The Party of the Wedding

The Two Wedding Crashers


The ceremony starts as the priest clears his throat for everyone to pay attention. He takes out his bible and begins reciting the matrimony. The priest then asks Baerim to come up forward for the next reading. Her voice is surprising, an adorable tone to what she’d appear to be. She takes a big breath before beginning. "Love is patient. Love is kind…"

Woohyun rolls his eyes, "Yeah, yeah, we get it. Love is bull. Love ."

The rest of the wedding follows up with all the family members saying a word of honor to the couple, and it’s no damn surprised when Woohyun starts dozing off. The building’s a little bit darker from the daylight passing by, and the ceiling lights romance brighter. Sunggyu fidgets with his nails until the father takes his turn to speak, and he elbows the sleeping next to him to wake up. Woohyun jolts open and glancing around he dabs eye drops under his eyes for fake tears. He whispers to the people beside him. "I just love to see young people happy."

Now the moment everybody’s all been waiting for arrives as the ring bearer hands the priest the pillow holding the rings. The couple places the bedazzling rings on one another’s index finger and they recite their vows. Woohyun wonders how much those fat diamonds must’ve cost.

The groom straightens his back. "I Dongwoo, take you Seohyun to be my wife, my best friend, and my first partner."

Sunggyu notices a small scoff coming from Nayoung and he smiles at this. So these people do love business talk.

The groom makes a short pause before continuing, "To check our bill of love and to stay with that bill no matter how hard the taxes."

Nayoung stifles a laugh. Woohyun makes a face of disgust. "What the are they saying?" The maid of honor can’t hold it in any longer and bursts in laughter. Sunggyu widens his eyes in wonderment. During his three years of wedding crashing, he’s never seen anyone laugh through the vows. The bride shoots Nayoung a crossly look and she coughs to cover up her laughter.

Now it’s Seohyun’s turn as she holds Dongwoo’s hand. "I Seohyun take you, Dongwoo, to be my husband, my best friend, and my boss.

Sunggyu can’t take his eyes of the girl in the lavender dress as she’s stuck in agony to refrain herself. The poor girl pinches her stomach to stop from losing it and ends up turning around to keep calm. A few guests puzzle at her.

The bride continues, "To be your legislative and board, your court and law."

Before Nayoung can hold it in any longer, the priest thankfully cuts in and announces that they may now kiss. Howls of laughter shoot our from Nayoung mouth afterwards, and luckily it’s drowned out by the cheers and claps of the audience. The bridesmaid and groomsmen make their ways out of the building and Sunggyu can’t take his eyes off the interesting girl in the lavender dress. On the other hand, Woohyun winks at a blushing Baerim.




It’s a tad earlier than dusk and the sky’s now mixed into a swirl of a dark purple and a light tinge of blue. It’s now time for the banquet and the two wedding crashers walk through the entranceway and into the large tent. One side of the tent reveals a remarkable ocean view and the other contrasts with a bar area. In front of everything is a grand stage with a swing band strumming some music to fill in the silence. The round tables are covered in opulent platters of food and the chandeliers above are tempting to touch. A waiter comes across them with a tray of lobster canapés and Woohyun snatches one when he’s not looking. It’s heaven: women and food.

"Sweet, huh? What did I tell you man?"

Sunggyu raises one of his eyebrows. "You said it’d be sweet." He catches Nayoung entering the entranceway and smiles. "Get us near but not too near the bridal party. I’ll drop the fake presents."

Woohyun nods his head. "Excellent. And if you see any crab cakes, grab me some. Got to have some crab cakes."

The two of them split up and Sunggyu searches for the gift table, while Woohyun sneakily goes up to one of the tables. Woohyun observes the reserved name cards on each seat and takes out the fake ones he made out of his pocket. He glances around before shuffling them with another two. "Sorry Mr. And Mrs. Song. I’m sure they’ll find you another lovely table."

