Something, to the least.

This Is How We Never Met [Hiatus]


In the midst of the night, when not a soul in Jongins house is awake. He'll sit up and think. When the sky turns dark, and all you can see are the sparkle of the stars, and the chirps of crickets, Jongin sits up with his hands in his hair, awaken. He is woken up angry. Angry at the fact, that his day didn't turn out the way, he thought it would've.

        It all started when a simple bored stare, progressed into a look that would melt every heart. That look was directed to one person in particular Do Kyungsoo. Jongin was just tired of being the center of attention, so he zoned out for a bit, trying his best to somehow camouflage himself. But he caught himself looking into beady eyes, and a pair of luring pink lips. Thought that was days ago, the thought still lingered on. Jongin constantly found himself thinking of the owner of those eyes and lips. Somehow those lips never failed to make his smile. 


That next morning, Jongin woke up. This time not angry, nor sad, but optimistic. Jongin stood up and half heartily forced himself to stand up. He managed to drag himself to the bathroom, and get ready. And in that time he did, he took his time to look in the mirror. He stood there and looked at his smiling reflection. He pictured Kyungsoo on the other side, and that's when it all started. 

"Hello, I'm Jongin. I saw once during lunch and.." wrong impression.

"Hi I'm Jongin. I'm in one of you're classes. I think we should be friends" wrong approach.

"Hi, my name is Jongin. And I think I like you.It'll do. 

        Line after line, he felt himself going crazy. How were you supposed to talk to someone, who you've never made conversation with ever. Then his thoughts trailed to how his voice would sound like, while talking to him specifically. If he'd had one of those baby face, which were paired with a raspy low voice, If he had one of those smooth velvet voices that melted you. Somewhere in his brain, a chamber clicked. The next thing he knew it, he was on his way. To hopefully a good day. 


        On the other side Kyungsoo, was just there. He followed the same routine everyday. Wake up, get ready, go to school, eat and sleep. No there were no schedule interruptions like appointments or outings. Because he had none to plan, or anyone to go with for that matter. Sometimes he would hope that when he woke up his life was just a bad dream, and that his life was the complete opposite of what it is now. Then he realizes this is reality, and now one can help you, you must save yourself. 

        Nonetheless, he had the courage to smile on his way. And think to himself, maybe today it'll be different. Maybe some one will finally accept him a friend, project partner, or something, anything. Maybe just maybe. But as he crossed the street, a giant freight truck quickly drove right by the tip of his nose to test his luck. Then it all clicked. maybe. 


       That day it wasn't the prettiest outside. The sun was hidden by the various types and shade of grey clouds. Though to both the was some sort of sun light. Kyungsoo walked shamelessly, head down, sagged shoulders. So he didn't realize to look up and see the Jongin the stranger walk by. Jongin was sad at the fact he didn't look up. Still he looked behind him self to see if he would, but to his dismay he wouldn't. Jongin never got the chance to explain how he truly felt.

        All he did was turn back and see Kyungsoo's zombie walk. Jongin thought to himself, how could someone look so perfect, but have eyes that are filled with despair. Just because Kyungsoo is breathing doesn't mean he's alive. Just because Jongin thinks of love doesn't mean he can have it. 

"Hi, my name is Jongin. And I think I like you."

He thought again in his head, hoping with all his heart that Kyungsoo would hear it.

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Chapter 4: T.T
you wrotw it so beautifuly I dont know what to say T.T

perfect T.T

*oh I know what to say, update again soon
WOOO FOR 'NELL - THE DAY BEFORE' IN THE FOREWARD! Looks awesome, lovely story so far!
Chapter 2: please let them meet T.T
oh my~
this is fabulous!
this is so unique and different and unusual for story!
Chapter 1: Love the pic! please update this soon! ^^
Update soon! ^^