8/14 part 2

It Means Nothing


8/14 part 2
Aiden's POV
Where the heck is that kid? I've been waiting in front of the school for an hour now, and he's not answering my calls or texts. If he didn't want to hang out with me, he could've just said no instead of making we wait out here like this. I blew my bangs from my forehead feeling annoyed. Forget it, I'm just going to Jason's house. I fished through my pockets for my phone. I quickly called Jason, and impatiently tapped my foot on the floor, waiting for him to answer.
"Hello?" Jason greeted once he answered.
"Hey babe, I'm coming over right now" I said. 
"I thought you were hanging out with Kevin today?"
"Yeah, I was but he never showed up" I said angrily.
"What? Kevin is never late. Did you try calling him?" Jason asked concerned. 
"Yeah, I left him a bunch of texts too!"
"Where are you now?"
"In front of the school"
"Wait there, I'm going to come and get you. Something doesn't feel right..."
"Um…okay" I said as I started to get a little worried. He hung up first. My frustration was slowly leaving, and being replaced by worry. Is Kevin okay? What if he got hurt or something? What if somebody kidnapped him?! My heart started to race as my mind came up with different scenarios. I hope he's okay. I quickly surveyed the area feeling uneasy. I started to get paranoid, what if I'm next? I started to pace back and forth feeling scared. Jason needs to double time it because I'm starting to get scared for my own safety. I suddenly felt someone tap my shoulder causing my to scream.
"Babe, it's me" Jason said pulling me into a hug.
"You jerk, you scared the poop out of me!" I said as I held onto him tightly. I felt so relieved I wasn't alone anymore.
"It's alright babe, I'm here" Jason said soothingly as he placed a kiss on my forehead. "We need to go to Dongho's house. I have a bad feeling"
"Do you think Kevin is alright?" I asked.
"He's a strong guy. I'm pretty sure he's alright" Jason said as he took my hand into his, and lead the way to Dongho's house. I really hope Kevin's alright. We finally reached Dongho's house, and rang the door bell. 
"Hey guys….wheres Kevin?" Dongho asked confused.
"He isn't here?" Jason asked.
"No, he was supposed to meet with Aiden"
"Yeah, but he never showed up. I waited for him in front of the school for an hour" I said 
"Did you try calling him?" Dongho asked, it was obvious he was getting worried just like us.
"Yeah, but he never answered my calls nor my texts"
"Damn, alright hold on" Dongho said taking out his phone. "I'm gonna try and call him" Dongho put his phone to his ear. "Damn it, he's not answering!" Dongho said looking more worried. Kevin, where are you?
"What should we do now?" I ask.
"We look for him!" Dongho states as he quickly puts on his shoes, and storms past us.
"KEVIN!!" I scream. We've been looking for hours. His favorite hang outs, and locations, but we still couldn't find him. I attempted to call Kevin again as I entered an ally. I could hear a faint ringing in the distance, but I'm too focused on the task at hand to acknowledge it.
"Damn it, still no answer. Kevin, please be safe" Although I've only been here for a little over then a month, me and Kevin have already established a tight bond. I try calling him again, and again I hear that faint ringing in the distance.
"Kevin?" I called out curiously. I hung up the phone, and just as I did, the ringing also stopped. I called Kevin's phone again, and I hear the ringing go off in the distance as well.
"KEVIN!" I shout as I run down the ally way, but I see no one. I walk closer to the ringing and spot a cell phone on the floor. I pick it up and saw "Incoming call from Aiden" written on the screen. I feel a sense of relief and urgency as I begin to scan the area. 
"Kevin!" I call out as I search the ally. I looked in the dumpsters and every other corner of the ally, but I still couldn't find him. Kevin, where the hell are you? I pull my phone out again, and call Dongho.
"Hello?! Did you find him?!" Dongho answered urgently.
"No, I'm sorry. I did find his cell phone though in an ally" 
"What?! Where?!" 
"Not to far from your house"
"Okay, wait for me there!"
With that said, Dongho hung up.
I really hope Kevin is okay, I can't help but feel like this is my fault. If I had just stuck with the plan and just met up with Kevin at Dongho's house, none of this would have happened. Next thing I knew, I was leaning against the wall crying, clutching onto Kevin's phone near my chest. 
"Please be safe" I whispered, hoping that where ever Kevin is, he's safe. 
"Aiden?" I could hear Dongho calling my name from the distance. 
"I-I'm over here!" I called out, wiping the tears from my face. "Here's his phone" I say, handing the phone over to Dongho. 
"Where's Jason?" 
"He's still looking. I didn't call him yet. Alright, I'll call Yoonji and ask if she saw Kevin around" Dongho said, pulling out his phone.
"Shouldn't we call the police?" I questioned.
"They won't start looking for him until tomorrow if I do. He hasn't been missing for 24 hours yet" he sighs. "Oh, uh hello?"
"Yeah it's Dongho. Is Kevin with you?" What a stupid question. He was obviously kidnapped, why else would his phone be here without him? 
"No, he's not with me. He was supposed to meet up with Aiden today, but he never showed, and we found his cell phone in an ally. I'm really worried…"
"Can you ask Eli if he's seen him?"
"Oh…well I'll keep looking. Thanks anyway." Dongho said hanging up. He let out a heavy sigh and leaned his back against a wall covering his face with one of his hands. I notice his body shaking, and I know he's crying.
"Dongho" I said putting a hand on his shoulder "I'm sure we'll find him" I said trying to comfort him. He doesn't say anything. We stay quiet for a while until I hear my phone ring.
"Babe, it's Jason. Have you found him yet?"
"No, but I did find his cell phone in an ally"
"Damn it, where are you now?" 
"In the ally where I found Kevin's cell phone, next to Dongho's house"
"Alright, wait for me there"
"Okay, be safe"
"I will" 
I let out another sigh as I hung up the phone.
"The only place left to look is at Kevin's place" Dongho said, standing up straight. I nod and follow him as he walks away.
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Just wondering... Did u give up on this?
Chapter 28: Orz re-read this whole fanfic and the part where Kevin's mom pushed him away was so sad :(
I expected Kevin to feel like painful after getting back but I'm surprised he wasn't o____o
He should tell Dongho that he just wants to be friends sooner or everything else will get messed up even more~ ^^
Eli awkwardly changed lol ;;
I wonder what they fought about? Hmm.
Update soon please :3
Chapter 28: YAY omg! I cant wait for another update. ;u;
stargazer0732 #4
Chapter 28: i still want eli and kevin to get together in the end. would it still be possible though?
Chapter 28: an update o mai gosh an update yeayeayeyaeyaeyahhhhhh

did eli just confessed to kevin oh oh oh i cant wait for the next chapter *dancing to she's mine*

excuse me while i'm trying to fix my brain bye
Chapter 28: I'm glad that u didn't give up on this story, it's such a good story, so please don't give up on it! We want to know the ending of it! And, y the fight? Was it over Kevin? I'm really excited to know, so update soon, please!
Noona-nomu-yepo123 #7
Chapter 28: Er mer gersh finally you update!! Lol. Btw nice chapter :). I'll be waiting for your next update :)
Noona-nomu-yepo123 #8
Chapter 27: Plz update soon i can't take it anymore >.<. Lol :P
kaiah1717 #9
Chapter 27: Happy 17 birthday god bless u and ur family .
No more update?