The work place

Life Relationships


Kangin left the house and went to work. When he got there, he got out of the car–Hey Kangin! - yelled someone from behind  him, Kangin turned around –Hey JongHyun-said Kangin –Hey, is Shindong here yet?-asked Jong–I don’t know, I just got here-said Kangin laughing–well let’s go in then-said Jong putting his hand on Kangin’s back while walking to the entry of their work place –So, how’s your “baby boy”?-asked Kangin –Oh, HES SO BEAUTIFUL! He keeps getting so big, and he’s so damn y, when we get to bed and he goes down on me…-was saying Jong wen –Hey guys-said a guy sitting on a cubicle –Hey Shindong-said Kangin –Hey Shin, I was in the middle of telling Kan how my y “boy” is –said Jong –Well Jong, I think it’s to early to be thinking of how your little “boy toy” goes down on you-said Shindong –HE’S NOT A “BOYTOY” I’m serious about him-said Jong blushing –Is he serious about you?-asked Kangin –He loves me <3 –said Jong with a sparkle on his eyes and a goofy smile on his face –yeah that’s what they all say-mumbled Shindong –What was that?!-said Jong angrily –Jong, Shin, it’s 9am, it’s to early to tart fighting, stop it-said Kangin –fine-said Jong glaring at Shindong –sure-said Shindong turning his back to Jonghyun –come on, lets get working-said Kangin sitting on his cubicle. After a few hours working –OH GOD WE’VE BIN WORKING FOR EVER-said Jonghyun –It’s only bin 5hrs-said Kangin –LUNCH TIME!-said Shindong –Well you guys look happy-said a female coworker –Hello Tiffany, your looking well-said Kangin –Hey Tiffs watt’s up?-said Jong –Thanks Kangin, and how is your “Boy Toy” Jonhyunny?-said Tiffany giggling  -HE’S NOT A “BOY TOY”-said Jonghyun –So, what do you guys want four lunch?-asked Tiffany –hmm, how about some Kongbap and Galbi-said Shindong –ok, it’ll be ready for when you guys get to the cafeteria-said Tiffany writing the order –Thanks Tiffs-said Jong –Hey Shin, why so quiet?-asked Tiffany –Oh, sorry Tiff I was reading a text-said Shindong –from your wife?-asked Tiffany –Yeah-said Shindong looking down –Well it’s lunch time, so go eat ok-said Tiffany putting her hand on Shindong’s back –ok-said Shindong smiling at Tiffany –well I’ll go ahead and make your order-said Tiffany walking away –my god she gets prettier every day-said Shindong –well make a move-said Jong –I can’t-said Shindong –why not?-asked Jong –I have a wife-said Shindong –so?-asked Jong –what do you mean so?!-said Shindong –Well, I don’t want to sound mean but, your wife’s a -said Jong –don’t talk about her like that-said Shindong –well it’s true, and you don’t even love her anymore-said Jong –I still wont cheat on her-said Sindong –why haven’t you left her?-asked Jong –it’s complicated, I want a divorce but she doesn’t-said Shindong –Do what I did-said Jong –I’m not going to tell her that I’m gay-said Shindong –why not?-asked Jong -Couse I’m not gay-said Shindong –I wasn’t ether until I met my beautiful Key-said Jong –well I like girls-said Shindong –I can act like your gay lover-said Jong –you know my wife will skin you alive-said Shindong –she wont-said Jong –why not?-asked Shindong –I run fast-said Shindong –Hey where’s kan?-asked Shindong –it’s 2:15pm-said Jong –oh yeah, it’s time for his boyfriend to get out of school, so he’s probably talking with him on the phone-said Shindong –aww “young love”-said Jong –it’s not young love, Kangin’s 31-said Shindong –just because he’s older doesn’t mean that it’s not young love-said Jong –yes it does, young love means YOUNG PEOPLE in love-said Shindong –his lover is 20-said Jong –yeah, but he’s 31-said Shindong –your so mean-said Jong crossing his arms and turning his head an other way –Oh-said Shindong –what?-asked Jong –that’s why you always say things about your “boy toy”, because you think that if he’s young your young to-said Shindong laughing at Jonghyun –I am young, it’s not like I’m 40, I’m only 30-said Jong –so am i-said Shiondong –see, your young to-said Jong –no, we are old-said Shindong –THAT’S NOT TRUE!-said Jong –ok, what do you do when you get home?