I'm Back part 2

It Means Nothing

Warning: I didn't proof read because I'm a lazy bastard. Enjoy^^




I'm Back part 2
"I could probably already guess what happened judging by the bruises on your , but why have you been gone for so long? Your wasn't the only place that was bruised too" Luhan said with a frown. He truly felt bad for Kevin. He seems like a nice boy, who would want to hurt him like that. Kevin stayed silent in the passenger seat while looking out the window. He could already feel the tears coming. Kevin took a deep breathe before answering.
Kevin's POV
"I was kidnapped…" I heard myself whisper. I felt a stinging feeling in my eyes but I didn't try to blink it away. I didn't want to cry. "I was on my way to meet up with my friend Aiden. Poor boy didn't know the way to the place I stayed at"
"You're house?" Luhan interrupted.
"I guess you could call it that. It really did feel like a home to me but it also felt like I didn't belong there. It was my boyfriends house" I explained.
"I see. I'm sorry, go on"
"So I told him to meet me at the front of our school right? So I was walking and I cut through an alleyway. I felt like somebody was following me but I didn't see anyone so I kept walking. I don't even know what happened next, but the next thing I know is waking up in a dark room. There were these group of boys who I found out later to be my classmates tried to touch me. I'm a really stubborn and proud person so I resisted them, but they kept tou-" I couldn't continue. The pool of tears finally leaked down my face and I hid my face in my hands in shame. My first night there was one of the worst nights there. I'll never forget that day. I took a deep breathe and tried to talk again.
"They kept touching me. No matter how many times I told them to stop, no matter how many times I begged them to stop, they still kept going. I was desperate…" I paused while I recalled the most shameful moment of my life
"I g-got desperate and I…"
"You don't have to tell me. Don't force yourself" Luhan said while rubbing my knee with one hand. I shook my head and looked up at him.
"No, I have to do this. I can't let this take over me" I said determinedly. 
"I'm sorry, I'm not trying to sound all dramatic" I chuckled despite my emotions.
"It's fine, I think you have the right to be dramatic" Luhan reassured. I took a deep shaky breathe and stared at the road in front of us while not paying attention to it what so ever.
"Their hands felt disgustingly warm on my legs" I shivered when my body felt the same sensation I described. It felt like my body was reliving the moment. "They forced my legs open and I tried to fight back! I really did but…it wasn't enough. I was desperate so I pushed. I pushed like my life depended on it. I pushed so hard I felt light headed. I pushed for my life.…" Luhan nodded like he understood what I was trying to say which I'm truly grateful for.
"That wasn't enough though. They cleaned me up right away after nearly beating me to unconsciousness, and they took me. I tried to push again but I had nothing left in me" I sobbed into my hands feeling embarrassed and ashamed. Those damn monsters put me through hell.
"I'm sorry that happened to you Kevin" Luhan whispered; I could tell he was close to tears by his shaky voice. Luhan pulled over the car and pulled me into a hug. It was a bit uncomfortable due to the gear shift and that little cabinet thing in the middle but the hug did make me feel safe. Even though Luhan is still a stranger to me, I can tell we're going to be great friends. We stayed like that for a while before I pulled away. I rubbed my eyes with the back of my hands and put on a smile.
"Thank you" I said.
"For what?" Luhan asked.
"For being so kind to me" I answered.
"Well, you're welcome" he beamed and went back onto the road. 
"You should rest, I'll wake you when we get there" Luhan said softly. 
"Okay" I said as I reclined my seat as far back as it allowed and took a quick nap. Luhans soft singing made the task much easier.
"You have a great voice" I whispered before I let sleep take over me. I woke up later to screaming. 
"What the hell?" I thought. I looked over to the drivers seat to find it empty. 
My eyes were wide open and my mouth agape. That voice, it's her voice. I sat up on the passengers seat and looked out the window. Luhan was currently in front of my…well in front of my mothers house arguing with my mother. I guess that means we're here. I slowly made my way out the car and towards Luhan and my mother. 
"How can you say that about your own so-"
"Hey Mom" I said quietly. Both eyes were on me now with shocked expressions. 
"Kevin…" my mother said still shocked. 
"I'm back" I said hopefully with a smile on my face. Her eyes roamed my body and her eyes grew bigger while looking at the many bandages on my frame. 
"Was she worried about me?" I thought with raising hopes. I smiled at the women who stood dumbstruck in front of me. My smile almost quickly dropped when her face hardened. 
"Mom? I have no children" she said flatly. I forced the smile to stay on my face as I spoke. I expected something like this to happen anyway. 
"You " Luhan seethed but remained silent after receiving a look from me.
