We Take the Tunnel to the Not-So Dead

The Labyrinth



When I woke up my entire back side felt damp and I was completely disoriented and confused. I groaned as I propped myself on my elbow. Where the heck was I? It took me a moment to recap what had happened. I suddenly snapped out of my daze when I remembered Chanyeol was probably somewhere around here.


“Chanyeol?” I whispered, because who knew what was lurking around in this darkness. “Chanyeol!” I repeated a bit louder, but still no response.


I rolled over on my hands and knees and began crawling cautiously in the dark while calling Chanyeol’s name.


I was kind of glad that it was dark because I must have looked downright ridiculous by the way I was shuffling blindly on my hands and knees. The ground felt like wet concrete but seemed to change to what I hoped was soil and grass. Which seemed weird because we had to of been at least a hundred feet underground. My hand finally found something that somewhat felt like Chanyeol.


“Chanyeol?” I said, in a normal voice.


That’s when I heard a groan somewhere off to my right and realized that the body I was touching was probably not Chanyeol’s. Unfortunately, I had realized that too late because by the time I got to my feet and tried to run the person grabbed my ankle and started pulling it aggressively.


I raised my arms to kind of… flail out of fear (don’t judge me) but suddenly something heavy appeared in my hand. I gripped my hands around it so it wouldn’t fall into my face while I tried to fend off the thing that had attached itself to my leg. It was now making weird gurgling and snapping noises, like it was trying to take a massive bite out of me. Oh crap… do not tell me that this is some sort of freak underground apocalypse.


 What I did next was unexplainable. I’d like to say it was out of my natural born bravery but who am I kidding? I run screaming whenever I see a clown so you can scratch bravery off the list. I guess you could call it an adrenaline rush. I turned the heavy thing that I was holding and forced it down to the ground, aiming towards where the weird noises were coming from. I could only hope that I had stricken the monstrous thing, and from the awful squishing noise that came as I lowered the object, I would say that I did.


The grip on my leg loosened and I took that opportunity to run. I had no idea where I was going but I didn’t really care. Suddenly, I tripped and went face first into the ground.


“Please don’t be another zombie. Please, please, please.” I pleaded aloud.


I was about to get up and start running again when the thing I had tripped over started to groan in agony. “Oww, why did you kick me?”




“Uhh, yeah? Who else would it be? Dang… it’s so dark.”


“I can explain that later! But for now, we’ve got to get the heck out of here!”


That’s when the Baekyeol bugs had come to the rescue. (Yes, I named the glowing blue bugs Baekyeols because we both discovered them. Stop judging me and just read.) They crawled along the dark stone walls and along to the ceiling. They all had conjoined together to form a glowing blue circle while others had just decided to stay in random spots forming odd shapes on the ceiling, which I didn’t realize until later that they were actually constellations.


“Whoa…” I said in amazement, “The Baekyeol bugs friggin’ made the night sky!”


“What did you just call them?” Chanyeol and I were now on our feet and I could actually see the expression he was giving me because the bugs had lit the area around us with their artificial moon.


I shrugged, “Baekyeol bugs. You know, Baekhyun and Chanyeol?”


“Why does your name get to go first?” He gave a small pout.


“Does that really matter right now?”


“Well it’s not exactly fair that you get to choose the name.”


I began observing the newly lit area which revealed a horrible scene, “Chanyeol, shut up.”


“Oh, and now you get the last word in.”


“Chanyeol. Shut. Up.” I said through clinched teeth, trying to be as quiet and motionless as possible.


“Why do you keep—” Chanyeol finally turned to see what I was looking at. “What? It’s just a graveyard.”


“And when is an underground graveyard EVER normal?!” The sound of my voice echoed against the walls and I realized that I had just done a very, very bad thing.


The ground started to shake and it looked like one of those old zombie horror movies. Or like Michael Jackson’s music video for Thriller. Except less dancing and a whole lot more terrifying.


A light fog rolled over the grave stones as decayed limbs started breaking through the earth and pulling themselves above ground. I made note to scold the director of this film for the tackiness of all of this but then I reminded myself that this was actually happening. Crap… I just woke up a field of dead people.


I needed to think fast. “Chanyeol, what do they do in the movies during zombie invasions?”


He looked like he was in shock so I had to smack his arm a couple of times to get him to respond. “Uhh…Well… they usually have some sort of weapon.”


Weapon! Right! The thing in my hands earlier had to of been some sort of weapon. I raised my hands in the air again, hoping that a new weapon would form in thin air and come to my aid. But of course, nothing happened.