Sunggyu smirks finding the wedding present table and places his fake present on top of another. And as if it couldn’t get any better, he watches from the corner of his eye Nayoung making her way toward the present table to check out the gifts. She picks up a medium green wrapped present and gives it a gentle shake. Sunggyu points at the present she’s holding. "Fondue set."

A confused expression’s pressed on her face and Nayoung tilts her head. "Come again?"

"The present you’re holding. It’s a sterling silver fondue set." The brilliant man takes the opportunity to introduce himself and brings out his hand. "Kim Sunggyu."

"Lee Nayoung." She turns her attention back to the gift and redirects back. "How do you know?"

Sunggyu shrugs in playfulness. "I’m sort of a psychic."

Nayoung raises one of her eyebrows in suspicion and picks up another present. It’s wrapped in a shiny glittery red. "What about this one?"

"Knife set. Very nice. German." He grins in confidence.

The girl nods her head, impressed with his knowledge and chuckles. She picks up another present and wonders what kind of trick he’s pulling off so well. "And this one?"

"Cotton linens. Egyptian." Sunggyu also picks up a present, one small and messily wrapped. "This one’s massage oils and a book on cabbage. Probably from the wacky Aunt."

Nayoung takes the box away from him and reads the gift card on there. widens in surprise. "Wow, it’s from Aunt May. You definitely have a gift here."

"Yes, unfortunately, my powers only apply to useless consumer products."

The two of them turn their heads at the sound of sharp heel taps. Nayoung moans and whispers, "It’s my mother."

Sunggyu smiles at the gracious mother standing between the two of them, and gives her an eye smile.

"Nayoung, we need you for pictures." The mother turns her head at Sunggyu and changes her expression immediately to this weird friendliness that makes him shiver. "And who is this?"

Sunggyu extends his hand out for a shake. "Kim Sunggyu." He glances at Nayoung who’s glaring at her mother. He takes a guess that their family relationship isn’t what it should be.

"Charmed. I’m Ms. Lee, Nayoung’s mother. But you can call me Minji." The parent takes hold of Nayoung’s hand and she pulls her to go be in the pictures. "It was nice meeting you." There’s a slight pause, no doubt that she forgot his name before she continues. "Sunggyu." Then she winks at him and the man can’t help but laugh.

"It was my pleasure." Sunggyu smiles at them as they walk past him and he sniffs that same lingering smell of alcohol that Minji carried during the reception. The brown-headed man checks his wristwatch and wonders where Woohyun’s at. But it doesn’t take him long when he’s seen a greasy guy devouring a most masculine plate of food at the club, bar area. He stands next to Woohyun and rolls his eyes seeing his blazer’s ed. "Come on, let’s be professional here. If you’re going to your fat, at least don’t stand up for the public to see." He quickly buttons it for him, as a mother would for a child.

Woohyun, a bit hurt that he was called fat, shoves the plate at his friend. "You must try the bacon wrapped scallops. They’re little angels made to eat."

Before Sunggyu can retort with a witty comeback, he catches a girl wearing a long patterned dress walking toward them. Recognition instantly hits his head with a brick and he widens his eyes. "Oh ! Isn’t that the chick you picked up at the Byrne Wedding, Soomi?"

Woohyun stares at who Sunggyu’s looking at, horrible memories begin haunting him, and he rapidly starts looking for ways to escape. "Quick hide me!"

Sunggyu refrains the pal hyperventilating next to him and speaks quietly with his teeth shut. "Too late. We’ll number ten from the playbook."

The poor guy can feel the sweat wanting to pound his forehead, and he groans seeing Soomi coming closer. Did she pick up her pace? "Oh god, you don’t understand. She kisses like a—"

"Shlomo! I thought you were renouncing your possessions and moving to New York!" Sunggyu snickers in the inside. Shlomo, really? Woohyun pretends to act confused at Soomi, scrunching his eyebrows together feigning bewilderment. Soomi tilts her head at the sudden change of the beautiful man she met before and steps closer. "Shlomo, don’t you remember me?"

