
The Cat and The Dog


“You wanna get a pet, Jongdae?” Yixing drawls in a slightly muffled sing-song voice, lying with his face smushed in the cushions on the couch, one hand hanging over the side his pet kitten Minseok while his perpetually overexcited golden retriever Chanyeol sat bouncing on his head.


“Yeah, I’ve been thinking. I want to get a dog.” Jongdae replies, and shoves Yixing’s legs off the couch so he could sit down. The sudden movement causes Chanyeol to leap off Yixing’s head and flying tackle Sehun, who was currently winning a WII tennis match with Suho. Suho yells in delight as Sehun goes down, giving him a chance to win the match while Chanyeol paws and at Sehun’s face like there’s no tomorrow.


“No. No no no NO!” Sehun screams almost hysterically as he tries in vain to push the overexcited dog off of him. “We are NOT getting another dog. Remember what happened last time when we got Kyungsoo?”


They all cringed when they recalled Chanyeol jumping on Kyungsoo and scaring the living daylights out of the poor puppy, who then had panic attacks and scratched anything that was within reach of whenever he caught sight of Chanyeol. Which was way too often for anyone’s liking as Chanyeol seemed to have gotten attached to the timid puppy. And needless to say, everyone had gotten scratched by Kyungsoo at least ten times when the puppy went into panic mode while someone was holding him.


That had lasted all the way until three months later, when Suho got Baekyun the cat and Chanyeol started following him around instead. Gradually from then on, Kyungsoo slowly got over his fear of Chanyeol, although he would still go into a panicky state whenever Chanyeol jumped on him. Thankfully though, Chanyeol was often too busy tackling Baekhyun and following him around aimlessly to bother Kyungsoo anymore.


“Then I’ll get a dog like Chanyeol. That way, he won’t be scared of Chanyeol.” Jongdae smirks, a mischievous glint in his eyes.


NO!” Sehun yells, but Yixing and Suho just groan.


They’ve seen that twinkle in Jongdae’s eyes before. It never resulted in anything good.


Like that time he got Yixing Chanyeol for his birthday.


Or the time he got Sehun Kyungsoo and Jongin, Sehun’s cat, started acting all weird. It took Sehun a while to figure out what was wrong with him, because he would yowl and howl and generally meow up a ruckus whenever he couldn’t find Kyungsoo.


It got so bad that Sehun had to bring Jongin in with them when he was giving Kyungsoo a bath, or else Jongin would ruin the furniture in his hissy fits when he couldn’t find Kyungsoo.


They’ve lost count how many chairs they’ve had to replace when Kyungsoo joined them.


“You can’t – mmph!” Suho slaps a hand over Sehun’s mouth. The more he protests, the more dedicated Jongdae would be to finding another puppy like Chanyeol.


“We have to get him a puppy of our choice fast otherwise he really will go find a Chanyeol act-alike and bring it back.” Yixing whispers to Sehun and Suho as soon as Jongdae turns his back, grabbing his coat and whistling merrily to himself.


“But how?” Sehun whispers back, a little too loudly for Yixing’s liking and causing Jongdae to give them a weird look before he shrugged and stepped out.


Suho whacks Sehun upside the head and gives him a “you’re-stupid-as-” look. “What do you mean how? We go to the pet store, find a puppy we like, buy him, take him home, then give him to Jongdae. Simple as that.”


“Oh,” Sehun deadpans.


“Sehun.” Yixing says.




“Nothing, but you said ‘Oh’, so I said ‘Sehun’. Get it? Oh Sehun?” Yixing grins, waiting for applause for his brilliant pun.




“Never mind”. Yixing sighs. These people are too dumb to realize the brilliance of his wonderfully funny puns. At least, that’s what he thinks.


“Alright, then that’s decided. Anyone want ice-cream?” Suho jumps up and hurries to the kitchen, puppy crisis now forgotten.



Yixing sighs and buries his head in the couch cushions. Looks like it’s up to him to save them from yet another one of Jongdae’s not-so-funny, annoying-as-hell pranks. Again. 

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dibsfortwo #1
Wow its been so long, but I really wish for an update on this adorable xiuhan story <3
Chapter 4: So cute. Luhan is so cute. Everything is so cute.
Drugs, drugs everywhere
Pabo-sshi #3
Chapter 5: Hahaha, so cute and funny! X3

Even though I am not interested in Xiuhan, I like this story and maybe I am starting to like Xiuhan?

Anyways, update soon!! Fighting! !
Chapter 5: Omg cute cute cute

I hope Lu Han stays stupid forever because this chapter is really adorable
chunjoe1004 #6
nice story!
Chapter 4: I'm so happy you updated ^^
This is so cute! Lu Han is adorbs and Minseok, please notice you loooooooooooove Lu Han already!
I wonder what Kris and Lu Han talked about... Hmmm....
Tao, did you only call Minseok just so he could cover you? YOU BRATTY CUTE THING YOU!!!!
Chapter 4: ; - ; I have missed you so much. Thank you for the update and oh, please, I want to see minseokkie being cute towards luhan and let that puppy devour him.
And Tao, cutie Tao~
dibsfortwo #10
Hi just dropping by to say I reread this story again and it's still so funny. Pls update soon ^^