When The Sun Comes Up, Ill Be There.

Love Is My Objective

My alarm clock rang. My alarmclock rang for the first tim in 6 years. It buzzed in my ear and sounded like a dying cat. It scared me and I threw it at a wall.


I heard foot steps down the hall way and I reached under my bed for a gun that my brother had gotten me for self protection.

"Jungah, are you o- OH MY GOD PUT THAT  DOWN!" Luhan screamed.


He looked shocked. "Didnt your brother call you this morning?" He said, "I told him that I was gonna come by and take care of you today!"

I blushed and put the gun back under my bed. "God, why do I even have a gun." I said to myself and stood up.

"Um..." Luhan said and looked at me.
"Yes?" I said confused. I looked down on my legs and realised I was only wearing a big EXO t-shirt and undies. "OH GOD." I quickly grabbed a blanket to cover myself.

"Ill.. Ill wait for you in the kitchen. I made a western breakfast for you." He said and turned around. I was a dark red color. I picked up a pair of leggings that I must have kicked off in the night.  Once my pants were on I walked out to my delicious smelling kitchen. I was shocked to see my kitchen table filled with pancakes and waffles, eggs, bacon, and lots of wiped cream.

"Holey Luhan! You made this all?" I said and sat down on a chair near the sink.

"Yeah, it was easy, except for the fact that I had to go pick up some supplies. Tao came over and helped me cook." He said and smiled. I smiled back.

"Wheres Tao now?" I asked.

"Um.. He's here somewhere." Luhan said, "TAO!?"

I stood up and walked to my office. There he was, looking around at all the picture covered walls.

"Did you take all of these?" He asked and smiled at me.

"Yeah, all but one of them. The one of me and Jongin as babaies was taken by my mother." I said and pointed to the picture.

"Wow, he was a cute kid! So were you." He said, "But I have happened to notice that's the only picture of you.. There are tones of pictures of Jongin, and of all the guys in EXO-K, but none of you."

I nodded. "I keep all of my personal pictures of myself In a box under my bed.  There are some of me, Some of Jongin and some of our parents. I dont really show them to anyone." I said and smiled.

He smiled back and asked, "Can we see some?"

I shook my head, "No. Im really sorry but they are too personal." I said.

He nodded, "Okay."

I walked back out to the kitchen and smiled at the table full of food. This would be the first meal of the month I had eaten that wasnt what I normally ate. I was excited.

"Okay so Jongin sugested something so that we could get to know you. Its a game he said you hate." Luhan said and smiled. "He said we ask you questions and for every question you answer we give you a bite of food."

I sighed. He was right, I ABSOLUTLY HATE THAT GAME. But oh well. Ill be fine.

"Okay,  you 2 are playing too. I ask, you answer for food."

"Deal." I said and smiled. I was always up for a chalange.

"Okay, question number one for a bite of a straberry pancake. Whats your birthday?" Luhan asked and smiled.

I smiled, "March 19th!" I said. He shoved  a peice pancake into my mouth. I chewed happily and smiled to Luhan.

After I swallowed, it was my turn to ask a question. "What is your favorite color?"

"Blue." He said and smiled. I cut off a peice waffle. He leaned foward and I put it in his mouth.

Question after question poped up about both of our lifes. When we were both full I smiled to Luhan.

"One more question." He said and picked up a peice of bacon.

"Okay. Deal." I said and picked up a paica od sasuage.

"Are you single?" He asked. I nodded and blushed slightly. I had never been asked that question. He shoved the bacon into my mouth playfull. I smiled and looked at the floor.

"Are you single??" I asked him. I guess he was shocked because it took him a few moments to answer the question.

"Yeah. 100%" He smiled, "Now feed me that sasuage!"

I giggled and shoved the meat in his mouth. "I guess all I kneeded to get better was a good meal. I was pretty hungry!

He laughed. "I guess. You ate like a pig!!"

We both laughed untill his phone started to ring.

"Hello~" He answered after pulling it out of his pocket.

After a brief pause he said, "Okay. Ill be back in a little bit. He quickly closed the phone and looked at me. "Im sorry, I have to go!"

I smiled and tryed to look okay with it. "Its fine, thanks for the amazing breakfast!"

