Behind Everything.

Guess who's reaaaaaaaallllll??? I've known since Thursday but just now remembered I had this fic written and well I'm pretty sure all you subbies are excited about this news, unless you think that Baekhyun and Taeyeon "disrespected" and "mocked" the fans by not letting them in on their "secret codes and communications" using their instagram accs, which I hope you all know happens to be another one of the delusional cards some fans (both korean and international.. there is no difference) are trying to pull. Delusionalism cannot be excused in ANY culture, btw, hope you guys know that. Even so, Taeyeon has 500+ posts on her instagram, only 6 posts of which she "addressed Baekhyun" apparently. None of these stupid and ruthless claims that she doesn't appreciate her fans enough, same goes for Baekhyun. (whose instagram is fairly new btw he hasnt had time to adjust)

My point is, we don't know  about what truly goes on in the minds of the idols we "love" and "cherish", which are two very big words to be using for people we have never talked to or personally know. Yes, we can admire them, but bashing them and INSULTING them for dating, flirting with eachother on a SOCIAL NETWORKING SITE then CLAIMING that they're not showing enough support and attention to fans is absolutely disgusting. They have SHOWN YOU LOVE AND FANSERVICE FOR 2 and 10 years. Is it really that hard for you to stand them averting their attention from their job for ONE HOUR or scratch that ONE DAY and engage in THEIR VERY PRIVATE AND PERSONAL LIVES? Please think rationally, being a fan isn't everything in life. They have worked their asses off each day to please you and make you happy, can't you at least make THEM HAPPY by accepting their relationship? And for the (korean, apparently MUCH MORE SUPERIOR) fans that say that it's not the relationship that makes them angry but the fact that they "mocked the fans", are just spewing bull, because you can't know what their intentions from the instagram posts were?? Is it so hard for you to accept the reality that is in front of you??? Or are you just using this as an excuse to show everyone how much you've hated them all along? Well, you can take your hate elsewhere, none needed here. 

We don't know who Taeyeon and Baekhyun are outside of Idol life, but to claim that after hard years of training and sacrifices, which I can assure you EVERY SINGLE IDOL goes through, you think they would throw away their fanbase by "mocking fans on instagram"? I'm not trying to convince you to support them and not abandon them to the rumors following their instagram post, but consider how they feel right now because of how delusional and hateful some "fans" can be. I'm not going to address some of the other things that happened to them because of this "scandal", because I'm tired and sick of how delusional and disgusting the kpop fandom  and k-netizens can be. I deleted my twitter, unfollowed a dozen blogs, and decided not to engage myself too much in kpop, because I am truly sick of the kpop industry and fandom after 7 years of following kpop news and entertainment. Although, I'll be secretly updating myself on more Baekhyun/Taeyeon moments from time to time. ;) 


Anyways, I hope Baekhyun and Taeyeon take this whole fan issue as a test to their relationship, and come back even stronger than ever! If they truly love and support eachother, they will last. If not, then we'll just have to move on :).

I hope I didn't offend anyone, and no one really should be offended, because as I said being a fan isn't everything. Have happy and prosperous lives everyone! I don't think this fanfiction shall be updated again, I'm very sorry to those who are disappointed, but just think about it, they're in an actual relationship so.. hahhaha. You can imagine whatever you want ;). In fact, I won't be updating my other fanfiction either, because I've been busy with life, exams, jobs,..etc.


Goodbye and farewell, subscribers.  


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Chapter 4: Yeay.. I think the same way too author-nim!! I will always ship BaekYeon couple because they are so cute... >< nice story author-nim. Waiting for your update :)
lovebaektae #2
sm tour in tokyo will start at 26/10/2013 so that i hope they will have more moments
exotaeng9 #3
Chapter 3: update.....
XxBlackBeat #4
woaaa, the summary is attracting me, hoho~~ love this story <33
exotaeng9 #6
Chapter 2: update.... .......
Chapter 2: kai wife thanks for the update ^_^ miss you ya bnt
Chapter 2: tae will sure to turn down baek's confession to protect him.
hwaiting author-nim!!