"I just wanted to let you know that I am safe now and that you don't have to worry anymore. I'm sorry if I caused you any trouble while I was gone. I really missed you…" my words were shaky towards the end and I couldn't stop the tear from falling down my face. Her expression softened a little but she remained silent. "I had a lot to think about when I was gone. I love you mom and I want you in my life. I'm so sorry I didn't turn out the way you wanted me to, but can't you still love me? Please? I need you Mom, please!" I went down on my hands and knees with my head bowed down facing the floor. I stayed like that for a long time even after I heard the front door to my former house close. How can she just leave me like this? Was she not worried at all? Does she really not love me anymore? Not even little? 
"No…" I whispered
"Kevin, are you okay?" Luhan asked but I didn't hear him
"No, no, no…"
"NO!" I quickly rose to my feet and ran to the front door. I slammed the front door open and frantically roamed the house for my mother. Even if she disowned me, even if she doesn't love me anymore, even if she was happier when I was gone, even if she would rather have me dead I still need her. I still love her. She's my mother for s sake. She stayed when my father left. She didn't replace me like my father had. She went to my first singing recital, she taught me how to ride a bike, to swim, to cook, to roller blade, she took me to the park, she hugged me when I cried, she kissed me when I got good scores on a test, she would make me laugh when I was mad, and goddammit she's my mother and I love her! I need her! 
"MOM!" Please love me
"MOM!" I still need you
"MOM!" I want you to be there in the crowd when I graduate. I need you to be there when I get married. I want you to be there to meet your grandson. I want you to be there for me when the world turned its back on me.
"PLEASE MOM!" I didn't even realize I was pounding on my mothers locked door until she opened it. She was crying.
"Mom" I whispered "Please, I still need you; I still love you" I pleaded.
"I called your father; he already paid for your plane ticket, and I printed it out for you. Here" my mom said through tears. She's obviously sad, why the is she doing this?!
"No, I want to stay here with you! Please Mom, don't send me away! I love you Mom, I'll do whatever you want. I'll get a job, I'll pay the bills, I'll clean the house, I'll do everything! Please don't send me away! I love you!" I was bawling my eyes out right now but I don't give two s about that. I pulled her into my arms as I continued to beg for her love. She harshly shoved me away.
"You flight leaves next Sunday at 3pm. Please just take it and leave" she said shoving the plane ticket into my hand and closed the door in my face. I didn't notice Luhan carrying me back into the car, I didn't notice how trashed the house was, I didn't notice the countless beer bottles around the house, I didn't notice the thick scent of alcohol in the house, I didn't notice how pale my mother was, I didn't notice how skinny my mothers gotten, and I didn't notice the picture she held in her other hand of me and her hugging while smiling at the camera. I didn't notice Luhan sneaking worried glances at me nor how much I was crying. I didn't notice when we arrived at Dongho's house, I didn't notice Luhan speaking with Dongho's mother who has already been called by my mother, I didn't notice Dongho's dad carrying me out the car and into the house, I didn't notice being tucked into Dongho's bed, I didn't notice my things in the corner of Dongho's room. 
I just noticed the pain. I heard that having kidney stones is the worst pain you can ever go through as a male. I'd gladly take on that pain then the pain I was feeling now. She really doesn't love me anymore. That thought just kept repeating itself in my mind. She doesn't love me anymore.
Dongho's POV
"K-Kevin's back?" I stuttered
"Yes, now we need to hurry up and get to your house!" Aiden said before running past. I soon came back to reality and ran after Aiden. I can't believe it, Kevin's alive! He's ing alive! I can't wait to see him and kiss all over his beautiful face. Wait is he okay? Where did he come from? What happened to him?! Soon enough we stormed through my front door.
"Dongho, you're home!" My mother said surprised.
"Where's Kevin?" I asked right away "Why didn't you tell me he was here?!" I seethed.
"You will watch your tone with me!" My mom said smacking the back of my head. I merely rolled my eyes. "When I tried to tell you, you ran out the door. As for Kevin, he is sleeping in your room" my mom said
"I'm going to see him" I said making my way to the stairs.
"Son" my dad said holding onto my wrist. I looked at the hand holding me back and to my father.
"What Dad?" I asked annoyed. 
"You should let Kevin rest for now. We need to talk in the living room"
"But Dad!"
"I won't repeat myself" and with that I sighed and made my way towards the living room. I noticed a boy I've never seen before sitting on the armchair. I looked at him curiously before taking a seat on the couch. Aiden took a seat beside me while my father stood in front of us. 
"Kevin is leaving for the states next Sunday to live with his father" my father started.
"What?!" He's leaving already? He just got back, he can't leave already! 
"As soon as he wakes up your mother and I are going to take him to the hospital" My eyes grew wide at this. 
"He's hurt? What happened to him?!" I asked frantically
"He's been…" my father paused for a moment causing me to panic even more.
"Tell me! What happened?!" I asked frantically. Was he cut up by some sick psychopath? Was he ? What the was it?! My dad took a shaky breathe before continuing
