U P D A T E ~



my first week of semester two is almost over and IM SO EXHAUSTED.

i truely am sorry for not posting the sequel fast enough, to be honest, i havent even started it due to the lack of time i have. ;~; MIANHAE^^ 

it'll will be up by next week tuesday or wednesday. I PROMISEEEE~

PLUS, i need your help^^ 

im completely terrible when it comes to creating titles and i'm hoping YOU can help me make one. comment down below what you would like the sequel to BULLY should be~ 

ALSO ALSO ALSOO, im wondering if you guys want minor in this sweuel. i'm willing to do it, as long as you guys want that~

thank you for being patient with, and i hope you'll still stick around a little bit longer.


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TuanbaaabyG7t #1
Chapter 3: I would like some minor XD It would also go well with the fanfic which is so far awesome! Please continue to write(:
soonyngs #2
I can't wait! Lol.
Please!! also great One Shot! :)
LKyellow #4
Chapter 3: Definitely xD
Chapter 3: oh~! u should put minor and have daehyun tease youngjae. um...about the title...i'm not so sure...mian. X)
Chapter 3: Yup! I think there should be some minor . But I think there must be a lot of your reader who will be wanting more than that ;)
Chapter 1: there needs to be more =] it's like a tease =]
LKyellow #8
Chapter 1: Hahahaha oh Daehyun xD
Thank you very much for writing this :)
Chapter 1: I want a sequel!!! xD
Chapter 1: hahaha. i luv this! hope u'll write a sequel! ^^