


I hate passing by that hallway. The hallway where every and cocky bastard would be, and where 'they' would be too. But whoopty-ing-doo, my locker is in the middle of all these horrifying things we actually consider human beings. I get bullied everytime I would go to my locker just to get my things and leave right away, but leaving right away wasn't that easy. Himchan, Zelo, Youngguk, Jongup and... Daehyun would always crowed around me and taunt me. Himchan  was the worst out of all of them. His face aggrivated me so much all I wanted to do was fight back, but I... couldn't. Well, I could but Daehyun seems to be the reason why I cant. He always stood there, watching. Watching me get kicked, punched and spat on by the people he hung out with. I considered him the bully and not the ones who physically and verbally did things to me. He's the bully because he could save me, but he won't. What the hell is wrong with this guy? I never really understood Daehyun and why I become so weak when it comes to him. Taking a deep breath I started to make my way to my locker and surely enough, they were there, waiting. 
"Youngjae-ah!" "What? Himchan." "Aishh! Who do you think you are NOT addressing me as hyung? Huh?" Recieving a left hook from Himchan and then a following abdomen kick from Yongguk, killed. "Even I call him hyung and I'm the most disrespectful known on this campus. Stop being such a disrespectiful ." Zelo's right foot approached my lower back and Jongup follwed up with a painful kick to my right thigh. Clearly on the ground bleeding and softly crying, they continue abusing me until they've had enough. After every blow, I would open my eyes widely to the sudden pain and catch of glimpse of Daehyun, of course, just standing there and watching with a smug look on his face. I think I hate him more than these dumb s.
I've been lying on this cold hard ground for a couple minutes now and I'm late for class. Again. I can barely see which means either one or both of my eyes are beaten shut. But I guess not, for I see someone walking towards me from across the hall. Oh......it's Daehyun... As he got closer and closer the smirk on his face scared me more and more. Once his feet stop right in front of my face he kneels and runs his fingers through my hair and suddenly gripping it so hard it causes me to flinch. A small chuckle escapes Daehyun's lips and he helps me up by pulling on my scalp. He then  aggressively pushes me against the locker and closes the gap between by standing so close to me that I felt something weird rubbing against my thigh. Could that be...
"Yoo Youngjae hopefully my friends didnt exauhst you too much, you need as much energry as possible to bare whats going to happen next. You've probably noticed me watch you in pain and theres a very good explaination to that, I like what I see." "What the ? You're crazy! I hate you more than your stupid little tards." "Ha... Youngjae, that's pretty sad since... I like you." "What?! Shut up! No you don't! Is this another form of bullying?!" "You don't think I do? Oh Youngjae... I'll show you I do..." This whole time I didnt realize Daehyun still had me by my hair, I was afraid he'd tighten his grip but instead he let go. As he let go, he lightly trailed his fingers along my arm until he reached my wrist. "Yoo Youngjae, are you ready?" "I... I don't know... I don't think so..." "Good." 
"Oh Em Gee! Yoo Youngjae and Jung Daehyun are dating!" I knew I would hate Daehyun more than the rest of his friends. I guess he really does like me, secretly handcuffing one of my wrist to accompany his other handcuffed wrist and then intertwining our fingers together. He made us walk through the main hall where everyone was. The emberrassment was killing me. Everyone around us either supported us or were against us and I sure was against us. But he didn't stop, Daehyun kept on walking dragging me along with him on his way to his car. Pushing through all these jealous girls and boys who didn't know better until we got to the car was such a hassle. Before letting me into his car, he pushed me up against the passenger door and put his face no more than three inches away from my face. "So, I hope you don't think that making you my girlfriend is a joke because, I mean it." "But I'm straight..." I managed to get out but it seemed to please Daehyun. "Not for too long Yoo Youngjae. Not for too long."
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TuanbaaabyG7t #1
Chapter 3: I would like some minor XD It would also go well with the fanfic which is so far awesome! Please continue to write(:
soonyngs #2
I can't wait! Lol.
Please!! also great One Shot! :)
LKyellow #4
Chapter 3: Definitely xD
Chapter 3: oh~! u should put minor and have daehyun tease youngjae. um...about the title...i'm not so sure...mian. X)
Chapter 3: Yup! I think there should be some minor . But I think there must be a lot of your reader who will be wanting more than that ;)
Chapter 1: there needs to be more =] it's like a tease =]
LKyellow #8
Chapter 1: Hahahaha oh Daehyun xD
Thank you very much for writing this :)
Chapter 1: I want a sequel!!! xD
Chapter 1: hahaha. i luv this! hope u'll write a sequel! ^^