The Boyfriend

Life Relationships

The next morning, Jong opened his eyes and saw Key soundly sleeping next to him *he’s so beautiful* thought Jong to himself, Key opened his eyes and saw Jong looking at him –what are you looking at?-said Key pouting  -well good morning to you to-said Jong, Key rolled the other way –what’s wrong-asked Jong –nothing-said Key covering his head with the blanket  -come on, tell me-said Jong –you really want to know?-said Key –obviously, I love you, and I want to know what’s wrong with you-said Jong  -ok then-said Key sitting up, he graved a pillow, took a deep breath and looked at Jong… -YOU!!-said Key throwing the pillow at Jong –WHAT?-asked Jong covering his delicates –you got home drunk, then I had to carry you to the bedroom, then I had to throw you to the bed, then you started doing things to me, you got me all worked up and THEN YOU FELL A SLEEP!!- Said Key throwing pillows at Jong –I’m sorry, I get sleepy when I’m drunk- said Jong –you son of a...-said Key threatening Jong with a pillow wen –sorry for bothering you when your in the middle of fighting over your life but its late and breakfast is ready-said a voice coming from the other side of the door  -who’s that?-asked Jong –ok, we’ll be right out-said Key  -who’s THAT?-asked Jong –your new roommate-said Key getting up –why are you pant’s less?-asked Jong –well, like I said-said Key putting on his pants –what?-asked Jong –you got me all worked up, so I helped myself-said Key getting out of the room, Jong looked under the sheets *oh , I have to clean up the sheets* thought Jong to himself.

Jong got out of the room after putting on clothes, and saw Key and another boy eating,-good morning-said Jong –morning-said the boy –oh, Onew this is Jong my boyfriend, and Jong this is Onew my friend-said Key –nice to meet you-said Jong  shaking Onew’s hand–same here-said Onew –oh quit the formality, Jong, Onew’s 17 and Onew you’re a son of a so don’t try acting like your normal-said Key –well Key, I know I’m a son of a , but, unlike you, I have education-said Onew –-said Key --said Onew  -kids stop fighting and eat your breakfast-said Jong –old mas-mumbled Key –Hey you’re the one dating me-said Jong –that’s because of your huge…-said Key when *sorry sorry sorry  sorry* rang Onew’s phone –sorry I have to take this-said Onew going to another room –is that really the reason why your with me?-asked Jong –no, it’s because I fell for you the first time I saw you, you -said Key –your so cute-said Jong throwing himself at Key –ahh!-yelled Key being pounced by Jong –well I have to go meet Min at the mall, be good boy’s Wyle I’m gone ok-said Onew leaving the house –ok-Yelled Jong. Onew went to the mall to meet his friend Min, when he got there, he saw a beautiful guy with dark hair and an angelic face –Hey Sungmin-said Onew waving at him –Hey Onew, your here-said Min waving back at him –so why did you summon me here?-asked Onew –well, since Hyuk has friends over so he couldn’t bring the kids to the mall so I had to do it-said Min –so where are they?-asked Onew –at the candy store-said min –so let me get this straight, you left the children alone in a candy store-said Onew –oh mother of god TO THE CANDY STORE!-yelled Min running to the candy store , Onew just walked behind Min, when they got to the candy store, -oh dear god IT’S CHILDREN!-yelled Onew –ONEW!!-yelled one of the “kids” and threw himself at Onew –hello Taemin, you’ve gotten bigger since the last time I saw you-said Onew –that’s because I just got back from living with dad, last time you saw me was when i was 9-said Taemin –how old are you now?-asked Onew –I’m 14 years old-said Taemin –well, your still a baby to me-said Onew –and me?-asked the other “kid” –you have chocolate on your face Hae-said Taemin –so do you-said Hae –so DongHae how old are you?-asked Onew –I’m 15-said Hae –still a child-said Onew –what time is it?-asked Hae –it’s 2:0clock-said Min –He’s late!-said Taemin –I’ll call him-said Hae graving his phone –who’s late?-asked Onew –Hae’s boyfriend-said Taemin –he’s NOT my boyfriend, he’s my Best friend-said Hae –come on, stop bothering your brother-said Onew –fine, so how’s your girlfriend?-asked Taemin –how did you know I have a girlfriend?-asked Onew –your really hot-said Taemin –TAE!-yelled Min –well he is-said Taemin –HE’S HERE!-yelled Hae running out of the candy shop –who’s here?-asked Onew –one of Hae’s friends-said Min –witch one?-asked Onew –I don’t know, I’ve never met him-said Min –well let’s go meet him-said Onew, the guys got out of the candy store and saw Hae with a guy *he doesn’t look 15*thought Min looking at the boy with brown hair and a dark yet y look in his eyes –this is Kyu, my friend from school-said Hae-Hello, nice to meet you all, I am Cho Kyu Hyun-said Kyu –Hi there, I am Lee Tae Min, this is Lee Sung Min, we are Hae’s brothers and this is Onew Min’s friend and my future husband-said Taemin –your together?-asked Kyu –no, but I will eventually seduce him and make him mine forever-said Taemin –you’ve bin saying that since you were 6-said Onew –I’m still young, I have time-said Taemin –sure-said Onew –well, what do you boys want to do?-asked Min –let’s go to the game shop-said Hae-ok lets-said Min, the guys got to the game shop and started looking at the videogames, after a while, Min approached Kyu –what game are you looking for?-asked Min –Final Fantasy X-said Kyu –I have that game, it’s good-said Min –really?-asked Kyu –yeah, I really like videogames and anime-said Min –wow, cute, gamer and otaku, your just my type-said Kyu –your gay?-asked Min –yeah-said Kyu.....

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Chapter 3: Damnit, Ili! Continue your firetrucking story!!
Y U No let me read it at home? :(
Chapter 2: why my sichul break up!!!!
kangteuk is okay for now!!
update soon