The Lights

The Labyrinth



I willed my legs to move and slowly stood up after reluctantly letting go of Chanyeol. I let out a shallow, shaky breath and looked around the dark room. The ceilings were high and the walls appeared to slip into nothingness. The only light source at the moment was Chanyeol's flashlight, which I'd forgotten we even had. It sat on the ground next to him, the light a single streak through the darkness making the dust visible. In other words, it was really freaking dark.

I swallowed hard and let my eyes drift towards the other end of the room. The pattern on the stone walls seemed to curve and change in one spot.

“Hey... Chanyeol, come look at this.” I whispered, waving him over, only half turning around. I heard shuffling and the light stream was moved about as Chanyeol got to his feet. He stood next to me brushing off his pants and I could feel he was shaking slightly. I grabbed his wrist to get his attention, causing him to jump. I gave him a sympathetic look and a gentle squeeze to the hand, “Look there.” I pointed in the direction I had been looking. He lifted the light up into the darkness.

“What's wrong with the wall?” Chanyeol asked, his voice raspy and quiet.

We both took maybe two steps before his flashlight flickered.

“Huh?” He looked down at the flashlight, perplexed, as it blinked off and on. He tapped it in the palm of his hand a few times before it stopped flickering. “Useless thing.” He muttered.

I attached myself to his arm again as we moved on, “That light better not go out, or I'll lose it.”

I spoke too soon. Everything around us was suddenly plunged into darkness. I let out a horrified gasp and gripped Chanyeol's arm even tighter. He stiffened next to me and his breathing got shaky, fear swooping over us like a blanket of ice. I couldn't force any words up and out of my throat. The darkness was so suffocating, all I could to was cling to Chanyeol when-


It was a dim, pale blue light. Just one tiny dot. At first I thought it was just my vision, but more and more began to appear.

Like stars the blue lights came to life and spread across the walls and ceiling like an ocean wave. Chanyeol and I both followed the lights as they spread like roots of a tree, until they stopped at the spot on the wall where the stone pattern changed.

The room was illuminated now and I could see almost as well as before, if not better. I gave Chanyeol a look before we both walked towards that spot. Stopping maybe two feet from it, I realized there was an outline of what could be a door.

Chanyeol pulled away from me and gently pressed his palms to the wall. He gave it a small push and it suddenly moved. The sound of stone scraping against stone sent chills through my body as we pushed our way past the door. Dust fell around us as we entered an even darker room. The air was stale and smelled of earth, but there didn't seem to be anything else there.

I grabbed a hold of Chanyeol's hand again and inspected the darkness surrounding us. I turned around and looked into the room we'd come from, pale light streaming in through the door. The blue star-like lights slowly leaked in through the door, climbing the walls and fading away up on the high ceilings of the new room. I turned back around as light slowly washed over the darkness, sweeping over us and filling up the dark room, which was much bigger than I'd thought it to be.

As the ocean of stars washed further into the darkness, I realized that this room was actually more of a cavern. The ceilings were at least 50 feet up with stalactite dangling dangerously all around.

“Whoa...” Chanyeol said in a breathy voice.

“You can say that again.” I chuckled and turned to face him. His mouth was hanging open in amazement, and he looked absolutely ridiculous. I'm pretty sure I looked the same, though. The beauty of the place had successfully replaced our fear with amazement and wonder. This would probably be the only pro about our little adventure.

“This place... It's amazing...” Chanyeol let go of my hand and walked further forward. I followed after slowly, then walked towards one of the nearest walls to take a closer look at these little lights. I bent forward, resting my hands on my knees as I watched the small lights.

Actually, they were bugs. Tiny little glowing bugs, and thankfully not the ugly kind either. They looked like what fireflies are depicted as in little kid's movies. Cute even...

I brought a finger up to one curiously, the small bug scuttled away in response. I poked the wall instead, dragging my finger down the cold rock face. I nearly shrieked when a whole swarm of them came climbing towards my hand crawled onto it. I pulled back with at least a hundred little glowing bugs on my hand. What the heck do I do with these?!

I stared at my hand in horror, “Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeooooool!” Chanyeol came jogging over and stared at my glowing hand with an unreadable expression.

“Pfffft, what the heck are you doing, Baek?!” I frowned and gave my hand a little shake. A couple of the insects flew away in surprise, but the rest sat there staring at me with their little bug eyes. Oh gosh....


A/N Errm.... Hi ;~; Hopefully a few of you already know crazy little me... so uh... I hope you liked this :D

I'm Foreveradancer's co-author take good care of me? Hehe, comment and subscribe okay? <3 


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This story is so sad and looonely ;A;


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Chapter 5: Waaaa~ please update this! This story is really interesting :)
Just... Don't drop it >.<
Chapter 2: *screams* holy Imma read al of this
Chapter 5: Nice fic there ㅋ ㅋ chanyeol is forever a dork lmao

Love the way you describe stuffs, funny at some point yet serious at the other ;D
Chapter 4: FFFFF-- omg I actually got scared when I read this chapter. And then my neighbour shut the lid on his bin next door and I almost screamed. Gah.
lcherry13 #5
Chapter 2: Great story!!!