Sunggyu takes a breath, wonders if he should add an accent but decides not to, before following the plan. "Oh god. I’m sorry. You didn’t hear, I guess. Shlomo had a bad accident. In the mountains, pack of mules. Oxygen deprivation. He doesn’t remember anyone. Even me, his own brother…I’m just a nice man who helps him out." Sunggyu congratulates himself for his excellent sympathy tone.

Soomi gasps in shock and presses her hands against . "Oh, you poor dear!"

Woohyun checks off the next step and blinks at Soomi for a while before doing sign language to Sunggyu.

"I’m afraid he can’t hear you. Part of the accident. You here for the Lee’s Wedding?"

The concerned girl takes a while to answer Sunggyu, what with the sudden news of her ex boyfriend (for supposedly a day and a half), now handicapped from being attacked by mules. She struggles to speak, much to the two’s most brilliant acting, and frowns. "I am, but I have to leave. I got a flight to Madrid." No words can describe the bliss exploding in Woohyun right now, until he feels a hand his arm. "But…I could stay for a few minutes. Oh, poor Shlomo." The way her eyelashes batter together makes his spines shiver.

Woohyun quickly does more hand signals, and Sunggyu, enjoying this moment to the fullest content, finally breaks and speaks up. "He wants me to take him to the bathroom." The older pretends to concentrate distinctly to whatever crazy gestures his friend’s doing and says, "And he wants some crab cakes." Sunggyu fakes his horribly done sign language to Woohyun, "Okay, we’ll go to the bathroom first than get some crab cakes."

Woohyun widens his eyes and shakes his head rapidly. His hands start squirming all over the place and Sunggyu imagines himself jumping off a cliff. What kind of damn hand gestures are those? He sighs and signs angrily, "Okay Shlomo. We’ll go get the crab cakes first."

Soomi, not sure what to feel with all this, nods her head and hands Sunggyu a card. "Here’s my number if there’s anything I can do to help." With that said, she awkwardly waves goodbye, stretches the length of her strapless dress, and walks away with her loud heeltaps.

Woohyun waits in anticipation for the sound of her footsteps to grow further and further before he snatches the card from Sunggyu and does what he calls his ‘score!’ dance. He looks side to side to see if anyone’s looking before returning back to his original character. "Cool. In a couple weeks I’ll have you call for me. Guaranteed score. Deaf-mute amnesiac. They love that." He nudges Sunggyu, "Dude. I won’t even have to buy her dinner."

Sunggyu rolls his eyes. "Charming." He takes in the new atmosphere as they exit the bar lounge into the ballroom. "So what angle are you going to work here?"

Woohyun does a 360-degree turn to speculate his surroundings and Sunggyu can just imagine another one of his most-interesting plots forming in his brain. "Uh…I think I’ll start with a public balloon animal display for the kids and then, when that red headed chick I told you about, Baerim was it, draws near, I’ll do the man-haunted-by-noble-past."


"What about you?"

"No brainer. I’m gunna work with the dad and then dance with the little flower girl. Public policy minded and good with kids."

Woohyun internally cries, proudly listening to how much his "little apprentice" has grown. "Beautiful."


"Let’s do it."

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Chapter 2: i was laughing my socks off at Woohyun's character :D waiting for the next update~
Even if this isn't WooGyu and I already read the note and I never read about het couplings, I'm still going to subscribe because I still went ahead and read the character intros and have become interested in them ^^
I also cannot ignore someone who calls my two favorite boys in kpop devilishly handsome >:D
The comedy tag also helped because most authors are hesitant to tag 'comedy' even when they have an awesome sense of humour.
milotic55 #3
is this woogyu lol?
Keke sounds interesting!
though i dont really like ocs in the story but as long as it's woogyu~ please update soon ^_^