Chapter 3 ~ Minseok

The Cat and The Dog

See? I updated. I said I'd do it sooner or later right? Sorry it's been almost a year, and I'm sure most of you have lost all hope for me (ain't getting rid of me that easily XD), but here's ch. 3 !!!!!   Not sure when the next chapter's gonna be up, though. Thank you all for staying with me <333, and I'll stop rambling now :)







The little thing is stalking me. I just know it


…Well, it was stalking me until it went off to stalk Kris and Tao instead. I wonder what it’s up to this time…


Ah well, better enjoy the peace while it lasts. God knows how long I have until it comes back to me.


I peak through the crack in the door before I deem it safe and thing-free. Silently, I slip through the door and make my way to Joonmyeon’s – sorry – Suho’s room. I don’t know why people call him that. Granted, he is nice enough but what exactly is he a “guardian” of?


I shake my head as I wonder about his name, not really noticing where I’m going, and just barely manage to avoid crashing into…Luhan?


He my face once and plods off, in an apparent hurry.


I stare at his backside, watching as he sniffs around while I absentmindedly wipe at my face.


He didn’t even bark at me, let alone jump on me like he had suddenly gone in heat and couldn’t hold out any longer.


He…no it is definitely up to something.


A shiver runs down my spine as I think about all the possibilities. Not good. Not good at all.


“…seokkie? Minseokkie? MINSEOK!”


I jump a mile in the air when I hear the endearing nickname, fur puffed out in fear that Luhan had started stalking me again. I whip around and immediately relax when I realize it’s only Tao, cute little kitten Tao, looking up at me with huge sparkling eyes.


I sigh in relief. It’s only Tao (although sometimes, Tao can be even scarier than Luhan at his worst).


“What’s up?” I ask, giving him a friendly on the ear.


He doesn’t say anything, but motions for me to follow him. I do, albeit a bit cautiously, because I know for a fact Luhan’s puppy eyes works on everyone but me and Chanyeol (me because I know what he really is (evil) and Chanyeol because he never looks at Luhan long enough to notice the puppy eyes (hyperactive little creep)). He might have bewitched poor little innocent Tao into participating in his plans of who knows what.


Tao leads me to the living room where he climbs into his shared bed with Kris. I’ve always been envious of them; because they’re practically joined at the hip, Yixing and Suho bought them a huge bed to share, but the rest of us are stuck with smaller, less luxuriously furnished smaller beds.


Tao stares at me for a bit (which I personally find unnerving since he doesn’t blink a lot), then yawns and snuggles further into the fluffy pillows and blankets that Suho had bought for them.


I stare at him until I realize he’s fallen asleep already. Wondering why the hell he called me over, I pull a blanket over him with my teeth and leave quietly. I better go find Kris…wait…what was Tao doing without Kris?


Shivers run down my spine. This doesn’t bode well. Not well at all. I cringe when I think of all the things Kris could have set Luhan off to do. Luhan’s dense enough to believe anything, and Kris would no doubt use that to his advantage if Luhan ever went to him for advice.


Kris thinks it’s amusing how Luhan’s obsessed with me. Kris is also a sadistic little . Put his amusement at Luhan’s obsession together with his sadism and add a little bit of the devil incarnate to it and you get a Kris with very evil ideas, all for his own amusement.


I don’t know how Tao could love someone as evil as him. And don’t give me that stupid saying, “opposites attract,” because I think that’s bull. Luhan and I are complete opposites and I don’t like him one bit.


And with this I make up my mind to find Kris and foil whatever plans he has of ruining my life day.




It’s useful being a cat sometimes, because we are naturally sneaky and hard to detect. The complete opposite of dogs, who are clumsy and constantly knocking things over, thus being very easily found by others.


However, Kris is (much as I hate to admit it) smart. If Luhan really did find Kris before me, Kris would have made sure they were hid in a place where I wouldn’t find them until it was too late and my life was already down the drain.


Which is why I was now checking everywhere, even the most unlikely of places, such as in Sehun’s closet, where nobody would want to be because of the piles of dirty laundry forgotten in there from years back (that includes used underwear and sweaty socks).


It took me at least four long hours, but by the end of it all, I had checked every place in the apartment and still haven’t found them. I don’t know where they could have gotten to, but I don’t fancy it.




It took another hour, but Luhan finally showed up in the middle of my nap after lunch time. As per usual, he slobbered up my face with his saliva and I had to climb the bookshelf again to escape him.


I’m currently balanced on the edge of said bookshelf, spitting and hissing obscenities at both him and the world; him for disturbing my precious sleep and the world for letting him come into existence. I feel slightly guilty when his puppy eyes come out, but then I’m reminded that I just got woken up from a nap no longer than half an hour. That makes me very mad, as I have it as a rule that my naps must last and hour and a half at least. They usually a good two or three hours, and now Luhan has ruined that streak.


I stop hissing at him after a while, preferring to ignore his admittedly rather pitiful whimpers in favour of washing my face. When I’m relatively sure that my face is free of his germs, I peek over the edge again to see if he’s still there.


He is.


He’s sitting curled up in a ball, ears drooping and tail wrapped around his eyes. I have a slight hunch that he might be crying.


I feel a slight bit of pity for him, now that I have cleaned my face and gotten over the fact that my nap did not last as long as I would have liked.


After wondering for a bit if maybe I shouldn’t have been so harsh on him, I jump down, landing nimbly on my paws. Luhan looks up at the soft thud and his eyes brighten, but he doesn’t move.




I circle him slowly, wondering where the hyper little tackle-everything puppy has gone to. He watches me, but still doesn’t move. He tries his best to turn his head around and keep his eyes on me without moving, but fails miserably. He sits up and eventually settles on whipping his head around when he can’t keep his eyes on me anymore. The action soon makes him dizzy, and he falls down on his chin again, eyes squeezed shut in what looks like an attempt to stop the world from spinning around him.


I smile at the cute sight, then quickly wipe it off my face. If the little thing sees me smiling at him, he’ll no doubt lose all self control and jump at me again.


Sighing lightly, I pat him on the head gently before dashing off onto the bookshelf again. I roll my eyes when I hear a thud below, indicating that he had indeed lost all composure and tried to jump up after me.


He so predictable, that one, I think fondly, before the all the barking and high-pitched yips of “Minseokkieeeeeee” erased all the newfound fondness I had garnered for him. 




really sorry, but school is a b*itch (sorry for swearing, school brings out the worst in me)

anyways, hope you enjoyed it   :)


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dibsfortwo #1
Wow its been so long, but I really wish for an update on this adorable xiuhan story <3
Chapter 4: So cute. Luhan is so cute. Everything is so cute.
Drugs, drugs everywhere
Pabo-sshi #3
Chapter 5: Hahaha, so cute and funny! X3

Even though I am not interested in Xiuhan, I like this story and maybe I am starting to like Xiuhan?

Anyways, update soon!! Fighting! !
Chapter 5: Omg cute cute cute

I hope Lu Han stays stupid forever because this chapter is really adorable
chunjoe1004 #6
nice story!
Chapter 4: I'm so happy you updated ^^
This is so cute! Lu Han is adorbs and Minseok, please notice you loooooooooooove Lu Han already!
I wonder what Kris and Lu Han talked about... Hmmm....
Tao, did you only call Minseok just so he could cover you? YOU BRATTY CUTE THING YOU!!!!
Chapter 4: ; - ; I have missed you so much. Thank you for the update and oh, please, I want to see minseokkie being cute towards luhan and let that puppy devour him.
And Tao, cutie Tao~
dibsfortwo #10
Hi just dropping by to say I reread this story again and it's still so funny. Pls update soon ^^