“Baekhyun, what are you doing?! This is no time for dancing!”


“I’m not dancing you moron! I’m trying to get a weapon!” Alright, I’ll admit it, that response probably sounds more stupid than if I actually had been doing the Macarena or something.


One of the zombies was making its way towards us. You’d think that they would be slow because… they were dead. Well, you couldn’t be more wrong. These things were freakishly fast and looked hungry. I really didn’t want to end up as some dead person’s meal.


Chanyeol and I turned towards each other, coming to a silent compromise. Run.


We booked it in the other direction but we nearly ran into a wall. The only way out was through the undead graveyard.


Chanyeol turned to me, “How is this even logical? Why is there a friggin’ graveyard underground?”


“Where was that logical thinking when we went through that alleyway?!”


Chanyeol’s expression turned sad and you could tell he felt guilty.


“I’m sorry man, I didn’t mean it like that. Let’s just… figure out a way to get out of here alive.”


He nodded in agreement, “So… how are we going to get past them?”


“Uhmm… wing it?”


As we were talking, one of the disgusting zombies had reached us. It only had one eye, half of one arm, and its ribs were peeking through the holes in its tattered flannel shirt. Gross…


It seemed to be coming for me, and it came fast. I froze in fear but Chanyeol came to my rescue. He put his arm out and smashed the zombie’s face with a loud CLANG! Which happened to knock its undead head right off of its rotting body, causing it to collapse.


I looked up to see what could have caused that to happen— because although Chanyeol was stronger than me, there was no way he could have managed that with just his bare arm— and realized Chanyeol had a bronze shield strapped to his arm.


“Chanyeol… where the heck did you get that?”


“I-I don’t know, it just sort of… appeared.” He looked at me with bewilderment and I gave him the same expression.


“What kind of sick game is this?”


Before we had time to comprehend what was happening, the decapitated zombie started to reassemble itself. Its head reattached itself to the body and somehow got mended back together.


“Okay, new plan.” More and more of the undead freaks were coming at us and we had to do something now.


Without thinking, I slashed my arm towards the reassembled zombie, half hoping that a sword would come to my aid. As I pointed my arm right at the zombie’s skull, a bronze sword appeared in my hand and I had to readjust myself to balance the new weight in my hand. The sword had gone right through the brain and the zombie collapsed. I pulled the sword out and looked at Chanyeol, “Aim for the brain, and run.”


With that, we both took off, into the undead army. Chanyeol was knocking off their heads with his shield as I sliced them off with my sword. We knew that they would reassemble but it would give us enough time to get us the heck out of there.   


We were doing great and I could see a clearing in front of us. Just a little longer.


But of course, I spoke too soon. Chanyeol hadn’t been watching where he was going and somehow ran into a large gravestone sticking out of the ground, sending his long limbs flying. He landed on the grass with a loud Ouff.




“Go on without me!” He had the most dramatic looking expression he could pull off planted on his face, “Tell my mother that I love her!”


I rolled my eyes, “Get the hell up! We don’t have a lot of time!” I looked back and the zombies were undoubtedly gaining on us.


“Okay.” As Chanyeol was getting to his feet, I could observe where we were. Up ahead, the field grew thinner of gravestones and the fog was non-existent. About a hundred yards was another stone wall but it had a huge wooden door right in the middle. I knew that was our escape.


“Chanyeol, the door!” I shouted as we continued to run from the zombies who were now right on our tail.


As I got close enough to the door, I brought up my bronze sword and swung it down on the handle, cutting it right off. There wasn’t enough time to simply turn a handle…


Chanyeol got the idea and rammed into the door with his shield. This brought the door down with a mighty slam. We ran through and picked the door up, putting it back in its place, stopping the zombies from coming through.


We collapsed in a heap at the bottom of the door, completely out of breath. I’m regretting not joining the cross country team now.


“Next time let’s agree not to take the tunnel leading to the not-so-dead.” I said between breaths.






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This story is so sad and looonely ;A;


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Chapter 5: Waaaa~ please update this! This story is really interesting :)
Just... Don't drop it >.<
Chapter 2: *screams* holy Imma read al of this
Chapter 5: Nice fic there ㅋ ㅋ chanyeol is forever a dork lmao

Love the way you describe stuffs, funny at some point yet serious at the other ;D
Chapter 4: FFFFF-- omg I actually got scared when I read this chapter. And then my neighbour shut the lid on his bin next door and I almost screamed. Gah.
lcherry13 #5
Chapter 2: Great story!!!