
This Is How We Never Met [Hiatus]

Petrichor (n.)The pleasant smell that accompanies the first rain after a dry spell.

        Kyungsoo was stuck. On rare occasions he would wake up at 2:47 a.m, and realize life was worse than he thought it would be. In his sleep there were episodes of his past played. He would see himself hurt and crying on the ground. He saw the moment when he confessed in 2nd grade. But the difference was, it all turned out to be happy endings. In his paradise it was all smiles. 

then he would wake up, to something totally different. 

        He woke up alone, and sad. Surrounded only by chirps of the midnight crickets. Kyungsoo sat there, in the pile of crisp clean white sheets. Starring into the blank wall. Realizing, that life isn't on his side anymore. But what he doesn't know is that, it will continue until he can't take it anymore. 


        The only time where Jongin can see Kyungsoo is during math class, in the halls, or if he's lucky during lunch. But during those time intervals, both need each other so badly. Not knowing the extremity of the infatuation. Right now it's lunch, a great time for luck to pitch in. 

        But to no avail. Kyungsoo usually likes to spend his time in the library, with his nose in the books. Rather than be seen alone surrounded by a sea of friends. He hasn't really made any friends during the course of 2 weeks, so he's given up. He tells himself books are his only friends, and that's the way it should stay. But somewhere in the back of his mind, he is reminded of a stranger, Jongin. Deep in his heart he wishes that someday he would catch his longing stares for him. 

        Whilst on the other side of school, Jongin is waiting, for anything, something. Yeah he would nod and agree with his friends rants and anecdotes, but he was whole hearted about it.  His real thoughts would linger around the person he doesn't know the most, but wants to. He really hates himself for that, he's the strongest athlete in the school, but can gather enough courage to talk to one kid. But he isn't one kid to Jongin, he's Kyungsoo. At the end of the day, he hopes that someday he'll see his desperate glances for him. 


        The whole day trailed on like any other. Slow and subtle, the lives of the high school students. Kyungsoo sat lifelessly at his desk, listening to the monotone voice of the teacher, hoping that it would erase the beautiful deep voice of a certain man. Kyungsoo looked across the room, and what he saw was beauty. Beauty that belonged to one man in particular, Kim Jongin. Kyungsoo was always the person to listen to the voices of the teachers and copy down each and every letter written on the board. But in the end, he was smart without even trying. So just this once, he would let all the study notes go, and slack off, for Jongin. Just this once, his eyes would focus on nothing else but Kim Jongin. 

 Kyungsoo looked over the right of him to see Jongin. He was in bliss, studying his sharp jawline, tanned skin and full lips. Jongin, felt a pair of glassy eyes look his way. With all his heart he hoped to God it was him. But to his dismay, when he picked his head up, he didn't meet the pair of glassy eyes he wanted to see. As for Kyungsoo, he turned away the millisecond he saw Jongin's head turn up.

But deep in both their hearts, they hoped they could look for just a while longer. To somehow, hopefully catch even the tiniest bit of eye contact. 

   The bell had long gone, rang. But Kyungsoo took his sweet time not to get caught up in all the traffic, and would rather walk down the empty streets. That day, the rain had cleared. Only the smell of wet pavement, and grass filled the air. Something that Kyungsoo liked, because it was the smell of anew. Kyungsoo knew that the rain brought sadness, and dispair. But after the rain, that smell meant a new beginning. Kyungsoo took slow and heavy steps down the wet sidewalk, enjoying the petrichor. 

  Behind him were a group of rowdy boys, and one of them was Kai. Not Jongin but Kai. The cocky, athlete. His hair was disheveled from Basketball practice, with his bad slung around one shoulder, laughing along with all his friends. Kai stood out, out of all 6 boys. Because to Kyungsoo, Jongin was always there, hiding within Kai. As the group of sweaty boys passed by Kyungsoo's limp figure. One head turned to him and kept his eyes on Kyungsoo's. At that exact moment Kyungsoo looked up, and caught the purest of eyes, behind Kai. 

  In the midst of those blissful, 4 seconds that they locked eyes. Jongin could read he sadness behind his glassy, round eyes. But to Kyungsoo, he could read the longing, behind Jongins beautiful eyes.  The two boys got lost into the precious features, and were lost in a fantasy world, that only the both of them could share. Nonetheless, the bit of eye contact to the fullest. Both turned their heads away, snapping back into the world of reality. 

Subtly, the corner of their lips curved up, both were lost in the petrichor. 

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Chapter 4: T.T
you wrotw it so beautifuly I dont know what to say T.T

perfect T.T

*oh I know what to say, update again soon
WOOO FOR 'NELL - THE DAY BEFORE' IN THE FOREWARD! Looks awesome, lovely story so far!
Chapter 2: please let them meet T.T
oh my~
this is fabulous!
this is so unique and different and unusual for story!
Chapter 1: Love the pic! please update this soon! ^^
Update soon! ^^