He waved and opened the front door. As he left a note fell out of his back pocket. I picked it up and went to run after him, but when I did I saw my name on the note.

I decided to read it out loud to myself. "Dear Mom. I know its been a while but Im doing good. My heart breaks every time I see one of my band-mates moms smiling at the anual gatherings we have. I seceretly cry myself to sleep after all of those because you and dad have not even been near me for 6 years now. I go to dad's grave EVERY day. Even if its just for a few moments. I try my best to remeber him, but you are stil alive so I cant vivit your grave. Where are you? I have been sending all my letters to your apartment. I have not yet worked up the courage to come and see if yourr still there. Im still young mom, so you still have a chance to rebuild our relationshim. Im sorry if iv been waisting your time ALL THIS TIME. I just want my mom back."

I looke at the note and foud tears rushing down my face. I let them drip onto the paper. Just as I did the door opened.

"Hey Jungah di-" Luhan started to say but it was too late for me to put the note away. I just dropped it and he watched it drift slowly to the floor. "Jungah... thats really personal, why did you read it?"

"I-I dont know!" I said in shock. Why had I read the letter? "Im so sorry... I didnt mean it! I am soo sorry Luhan.."

He looked at me. His facial expression read upset and about to break your face. I continued to silently cy as he glared at me, his stares digging into my eyes. I looked away and sniffled slightly.

"Its okay..." He said and sighed. I looked down at the floor, ashamed and upset that I could have down something so stupid!

I Looked up at him after a few moments and his eyes were watering. "Luhan-ah... Im sorry." I stepped foward and hugged him.

He hugged back and said "Its fine Jungah, its just that thats is a personal letter! And I dont usually show any of those to anyone!"

I burried my face into his r and muffled into it, "Im so sorry."

His hug was tighter and felt releaving. I guess I was crying because when I pulled away and looked at his shirt there were little wet marks where my eyes were. I looked down again.

This was the first time I had cried in a while. This was the first time I went a while without thinking. This is the first time iv had fun in SO long. This was the first time I felt sorry towards someone besides Jongin or our parents. This was the first time for alot of things. And Im hapy about it, you know why?


Because Theres A First Time For EVERYTHING.




I woke up in a cold sweat. My heart was racing and my head was throbing.

"Oh my god. What the hell was that?" Sehun asked and sprung up in the bed accrost the room.

"Sorry, I had a bad dream, I much have knocked something over." I said and looked around in the dark.

"No, Jungah's here. I know that cry anywhere." He said. We both got up and went to the living room, but nothing was there. When I got the idea to open the door I was shocked to see Jungah on the floor crying her eyes out

"Jungah!" I said and crouched down to her. I picked her up and yelled at Sehun "Go get Jongin." He did and I carried her to the couch. I sat down with her on my lap because she would not let go of me.

"Jungah! Whats wrong?" Jongin asked and ran to me. She looked up from on my lap and wispered.

"He's gone."

"Who?" Jongin asked confused.

"Hyuseung." She said and cryed more.

"What! Where did he go?" He asked. She shrugged and shook in my arms.

"Um.. Whos Hyuseung?" I asked. She cryed more.

"He's her nebighor. Hes her bestfriend." Kai said and looked down. He ran his hands through his hair. "Hes probly just out for a trip. He will be back. Just go to sleep Jungah. We will talk about this in the morning."

She nodded aginst my chest and Jongin walked away without another word. I st ast there holding her. She was in her pajamas, a pair of shorts and a tee shirt. She had walked here bare foot so her feet were a bit bloody. She was weak and shaking lightly. He heart beat was fast but not too fast. "Do you want to sleep here or what?" I asked.

"Dont leave me." She wispered. I nodded and laid down. She just kaid ontop of me on the small couch and cryed onto my chest. As soon as I hugged here and felt her warm body I grew sleepy. I fell asleep quickly and waited in dream land for morning to come.




I woke up on top of something warm and without thinking I snuggeled up to it. When it moved I opened my eyes to see I was ontop of Luhan. I slowly blushe and got off of him, hoping noone was awake to see it. Oh boy was I shocked to be confronted by 10 boys I knew.

"Um... H..Hi guys!" I said and smiled nervously.


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