"He was , countless times. He managed to escape, and this young man helped him get here" I looked at the stranger in the armchair and then at my father. He was ? This whole time he's been gone, he's been ? I buried my face in my hands and cried. Dammit, this is all my fault! I'm the worst boyfriend ever!
"What are you and Aiden planning to do now?" My father asked. I looked up at him through my blurry vision confused.
"W-What d-do you m-mean?" I said through sniffles and hiccups.
"When are you going to tell Kevin about your relationship?" My father asked us. I looked over at Aiden who also looked as shocked as I was and back to my father. , I forgot all about my relationship with Aiden. What am I going to say to Kevin? I still love him.
"We have to break up" Aiden said shocking both me and my father. (A/n people would tell me it's my father and I" but who the hell thinks like that? I don't announce my father and I are going to the store, I say me and my dad are going to the store. Lets be realistic. If it bothers you then I'm sorry, I'm not the best writer. I write things the way I want, and plus I'm a lazy bastard. I'm sorry to those who get annoyed with my writing ;( )
"What?" I asked shocked 
"We have to break up Dongho" Aiden said more firmly.
"A-Are you sure?" I asked. I'm not going to put up a fight because I totally agree, but I didn't expect Aiden to be so ok with it. 
"Yes I'm sure" Aiden sighed.
"Thank you, I'm sorry" I whispered as I pulled Aiden into a hug. I pulled away as I heard the doorbell being .
"I'll get it!" My mother said already making her way towards the door. 
"Is it true? Is he really here?" I heard a frantic voice ask. Why the is he here.
"Yes, come in Eli" I groaned when I heard that name. 
"What are you doing here?!" I snapped as soon as that damn pigeon came into view.
"I'm here to see Kevin. Is he okay? Is he hurt? Where is he? What happened to him?" Eli asked frantically. He actually cares. I didn't even try to hold back my scoff. 
"Hey Yoonji" I greeted the girl behind Eli completely ignoring the worried bird. 
"Hi Dongho" she greeted back
"He's upstairs resting in Dongho's room. As soon as he wakes up, we're going to take him to the hospital. He's been through a lot Eli" my mother answered. 
"Don't tell him that Mom, why is he even here?" I asked not hiding my annoyance. 
"What happened to him? Is he okay?" Eli asked even more worried.
"He's been kidnapped and . That boy over there helped him bandage his bruises and help him get here. You should really be grateful to him" my mother said gesturing to the boy on the armchair who hasn't spoken a word this whole time.
"He doesn't need to know this Mom! Make him leave!" Eli makes his way towards the boy and gets down on his knees shocking everyone in the room. The ? 
"Thank you so much for helping my best friend. I am forever grateful to you. If there is anything you need just let me know. Thank you so much!" Eli said as he knelt in front of the boy. His body was shaking and it wasn't hard to tell that he was crying. All of us were still in total shock. Eli the pigeon bird is actually on his knees? He's crying? I was too shocked to say anything. 
"Don't thank me. I'm really glad I helped Kevin, he really is a nice guy. I was planning on coming to Seoul anyway" the boy smiled as he tried to get Eli off the floor. 
"Please get up" Eli stood up and brought the boy into his arms, shocking everyone again. 
"Thank you so much, what's your name?" Eli asked
"L-Luhan" the boy stuttered.
"Thank you Luhan" Luhan smiled and returned the hug before pulling away. 
"It really is nothing. I'm happy to have helped him" Eli nodded while wiping his face. Wow. 
"Get the keys Yeobo, Kevin is up!" My mother called from upstairs. 
A/n Wow, hi guys. Long time no write! I have no excuse besides being lazy and having no idea what to write so go ahead and hate me. I'm sorry D: Well I kind of shed a tear when I wrote the part with Kevin's mom, I would never be able to handle that sort of thing. The douchebag Eli actually got on his knees?! What?! I hope you guys liked the chapter, I did ^^ hehe. Until next time! <3
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Just wondering... Did u give up on this?
Chapter 28: Orz re-read this whole fanfic and the part where Kevin's mom pushed him away was so sad :(
I expected Kevin to feel like painful after getting back but I'm surprised he wasn't o____o
He should tell Dongho that he just wants to be friends sooner or everything else will get messed up even more~ ^^
Eli awkwardly changed lol ;;
I wonder what they fought about? Hmm.
Update soon please :3
Chapter 28: YAY omg! I cant wait for another update. ;u;
stargazer0732 #4
Chapter 28: i still want eli and kevin to get together in the end. would it still be possible though?
Chapter 28: an update o mai gosh an update yeayeayeyaeyaeyahhhhhh

did eli just confessed to kevin oh oh oh i cant wait for the next chapter *dancing to she's mine*

excuse me while i'm trying to fix my brain bye
Chapter 28: I'm glad that u didn't give up on this story, it's such a good story, so please don't give up on it! We want to know the ending of it! And, y the fight? Was it over Kevin? I'm really excited to know, so update soon, please!
Noona-nomu-yepo123 #7
Chapter 28: Er mer gersh finally you update!! Lol. Btw nice chapter :). I'll be waiting for your next update :)
Noona-nomu-yepo123 #8
Chapter 27: Plz update soon i can't take it anymore >.<. Lol :P
kaiah1717 #9
Chapter 27: Happy 17 birthday god bless u and ur family .
No more update?