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Personal Message


This is _baby_exotic_, i just wanted to say that i am the former lynnie_potpie. it's just that one of my friends told my parents that I was writting interoperate thing on this web site. Personally i think it was my editor because she's the only one that knows my password to edit my stuff. Anyways they came on here and deleted my profile and stuff. But i'm back and have a new UN and PW lol. So i hope that you wont think I stole any one the stories i post.

Now the fun starts... time to begin finding all the stories I subscribed too...



I'll be reposting Sweet in a bit :)

About Me


_baby_exotic_ here!

A few things i like/love:

  1. B.A.P
  2. EXO M&K
  3. Music
  4. Writting/Reading
  5. being Lazy

Now i'll tell you about why I like these things in order.


The reason I Like Love B.A.P is because... well what not to love. Haha just kidding. The reason i fell for these 6 guys is because their song really spoke to me i guess. Their songs had a bigger meaning to me. Also the whole concept of them being aliens trying to take over the world really pulled me in :3


More Aliens!! Anyways i like these guys because every member is different, even though there is 12 members. To tell you the truth i didn't really like their songs, but after listening to them maybe the thrid time it really stuck, and i can't stop loving them... but now i wait for their return :D


Music is my life... and that is all.

I really Really Love music, music has always been a big part of my life and my family is just a music loving family. It doesn't matter what kind of music it is eaither, if we like it. we like it.


This is just away to get the crazyness out of my head, and it makes me feel awesome. Even though i'm not as good as many people in the world. and just to say, I can't read... like i can read small words or word i've seen a lot. but when it comes down to reading out loud... i become a pabo... haha


This is a Con for me... because i'm just a super Super SUPER lazy person... but it's fun haha




I think that's all for now. Have a Great Day!!!

