Chapter 4 ~ Luhan

The Cat and The Dog

I'm sowwy T-T

Forgive me? I know it's been probably half a year (I'm an awful author, aren't I?), but I hope you don't completely hate me. 


P.S. This is dedicated to my nice friend PatriciaKoiFish, who inspired me to finish this chapter XD

P.P.S.I know this is fairly short and I'm sowwy TT.TT









I’m so happy~~


I finally have the solution to making my Minseokkie fall in love with meeeeeeeeee~


I knew I should have looked to Kris for help. He’s so smart! It was so simple, but I didn’t think of it.


Why didn’t I think of it?


Nevermind, that doesn’t matter. I’m sure I would have thought of it sooner or later if I spent more time thinking about it, but I was getting impatient. Can you blame me? Minseokkie’s just so cute! Of course I’d be distracted.


What does matter is that now I’ve got the solution! And it is…uh….it’s…uh….I forgot.


Why do I have such a bad memory? I guess Minseokkie was right every time he called me pea brained. But of course, my Minseokkie is always right!


Ah, Minseokkie~


But now I’ll have to go look for Kris all over again. He’ll be mad for sure. I don’t know if he’ll tell me the solution again, he’s mean that way. He likes to torture everyone except Tao. Of course, no one would dare even make Tao disappointed because he’s so cute and innocent and everyone just can’t help but want to make him happy (they might also be afraid of Kris’s wrath, I think).


I sniff all around the apartment, but he seems to have mysteriously disappeared. Huh. That’s weird. Of all the things I thought Kris could do, magic definitely wasn’t one of them. He’s so clumsy I would be worried for the world if he could do magic. God only knows what kind of spell he would try to do, get wrong, and kill someone with (am I mean that I kind of want that someone to be Chanyeol? I love the kid, but sometimes, you can’t help but hate him….I mean, I know it’s hard to resist Minseokkie but he doesn’t have to every time he sees him…).


I do eventually kind Kris, but it’s in the shared bed-basket he has with Tao, and it takes me a long time to gather up enough courage to approach him (he doesn’t like it when someone bothers him when he’s with Tao). When I do, he growls menacingly at me, and only the thought of Minseokkie finally being mine keeps me in my spot and not running for my life while howling bloody murder at the top of my lungs (there is also the fact that Seokkie would probably hate me for life if I did that too).


I cower under his intense glare, and I could only thank the high heavens that Tao calmed him down before I was shredded into little Luhan-bits. Jongdae would have been devastated.


“What do you want?” He asks in a voice that clearly indicates that I’m not welcome and that he’s only that far from snapping at me, Tao or not.


“T-the p-p-plan…” I whimper in a manly fashion when he growls only louder.


“…..Of course. Of course you would forget it in only thirty minutes, of course.” He mutters under his breath and I’m fairly sure I heard the words “idiot” and “sop” and an array of colourful words – some of which I hadn’t even heard of before (and varying in language from Korean to Chinese to English).


“Hey! I – ” I cut myself off under the ever more intense glare he directs at me. “I…I…nevermind. The plan?”


Kris seems to be about to snap at me, when Tao stretches up and whispers in his ear. Kris looks contemplative for a second, then grins mischievously, and turns to me. I’m suddenly very scared and scold myself for having such a bad memory.


Mother, father, Jongdae, Seokkie, everyone, I love you. *sobs*


I sniffle softly, wishing everyone a happy life and get myself ready for whatever torture Kris has planned.


“Ignore him.”




“…What?...WHAT? I CAN’T DO THAT. I CAN’T.SEOKKIE IS MY LIFE. I CAN’T IGNORE HIM. I’D DIE!” I wail despairingly, tears already collecting at the mere thought of not paying lavish attentions to my dearest Seokkie baby, hoping desperately that it was just a cruel joke and that wasn’t actually what I was supposed to do.


Kris only grins wickedly, and snuggles back in with Tao. “Too bad. it up and deal with it. Now if you bother me again, I will make sure your precious Seokkie never even looks at you again.”


I skulk off, whimpering every then and so at the thought of “the plan.” I wish I’d never asked Kris for help.


I find Seokkie sleeping curled up next to the sofa and immediately forget that I was supposed to ignoring him. I jump on him and plant kisses all over his face and as per usual, he swipes at me angrily, hisses viciously, and climbs atop the bookshelf that he frequents when he’s trying to avoid me.


I paw sadly at the bottom, trying to plead at him with my puppy eyes, but to no avail. Seokkieeeeeeeee


I remember Kris’s plan, and against my better judgement, I decide to try it. I sadly plop myself down at the bottom of the shelf, using all my self control not to look up. It takes a while, and, just when I’m about to give up and start trying to climb the shelf again, I hear the lightest of thuds as Seokkie lands in front of me.


My eyes widen, and I just barely manage to stop myself from rushing at him. Patience. Patience is the key.


He circles around me slowly, as if trying to size me up. I follow his path, mesmerized by his beautiful eyes (he so pretty~). I turn my head until I can’t anymore, then whip it around (I swear I nearly broke it – I think I heard a crack) to catch sight of him on my other side.


He does it a bit more and although I try my best, I get dizzy very easily and the room starts to spin. Seokkie seems almost amused, and in an effort to maintain my self control (patience) I squeeze my eyes shut.


I breathe deeply, trying to calm myself.


Suddenly, I feel a soft pat on my head, and I decide ‘to hell with it. Minseookieeeeeeee~


I run straight in the direction I think he’s in, only to crash headfirst into the shelf. But that doesn’t really matter because he patted me. He loves me~



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dibsfortwo #1
Wow its been so long, but I really wish for an update on this adorable xiuhan story <3
Chapter 4: So cute. Luhan is so cute. Everything is so cute.
Drugs, drugs everywhere
Pabo-sshi #3
Chapter 5: Hahaha, so cute and funny! X3

Even though I am not interested in Xiuhan, I like this story and maybe I am starting to like Xiuhan?

Anyways, update soon!! Fighting! !
Chapter 5: Omg cute cute cute

I hope Lu Han stays stupid forever because this chapter is really adorable
chunjoe1004 #6
nice story!
Chapter 4: I'm so happy you updated ^^
This is so cute! Lu Han is adorbs and Minseok, please notice you loooooooooooove Lu Han already!
I wonder what Kris and Lu Han talked about... Hmmm....
Tao, did you only call Minseok just so he could cover you? YOU BRATTY CUTE THING YOU!!!!
Chapter 4: ; - ; I have missed you so much. Thank you for the update and oh, please, I want to see minseokkie being cute towards luhan and let that puppy devour him.
And Tao, cutie Tao~
dibsfortwo #10
Hi just dropping by to say I reread this story again and it's still so funny. Pls update soon ^^