Successfully Getting In

The Two Wedding Crashers


The sky’s painted in a light blue almost too bright for the human eye and in the borderline of the country and city life is a large, detailed building where the wedding’s being held. The sound of doves flocking above relinquishes everybody’s ears and in the main entrance of the building is a gigantic line of guests invited.

The two wedding crashers are suited in one of their finest tuxes, currently combing their hair in the parking lot. They put on their cufflinks and Sunggyu stretches his arms. "Alright, let’s do our pre-game."

Woohyun checks his breath. "What’s to know? Big fancy-schmancy wedding. Lots of rich ers. Smoking hot chicks. Please, we can do this in our sleep."

Sunggyu glances at the rear view mirror and watches the line of people outside. He can feel the knots in his stomach tying tighter. "Rule one: always prepare."

Woohyun rolls his eyes. "Now look who’s following the rule. Fine, what do you have?"

Sunggyu takes out a folder beneath his seat and hands it over. His eyes check the line outside growing longer and longer. "A few articles and facts about the Officer Lee’s economic policy. There’s also some info about the family and business terms. Bills are like to these people."

Woohyun flicks through the stack load of papers and mumbles. "Okay…Harvard…Mom’s big with charities blah blah blah. Three daughters, one son, big companies. Barf. Puke. Gag. Got it. Alright, what’s our back up story?"

"We’re brothers from Japan who was raised by one parent that’s Korean and another Japanese. Our occupation’s venture capitalists."

Woohyun moans in annoyance and fixes his conceited head of hair again. "I’m sick of that one. Why can’t we be top chefs from a foreign country? I enjoy food."

"Repeat what you said one more time and you’ll see why we stick to the other one. Alright let’s get going." The two of them get out of the car and just as they’re about to join in with the line, Sunggyu catches two men dressed in a grave black checking people’s names off a list. He nudges Woohyun and bites his lower lip. "I knew it! Secret Service."

Woohyun turns his head to where Sunggyu’s looking and shrugs. "Yeah. So?"

Sunggyu shakes his head at how he could possibly be friends with someone so ridiculous and steps closer. "So they don’t mess around. For pete’s sake, they’re trained to get shot."

"Big deal. I could take bullets." The confidence in Woohyun’s voice is outstanding.

Sunggyu drags the both of them back to the parking lot and smacks Woohyun’s right shoulder. "Oh, please. You won’t even take a flu shot. Maybe we should just go to that Chinese wedding three blocks from here. They’ll have that fried rice you like."

" the fried rice. We’re hitting this one. Everything we’ve done for the past three years, all that hard work, has lead us to this moment." Woohyun peeks at the main entrance and observes a large van with a big family reeling out. He suggests to Sunggyu. "Let’s just rush in with that family."

Sunggyu gasps and clutches his heart as if he’s been shot. "You wanna do a rush? Woohyun, we’re craftsman. This is not amateur hour, pal. We’re in the big league."

The large family group’s finally getting checked off from one of the Secret Service men and Woohyun gives no time for protests when he pushes Sunggyu and him in with the family as they successfully file in to the building. "See told ya so."

The two best friends examine around the room, immediately scanning for some chicks to lay on, and Sunggyu stills his eyes on the girl in a lavender dress. Her fair skin gleams against the lighting of the room and Sunggyu gulps at how beautiful she is. He notices her looking for a seat and he makes his way closer to her. The dazzling girl diverts her attention to Sunggyu and blinks at him. Sunggyu fakes a cough and points at one of the vacant spots. "Four rows back, second seat. Close enough to the altar but far enough to see the bride’s entrance. A lot of people go for the altar but you’ll have that ‘should I give eye contact to the bride’ crisis."

The fair girl smiles at this. "Thank you." Before Sunggyu can make conversation, she leaves.

Woohyun nudges Sunggyu’s shoulder and winks. "Already getting them, tiger."

"Whatever, I’m gunna take a hit."

"Cool. I’ll go find a seat for us."

Sunggyu spots the restroom sign and tilts his head seeing a nervous groom looking at his reflection on the mirror. Sweats pounding the poor man’s face, and if not official, it’s as if he’s going into a seizure. Sunggyu sighs and if it weren’t for seeing this happen many times before, he would’ve left the disgusting smell of urine and from this poorly sanitized restroom and abandon the man in need of help. Sunggyu casually walks to a nearby sink beside the groom. "Nervous huh?"

The startled groom turns his head at the sound of Sunggyu’s voice, and looks wide eyed.

Sunggyu nods his head and smiles. "Trust me, I know what you’re thinking. What have I done? I’m over, finished. And at what? Twenty six?" The groom nods his head in confirmation and Sunggyu continues. "Twenty six years of Grade- A ual freedom and it’s now all plummeting down the toilet into the abyss of dirty diapers, brain numbing conversations about your soon to be wife "needs", and worse, the same with the same person for the rest of your life."

The groom, once again, begins hyperventilating. "Oh god."

Sunggyu shakes his head. "Well you’re wrong. You’re in for a world with deep love, appreciation, and adoration you’d never thought was possible. You’ll be gifted with kids who’ll call you, their father, a hero. You’re about to marry that special someone who’ll take care of you when you’re sick, comfort you when your sad, laugh with you, cry with you, love you. Most guys would kill to be in your shoes. This is only the beginning of the something even better."

The groom takes a deep breath and makes a sound of relief. "Thank you…"

"No problem. Now go get em’" Just as the groom’s about to leave, he stops short and turns to Sunggyu. "Say, how long have you been married?"

