First Meeting

Fate Dancing On Strings


Kyuhyun's POV:

The smell of coffee and light conversations at the table filled the room of the small café. It was a slow evening for a Saturday. The weather outside was sunny and welcoming and I wished that I was the one out there basking in it. It was better than being cooped up in here all day.

 The bells that hung above the door chimed. I sighed then I bowed to our new customers that had just entered.

"Anyong haseyo. How may I help you today?"

 I looked up and saw a boy with fox-like eyes and plump lips. His hair was short and had a redish-brown color to it. He smiled politely and answered,

"May I have a slice of strawberry cake and  a cup of coffee?"

He looked at his friend who stood next to him and nudged him lightly as a signal to tell me what he wanted.

"Oh! Sorry! Uhm…can I have a coffee cake… the same size as Sungmin's?"

Sungmin. The name kept repeating in my head and I felt odd pang in my chest as the word lingered in my mind. Suddenly I realized I hadn't said anything for quite awhile and the two were awkwardly waiting. I finally had the conscious to reply and do my job for once.

 "Ye. Please sit and wait at table 15."

I smiled brightly at them as they both turned and walked towards the table I had pointed out. I left the counter and worked on their order.

I cut the coffee and strawberry cake slices perfect to size and poured the coffee in a white porcelain mug. I wrapped the forks and spoons in a napkin so everything would look nice and tidy. I grabbed two table mats and put everything on a round metal food tray. I carried everything to their table.

I set down the table mats in front of them, and the food soon after. After making sure I arranged everything correctly, I lightly bowed my head and smiled at them both.

"If you need anything else, don't be afraid to ask."

I walked back to my spot behind the counter and decided to dry off some of the mugs that were left on the drying rack. While grabbing at a towel and a mug, I overheard the boy that was with Sungmin exclaim in surprise on how delicious his cake was followed by a chuckle.

"Ya! Ryeowookie! Slow down! Your gonna choke on your cake and I'm not gonna be responsible for not being able to save you!"

Smiling sheepishly, Ryeowook replied,

" justs...tastes so good!"

Sungmin laughed and reached over to mess up Ryeowook's hair.

I do have to admit, I kinda feel like a total creeper from watching their conversation from afar. But I can't be the one to blame since I don't have anything else to do.

Sungmin's POV:

"Ryeowookie-ah, you have crumbs all over your face."

"Oh really? Where hyung?" he questioned while trying to off the crumbs that he couldn't possibly see or reach.

"Here let me help you silly."

 I grabbed a napkin from the table and cleaned the edge of his lips. As I was doing this I kinda had feeling that someone was watching us. I shrugged it off thinking that it was probably just my imagination.

 I smiled at Ryeowookie then wondered how a person could be so innocent and adorable. I propped my head up with my arm and watched him devour his cake. Soon after, I started to reminisce of the the day we first met.

It was a cold day in the winter sometime last month , and I was wandering the streets of town. There was no purpose of where I was heading, but I was trying to find something to do to merely pass time. It had been a slow afternoon and I decided to walk to the park and see if there would be any thing that could entertain me.

Red brick paths lead the way through the park, each separated with a thin strip of white. I tried not to step on the thin lines when I walked, as childish it may have been. I was so absorbed into my little game that I didn't see the figure in front of me. We collided and I mentally scolded myself as I stood up and patted my self clean.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't watching where I was going!" I reached out to the person I had crashed into, offering to help them up. The boy had raven colored hair and had defined cheekbones. He wore a beige trench coat with matching gray mittens and a wool scarf wrapped around his neck. He took my hand and I pulled him up and off of the floor. He checked himself to make sure he was not covered in dirt. Scratching the back of his head, his cheeks began to turn a light shade of pink.

"Honestly, I wasn't watching either…" We both laughed and I decided to treat him for lunch as compensation for knocking him over. He accepted my request and we scurried down the quiet streets of town.

We slowed to a walk as we reached a small restaurant. We  entered and were greeted by a waitress who gave us seats near the window. The restaurant had rustic colors decorating the rooms. Golden-orange wallpaper with auburn metal framing that had pictures of newspaper clippings which filled the walls. Each one showed the success and hardships the place had gone through.  The lighting was dim and the smell of food wafted the air. A fireplace was lit and it gave a home-like feel to the room and kept us warm from the freezing weather outside.

A waiter came to our table and we both ordered a cup of hot coca. I had ordered a chicken soup along with it, but couldn't hear what the raven haired boy had ordered. I looked out the window after the waiter had left with our orders. Little white flakes drifted through the air and landed softly on the ground.

I finally turned to the boy and tried to start up a conversation.

"So…" he turned his attention to me,
"My name is Lee Sungmin." he smiled and bowed his head then looked up again. "I'm Kim Ryeowook."

The waiter came by during our little introduction and gave us our food and drinks, cutting off anything we wanted to say next. We chatted for a bit with a hint of laughter here and there. The positive mood took over the room and it made the aura seem more peaceful. We ate with smiles that were plastered on our faces.

After Ryeowook and I finished eating, I decided to try and ask him a question that was lingering in my mind from the start.

"So what were you doing before I walked into you?" He thought for a second and his face scrunched up while trying to remember. You could practically see the exclamation point pop up above his head when he did.

"I actually was heading down to the bakery. I ordered a cake earlier and was planning on picking it up now. Do  you want to come along with me? "

"I'd be glad to." We asked for the check and payed separately before leaving.

We walked down an unfamiliar street and the snow continued to fall from the gray sky. We came to a crowded street filled with boutiques and small family restaurants. The bakery was fairly large and had been secluded from the other stores. Ryeowook dragged me through the doors and stopped at the counter.

There was an array of pastries laid out in the glass display and my mouth watered particularly when I saw a small cupcake with a strawberry on top. I jumped back in surprise as a hand waved in front of my face to get my attention. I turned and looked at Ryeowook, the owner of the hand. He was trying his best not to laugh as he saw the desperate look on my face.

"You know you can buy whatever you want right? We have some time left until we leave." He finally laughed as I bounced in delight. As I was trying to decide on which delicious pastry I should have, I heard Ryeowook call over the counter.

"Zhou Mi! Zhou Minnie! I came to pick up the cake!" A tall, skinny male figure walked towards the counter. His hair was styled to the side and he wore a white tee with skinny jeans. Covering his outfit was a pale yellow apron with small patches of white cake powder. He wiped his hands on a nearby towel and waved to Ryeowook as he smiled.

"Welcome back Ryeowook! Please hand me the receipt that I gave you earlier so I can get your cake." Ryeowook handed him the small white paper and Zhou Mi went into the small fridge in the back. He appeared minutes later with a medium sized box that was beautifully tied with a red ribbon. He handed it over the counter to Ryeowook who thanked Zhou Mi and told me to quickly buy my pastry. I decided with the cupcake I saw as we came in and ended up getting a dozen.

I happily skipped behind Ryeowook as he lead us to the destined location. After heading down a quiet street, we arrived at a small condo. Ryeowook rang the second bell and a man opened the door. He had a warm look in his eyes when his gaze met Ryeowook's.

"Happy Birthday!" Ryeowook jumped into his arms and hugged him tightly. "Ah! Right! Yesungie this is Sungmin, Sungmin this is Yesungie!"


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heydaydreamer14 #1
Chapter 2: New reader! :))
1st 2 chapters are really cute & good:)
Especially the 2nd chap full of mystery in it;)
Update soon! Hwaiting! :"D
Chapter 2: This looks really nice and interesting.
I like the air of mystery and romance.
I cant wait for more kyumin interaction! :3

Good job!
Looking forward to