
The Labyrinth



The next day, after we made the bet, we went on a search for this labyrinth or chamber or whatever the heck they’re calling it.

We basically searched every cliché place that an underground maze would be hiding. None of the manholes looked suspicious, and there were no secret doors. We even tried the subway station, which was kind of stupid, but worth a try.

“How do we know when we’re done searching?” I said, fed up with mindlessly looking through every street in the city.

“When we find it, of course.”

“But it’s not real! We’re going to be searching all night!”

"Be patient, Baekhyun. Besides, this is kinda fun. We hardly get to see each other anymore because of school and extracurriculars.”

I let out a slight groan but agreed to the fact that it was nice to hang out with him again. I definitely missed him being around. I mean, I love him. Not in the way you’re thinking so don’t even go there. He’s my best friend and we’ve known each other for… well… I’m not even sure. It has been long enough to not remember a time where he wasn’t by my side.

It was getting late and the street lights were beginning to turn on.

“Chanyeol, we’ve been searching all day and there’s no hope in find-” I cut myself off when I noticed a dark alley that I’ve never seen before. “What the heck? How did I not notice that freaky alley? I walk past this street every day to get to school.” Buildings don't just magically part like Moses parting the red sea. That alley way had no business being there.

“I don’t know. But let’s go check it out!”

There’s one thing about Chanyeol that you should know. He acts before he thinks, and he definitely isn’t the scaredy-cat kind of person.

“How about we don’t? It’s getting dark. Let’s just go home, Yeollie.” I tugged at his arm but he didn’t budge.

“Oh c’mon! Let’s just check it out for a minute! And don’t worry, if some creepy old man comes to try to you I’ll take him out with these!” He held up both of his fists while he had a big twitchy grin on his face.

I scoffed, “Oh, please. Chanyeol, you wouldn’t hurt a fly and if anything, the would be afraid of you.” Chanyeol had a height advantage on many people and although he's the happiest most upbeat person I know, people tend to find him intimidating at first glance.

“Exactly! So let’s go!”

Chanyeol pulled me along with him into the mysterious alley. I was still baffled by the fact that I had never noticed it before.

“It looks like an ordinary alley to me… Wait, what the…” Chanyeol’s voice trailed off as he noticed something suspicious. He pulled me along, deeper into this alley way until we came into a clearing. 

"Oh my God..." I said dumbfounded. I had lived in this city all my life, and it's not like it was huge or anything, so I knew the streets well. What should have been on the other side of these buildings is the main road leading down town. I know that for a fact. But...but that's not what we found.  

Before us was barren land. Abandoned cars and bits and pieces of used-to-be buildings scattered here and there were the only signs that humans ever existed here. 

However, that wasn't the strangest part. Behind us it was night, but in front of us it was day.

We remained silent for a good five minutes, completely stunned at the sight of this.

"What... is this place?" Chanyeol said, scanning over the area.

"I don't know, but it gives me the creeps. Let's go back." I tugged on his arm but he shrugged me off.

"Of course you want to turn back just when I'm about to prove you wrong."

"No, it's not like that, Chanyeol. This just seems... dangerous. Something doesn't feel right." I was about to turn back when he grabbed my arm and turned me back.

"A few minutes can't hurt. C'mon, I know you can never turn down an adventure." He gave me that smile that I just couldn't say no to. I cringed at the thought of this place but he was right, there was no way I could turn down an adventure. 

We began walking down the abandoned streets, "So, what do you think happened here?"

"I'm not sure... It looks like some parallel world to me. Doesn't it? I mean, this place looks like an exact replica of where we just came from but it's old and nothing lives here anymore. Oh yeah, and the sun is rising instead of setting."

"You're right... This isn't something you see every day." I deadpanned.

We walked around for a little longer and just as we were about to turn back we came across something even more interesting.

We had discovered that this place actually was an older version of the city we lived in. After walking a couple blocks, we came across my house.

"I'm not sure what to feel right now." I said as I stood in front of my half destroyed house. Everything looked the same except for the fact that everything was crumbling down from old age and neglect. 

I stepped closer to the house only to be pulled back by Chanyeol. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He gave me a worried look.

"What harm could it possibly do?" 

Little did I know, this single decision would change our lives forever.


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This story is so sad and looonely ;A;


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Chapter 5: Waaaa~ please update this! This story is really interesting :)
Just... Don't drop it >.<
Chapter 2: *screams* holy Imma read al of this
Chapter 5: Nice fic there ㅋ ㅋ chanyeol is forever a dork lmao

Love the way you describe stuffs, funny at some point yet serious at the other ;D
Chapter 4: FFFFF-- omg I actually got scared when I read this chapter. And then my neighbour shut the lid on his bin next door and I almost screamed. Gah.
lcherry13 #5
Chapter 2: Great story!!!