Birthday Celebration

Fate Dancing On Strings


  "Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to Yesungie! Happy Birthday to you!" A chorus of cheers filled the dark lit room as Yesung blew out the candles. He had a large grin on face when a boy with blonde hair and a skinny, but built structure handed him a knife. Yesung cut into the cake and smiled for the cameras that flashed for that perfect moment. Ryeowook had wrapped his arms around Yesung's waist from behind and quickly placed a wet kiss on Yesung's cheek. Yesung scrunched up his face and threw his head back in laughter. He then turned to face Ryeowook and softly kissed his lips, lingering a bit before parting.


   "Ya! We're still here you know!" the blonde hair boy yelled.

   "Eunhyuk, it's not like you and Donghae don't do that either!" Yesung replied as Ryeowook hugged him tighter and rested his chin upon his shoulder.

   "But we don't do it in public..." he began to mumble. Yesung just snorted and raised his eyebrows at him. He didn't say anything to Eunhyuk, but it was enough for Eunhyuk to admit to it.

   "... All right! All right! we do! Happy now?" he shouted at Yesung, but refused to look him in his eyes. Donghae laughed and entangled their fingers together then kissed Eunhyuk's hand, causing his lover to blush a deep red.

   "Sorry for being so irresistible." Donghae whispered in Eunhyuk's ear, loud enough for everyone to hear. Eunhyuk face became redder as he blushed hard. Ryeowook and Yesung couldn't hold in their laughter and the Eunhae couple joined in as well.

   Sungmin sat on the couch behind the couples and just smiled alone at the scene. He felt awkward and was too shy to join in. They all seemed like nice people, they did, but he wasn't comfortable that he was the only single person there. Sure watching them be all lovey dovey was cute, but it just made him envious that he didn't have anyone to be in love with.

   He sighed and stood up to stretch his legs. As he reached his arms above his head, Donghae poked his side. Being the ticklish person he is, Sungmin squealed and dropped to the floor. As soon as Sungmin realized what had happened, he covered his mouth and recollected himself. He cleared his throat and sat looking at Donghae, but couldn't hide his blush.


   Donghae stood there for a second and glanced at Eunhyuk, who seemed to have the same thing in mind. Seeing the evil grins exchange between the two, Sungmin quickly tried to scramble away. Soon enough, Eunhyuk grabbed his legs and held him down while Donghae sat on his back and tickled him to no end. Sungmin's cute and unique laughter echoed through the thin walls of the small condo.

   "Ah! Stop! Stop! Stop!" he managed to shout in between his fits of laughter. "It hurts! Hahaha!” he became teary eyed and wriggled under Donghae, trying to break free.

   "Donghae! What are you doing to Sungmin?" Ryeowook was hiding behind the wall towards the room when he heard the shrilled laughter escaping from his new friend. He was going to apologize to Sungmin for asking him to come to an unknown area and being at a party for someone he had never met, but decided to wait for the commotion to calm down a bit. He liked seeing the looser and comfortable side of Sungmin. It was only until Sungmin started to pound the floor with his fists was when Ryeowook decided to interrupt them.

   Donghae got off Sungmin and sat on the floor. "Well, I was gonna introduce myself and Eunhyukkie to him, but then he fell to the floor. Did you know he had such a cute lau-mmph?" Sungmin abruptly covered his mouth so the details of the meeting could not be told. Donghae continued muffling away as if the hand covering his mouth was not there.

   "Arreso, arreso." Ryeowook reached out to pull Sungmin up. Sungmin couldn't help but to laugh at the familiar scene. Ryeowook chuckled along with him, leaving a confused Donghae on the floor. Sungmin grabbed his hand and was pulled up.

   "Sungmin gwachana?" he nodded at Ryeowook. Donghae stood up and returned to Eunhyuk's side. Sungmin turned to face the two.

   "Angyong, I am Lee Sungmin." he bowed and waved at them.

   "Angyong! I'm Lee Donghae and this is Eunhyuk!"

   "Angyong." Eunhyuk waved and showed a gummy smile.

   Ryeowook set down a tray filled with fruits and small pastries. Sungmin picked up a small chocolate pudding cake. He took a bite which melted in his mouth and sent him to pure bliss. Soon enough he finished it and decided it was best for him to go home.

   He got up and went over to Ryeowook. They chatted and in a matter of time, they exchanged numbers. Since the two of them enjoyed meeting each other and wanted to know one another better, Sungmin offered to meet up every Saturday for breakfast. Ryeowook agreed then Sungmin ran out the door. On the way, he rushed past a silhouette of a man in a black trench coat. Sungmin didn't have time to identify the other features of the man cause he heard the bus close by.

   "Damn!", and Sungmin sprinted down the dark streets towards the bus stop.


Back at Yesung's Condo:

   Yesung was talking to Donghae when the doorbell rang. He opened the door to find a man wearing a black trench coat and brown locks of hair. He was fairly tall for his age and was alluring to the eyes. However, he didn't like to socialize with people, but he did like to tease the ones who didn't know him well. It was a bad trait of his, flirting with people and teasing them and never got in a relationship. He rejected anyone who asked him out, whether it was male or female. He was a total heartbreaker, but he didn't intend to act this way. It was only out of habit. Yesung was the only exception as a friend. Yesung had become friends with the kid out of curiosity. The kid eventually accepted Yesung's persistent acts and never ending questions. They became incredibly close as the years went by until Yesung moved out of town to pursuit his dreams. The man followed him in the end because he missed the times they had together it was too quiet without Yesung to bother him every now and then.

   "Happy Birthday!" the man smiled brightly and hugged Yesung.

   "Hey I thought you forgot!" Yesung chuckled.

   "How could I ever forget my best friend's birthday? Don't be silly." He grinned at Yesung. He then handed him a bag with a large present in it. He looked down at his wristwatch.

   "Tch. I have to go now, my noona is expecting me to come home early." he sighed, "I wish I could stay longer. Aish!"

   "It's okay." Yesung laughed, "The party's about over anyway!"

   "Bye Yesung!" The man waved as he went down the stairs.

   "Bye Kyuhyun! It was great seeing you again! Get home safely, and visit often!"

   "Haha! You sound like my mother! Okay, I will!" Ending with that, Kyuhyun had quickly departed and disappeared around the block.




A/N: *sob sob* I can't find chapter three of this fanfiction T^T!!! I typed it up like last year (since I started this fanfic last year.), but I can't find it ANYWHERE........ I know I have Chapter 4 though, but I obviously won't upload that until I find the other one first...... Ehhh I hope I find it.....

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heydaydreamer14 #1
Chapter 2: New reader! :))
1st 2 chapters are really cute & good:)
Especially the 2nd chap full of mystery in it;)
Update soon! Hwaiting! :"D
Chapter 2: This looks really nice and interesting.
I like the air of mystery and romance.
I cant wait for more kyumin interaction! :3

Good job!
Looking forward to