thanks for your review!
About my English, I'm still learning it. I will improve it.
Hi, I request!

Author : rezka_r07
Story Name : Forgiveness
Story Link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/349386/forgiveness-jay-jungmo-oneshot-seohyun-snsd-trax
Genre : romance, friendship
Characters : Jay Kim, Jungmo, Seohyun
Summary : It's about love triangle that brought their friendship in the top of the cliff.

Thanks :)
Chapter 2: Thank you so much for the review...
Author : GreenGardenPop
Story name : Memory in the Rain
Story link : http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/366092/memory-in-the-rain-angst-jiyeon-myungsoo-oneshot-myungyeon
Characters : Kim Myungsoo & Park Jiyeon
Summary : She disappeared as if the earth had swallowed her up; he hoped that a miracle would bring her back to him.