Sunggyu widens his eyes at the questions and chuckles. "Oh, I’m not married. I might try to hook up with that chick in the lavender dress though. She seems nice." He leaves the restroom along with a very, very perplexed groom.

By now all the guests have subsided to their seats and are in anticipation for the bride. Woohyun waves Sunggyu from the second row and the two of them scan the room for any potential woman. The priest comes up the altar and greets everyone to be in prayer.

The two wedding crashers pretend to lower their heads and they continue scooping out for chicks to hit on. Woohyun nudges Sunggyu. "Third row. Straw hat."

Sunggyu rolls his eyes and whispers. "I thought we’ve been through this. You know that woman in hats never give it up. C’mon!"

"Woah, woah, woah. That’s not true! I bagged that hot bartender with that hat at the Han wedding!" Woohyun covers his mouth when the people in front of them turn around and he smiles apologetically.

Sunggyu snickers in content. "A little louder. I don’t think the priest heard you."

"Oh shut up." Before the two can fire up an argument, a couple in their fifties sit beside them.

The older man, a large patch of white hair on the very top of his head, takes his hand out to shake the two of them. A strong smell of one of those expensive colognes lingers on him and it’s clear that he’s not one to be messed with. "Wong Jonghyun."

Woohyun shakes his hand first. "I’m Woohyun, and this is my brother Sunggyu." The other nods his head in confirmation.

Jonghyun smiles in a sense of a more forced welcome. "So, how do you know the groom?"

"Oh we’re…" Woohyun flickers to the left before quick thinking. "Uncle Jinyoung’s kids."

The elder man scrunches his eyebrows listening to the unfamiliar name and the wrinkles on his forehead join together. His wife mutters something to his ear, as if she knows exactly what they’re talking about and Woohyun and Sunggyu gulp in fear. Jonghyun breaks into a face of enjoyment. "Oh Uncle Jinyoung? Is that Minji’s brother?"

No words can describe the relief exploding inside the two of them as Woohyun frantically nods his head. "Yes! Minji’s brother. Whoops, almost forgot there."

Jonghyun takes a while to respond and slowly nods his head. "How is everybody?" Oh god, when will the questions end.

Woohyun smiles. "Oh, dad’s fine. Aunt Minji sends her best. She couldn’t make it."

The senior tilts his head in confusion and wonders if he’s the one not making sense. "Yeah… I know. She’s dead."

And as if he had unfolded their little devious game, Woohyun doesn’t even break a sweat. The boy’s been through this before. Woohyun leans closer to the elder as if he’s about to tear up and nods his head as if it pains him to do so. "She sends her best from the grave. We’ve become very spiritual." Sunggyu awkwardly laughs and nods his head along with Woohyun.

"I see…" The older couple refrains themselves from the strange discussion any longer and they turn the other way toward the aisle.

Sunggyu immediately drags Woohyun a little farther. "How many times are you gunna do this? If you’re going to commit to a relative, make sure you know if they have a pulse."

All the chatter stops when a creak from the back door is heard. Out comes the groom walking to the altar and a mother in front of Sunggyu hushes her child to be quiet. Everyone watches the groomsmen a much-aged lady to the front seat, and Sunggyu with the research, identifies her as the grandmother of the family. Following after, the two groomsmen assist a middle aged woman, who’s the mother of the bride, with a glow that probably came from all those years of drinking. She sits beside the grandmother. A cute flower girl makes her way through the aisle as she throws rose petals all over the place with the bridesmaids and groomsmen right behind.

Woohyun catches sight of a hot bridesmaid with red highlights. "Well hello there." He elbows Sunggyu, "Dibs."

"All yours, dude. And her name’s Baerim, she’s the bride’s sister."

Then comes the maid of honor Lee Nayoung, the bride’s other sister, who walks down the aisle. She smiles amongst everybody and the calmness in her steps makes Sunggyu curious. Her bright eyes divert back to the side of the altar where she’s going to stand and there’s a second where the brightness of the building becomes nothing compared to the fair girl’s luminescence. Sunggyu recalls her as the girl in the lavender dress and takes note of her.

The pianist begins playing "Here Comes the Bride," and the guests stand in captivation of the bride’s arrival. Her white gown flows with the wind and she’s walked through the aisle with her father, the one and only officer of the treasury. Everyone seats back down and Sunggyu turns to Woohyun. "I think we got a crier."

Woohyun glances at the bride and shakes his head. The girl’s wearing spiked heels. "Nah."

"Twenty bucks?"

"You’re on."

The two of them watch in apprehension as the father walks the bride to the altar and after giving her a kiss on the cheek, sits down next to his wife. The couple face one another and share contact, a long gaze of mushy gushy love. In comes the priest. Boom. The bride immediately starts bawling.

Woohyun widens his eyes. "Jesus…" He glances at a conceited Sunggyu and grudgingly takes out his wallet.

He grips his twenty before handing it to Sunggyu.

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Chapter 2: i was laughing my socks off at Woohyun's character :D waiting for the next update~
Even if this isn't WooGyu and I already read the note and I never read about het couplings, I'm still going to subscribe because I still went ahead and read the character intros and have become interested in them ^^
I also cannot ignore someone who calls my two favorite boys in kpop devilishly handsome >:D
The comedy tag also helped because most authors are hesitant to tag 'comedy' even when they have an awesome sense of humour.
milotic55 #3
is this woogyu lol?
Keke sounds interesting!
though i dont really like ocs in the story but as long as it's woogyu~ please update soon ^_^