-asked Shindong –well, first I shower, then eat, then watch TV and then go to sleep…oh my god I am old-said Jong –weird-said Shindong –what?-asked Jong –you didn’t mention you “boy toy”-said Shindong –well I was saying what I’m going to do today, he has exams coming up so he has to study…OH MY GOD I MISS HIM ALLREADY!-said Jong –drama queen-said Shindong –SHUT UP!-said Jong –Hey I’m back, come on let’s go eat-said Kangin –YEAH! FOOD!-said Shindong –is that all you think of Shin?-asked Jong –it’s better than my wife-said Shindong –food, come on-said Kangin putting his hand on Shindong’s back –ok lets go!-said Jong skipping around. Once the guys started eating in the cafeteria *I LOVE YOU (BY 2NE1)* RANG JongHyun’s phone –oh, it’s Key… Hi baby-said Jong piking up the phone –so, what where you fighting about this time?-asked Kangin –he told me to tell my wife to tell my wife that I’m gay-said Shindong –But, your not gay so we can get a divorce-said Kangin –I know, that’s what I said-said Shindong –immature dork-said Kangin –You hang up first, no you hang up first..-said Jong on the phone with Key –My god he’s an idiot-said Shindong –well lunch time is over, let’s get back to work and go drinking once were done with work-said Kangin –oh god yes drinking-said Shindong. After they were done with work, Kangin, Shindong and Jonghyun went four a couple of drinks. –Well I’ll call it a night-said Kangin –oh, why? We don’t have work tomorrow-said Shindong –I know, but I’m finally going to let my brothers meet Teuk, so I have to go rest, knowing Wook he’s going to make all of us get up early and clean-said Kangin –well, bye-said Shindong –bye Kan oppa-said Jong –stop calling me oppa when your drunk-said Kangin –never-said-Jong –my god you’re an easy drunk-said Shindong –well I’ll call it a night to-said Jong –ok-said Shindong –oh, your not going to try to make me stay?-said Jong –no, it’s going to be more peaceful once you leave-said Shindong –you …ok bye-said Jong. Jong took a Taxi home, once he got in the door after half an hour trying to unlock the door knob –Your late-said a cute boy sitting on a couch wearing nothing but boxers and one of Jong’s t-shirts –OH MY GOD KEY! What are you doing here, aren’t you suppose to be home studying?-asked Jong wobbling around –I don’t need to be home to study, and your drunk-said Key walking towards Jong –I am not…well maybe a little-said Jong –come on,  I’ll take you to bed-said Key –yeah, !-said Jong –not in your condition-said Key –that’s what you say-said Jong when they walked in to the bed room, key threw Jong to the bed –It’s ok, I like it rough-said Jong –I’ll get you some water-said Key –ok I’ll wait here-said Jong –ok water-said Key walking in to the room –here drink up, on and, can you do me a favor?-said Key giving Jong the water –sure whatever you want-said Jong drinking the water –can a friend stay here four a little while?-asked Key –how old is he?-asked Jong –seventeen-said Key –no way, he’s a minor-said Jong –so am i-said Key –yeah, but I’m putting my stick in you-said Jong –come on, it’s only four a little while, his parents kicked him out and he has no place to go-said Key –fine, when will he move in?-asked Jong –actually he’s already in the guest room-said Key –WHAT!-shouted Jong –don’t worry, he can cook and clean-said Key –but that’s what you do-said Jong –yeah, and I don’t live here, but since he does he can do it when I’m bot here, or when we are busy doing it all night long-said Key –fine-said Jong –thanks baby-said Key giving Jong a kiss, Jong pulled Key under him on the bed –your drunk you’ll fall a sleep-said Key – wont-said Jong, Jong pulled up Key’s shirt and started liking him –mmnm- moaned Key –Jong… Jong?-said key looking down –OH GOD DAMN IT YOU FELL A SLEEP!-said Key.

The next morning…………….

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Chapter 3: Damnit, Ili! Continue your firetrucking story!!
Y U No let me read it at home? :(
Chapter 2: why my sichul break up!!!!
kangteuk is okay for now!!
update soon