I See Red.

Love Is My Objective

I woke up on my desk again for the third time this week. My head was hurting and when I sat up there were sheets of paper stuck to my face. I rolled my office chair into the hallway and to my bed room.

It was dark, as usual, and my red lights were on. I stood up and started to take some pictures off my drying clips, and after finding the tool I was looking for I sat back down. I rolled my office chair into the hallway and to the kitchen as I looked at the new pictures. This was normal for me to roll around in this chair every morning. I dont even know why I have a bed. I'm always falling asleep on my desk and waking up to take pictures. I would always wake up early last year to get pictures of the sunrise. They were always beautiful from the top of the tallest apartment in Seoul, but I had taken a lot s now I'm moving on to people. I have been taking pictures of my brother and all of his friends every day lately, and his company is thinking about hiring me soon, to take pictures of them and sell them. I am sure that I would say yes but it would mess up my routine. I would have to start sleeping in a bed too, and would have to start using my portable developer which takes really long and can only develope one picture at a time compared to the racks in my bedroom which can hang up to a hundred pictures at once and take a shorter time to develope.

"Waa.. Jongin,you need to smile more often! I'm serious!" I said to myself as I opened it and took out an orange juice. There were only 3 types of food in my fridge. A LOT of orange juice, A LOT of beef, and lots of packages of mixed veggies. I always ate the same thing except when my brother Jongin came over. He always brought expensive food which made me think about taking up cooking lessons or something like that but I didn't. I never have and probably never will.I stick to the same routine. I do the same thing every day. I get up off my desk, roll to my room to check my pctures, eat breakfast while looking at them, go take a shower and get changed, grab 2 cameras and start taking pictures. When I'm done I come home and browse through my pictures then sleep.

Then there are those rare days when Jongin and his friends take me out with them. It's normally to dinner and sometimes to catch a show.  I never really enjoy it but Jongin likes to see me get out of my house sometimes and I guess im fine with it. I enjoy spending time with  him and vice versa.

At least his friends are tollerable. Im okay with the 5 in EXO-K, but I have never met the 6 in EXO-M. Kai and the rest of them act like they're great guys. I would like to meet them some time soon and take pictures of them...

I know how creepy that sounds but its true. I want pictures of them that I can call my own. I dont care if I leave a bad impression on them. I'm a photographer and that's what I do; take pictures.

I stood up and placed my orange juice and pictures on the table. I walked to my bedroom and got out clothes I wanted to wear today from my closet. When I was done, I locked my bedroom door to change. I quickly changed and got a pair of shoes on. I grabbed 2 cameras and walked back to my kitchen. I cleaned up my orange juice and put my jacket on. When I was ready I leave my apartment, I got out and locked the door behind me. I walked down 4 flights of stairs and got tired so I decided to take the elevator the rest of the way down. I stood awkwardly in the elevator with a couple next to me. They were making out and really loudly in the corner.

When the elevator finally reached the first floor I was sure that the woman had taken her shirt off. I hastily walked out of the elevator and into the outside world. I immediatly picked up one of cameras hanging around my neck. I started taking pictures of people as I walked to Jongin's dorm. When I was 2 blocks away I stopped infront of a house. It was an old house and I loved to take pictures of it. When I was done I walked straight to his dorm. When I was at the elevator I was stopped by a man with redish-blonde ish hair.

"Excuse me." He said and pointed to my socks, "Where did you get those? They are adorable on you!"

I blushed and smiled. "Thank you, I got them from a store down the street from my apartment. I dont remember what it's called though. I buy everything there though." I said and held up one of my cameras. "Do you mind if I take a picture of you?"

The man looked at me weirdly for a little bit then smiled "Sure, only if I can get your number."

I blushed harder and nodded. "Okay, Look to the left." I said and when he did I snapped a photo. I was sure It would be beautiful.

"Now your number." He said and flashed me another beautiful smile. He held out his phone and I took it. I typed in my number and saved it.

I smiled and said "Oh my name's Jungah. Kim Jung Ah."

His smile didnt leave his face as we both stepped into the elevator and started talking about pictures. I smiled the way up and we both got out at the same floor. We walked down the same hall still talking and When I was at Jongin's door, he didnt leave.

"Huh? Where are you going?" He asked.

"Here." I said and pointed to my brothers doorm room door.

"Oh, you must be a fan then..." He said and smiled wider.

"Um well sorta but Jongin is my brother.." I said and laughed akwardly.

"Oh! Your the one he's been taking about all week! H-"

"Wait, who are you?" I asked.

"Im Luhan... Im in EXO-M.." He said. The look on his face was a little disappointed that I didnt know him. I frowned.

"Im new to this all, sorry I dont know you.. I barley know most of EXO-K... like.. Im not the type of person to get out." I said and looked down at the floor. Just as I did the door opened. There was a man with black hair and a cute face. "H.. Hi."

"Hello... who are you?" He asked.

"Shes Jongin's sister Tao. Let her in." Luhan said and smiled to me.

Once I was inside I ran around looking for Jongin.

"JONGIN!!" I yelled when I couldent find him.

"God Jungah. Calm down! Im right here!" He yelled and hugged me.

"Jongin I need pictures of all these new people."

"Just ask," He said, "They wont care."

"F.. Fine." I said and walked out of the room I was in. My brain had not gotten usable pictures of each room, so I did not know where I was. I walked down  lightly lit hall way and grabbed my camera off my neck. I lifted it up and took a picture of the hall way.

"This is not a good hall." I said.

I turned to the left into the living room and there were 11 people talking about me. Some of them knew me some of them didnt.

"H.. Hi..." I said and enterd the room. Everyone looked at me. The only ones I knew were Luhan, Sehun, Chanyeol, Suho, Baekhyun, and D.O.

They all smiled to me.

"Hey Jungah!" D.O said and smiled wide. Suho looked at all the members in EXO-M and said,

"Guys go stand up in a line so Jungah can get your pictures."

I smiled. "P.. Please." I held up one of my camers as they all came over and stood in a line. They all smiled. Thats the worst thing they could do. "Um.. Dont smile.. I just need your profile.."

One by one I went down the line and took pictures. I occasionaly turned a head or fixed a hair, but over all I got 5 new pictures.

"Luhan I dont need yours. Your profile was captured in the first 2 pictures I took of you." I smiled as wide as I could.

When all my pictures were taken I was tempted to leave and go develop them.

"JONGIN." I yelled. I guess I was having a partial mental breakdow. I dont like meeting people who are friends with my family. Everyone else Is easy to talk to . Like when I first ment Luhan I could talk to him without It beaing akward but when I found out he was In EXO-M... It made me feel nervous. It made my throught cloog. It made me go into a cold sweat. It was not good for me because I thought he was attrractive and that he would be a good friend maybe, but he is my brothers friend. It took me a long time to warm up to EXO-K. About 2 or 3 months befor I could hang out with them confortably, and 2 more to be myself.

Jongin came walking out of his room. "Look I knew you were going to be like thins Jungah, so I set up red lights and trays in my room for you last night. My windos are covered. Go develop." He said.

"Really!?" I yelled and smiled.

"Yes. Really." He said. He waved his hand towards the door and I could see the red glow under the closed door. I smiled and ran to the door. For some odd reason, Luhan followed me.

"Um.. Yes?" I asked as soom as I was in the room and he was too and the door was closed.

"I just want to see whats happening." He said and looked around the room. i grabbed papers off a stack and started going down the light of developing them. I loved doing this. It was fun and relaxing to me. When I readhed the end of the line I Hung up the pictures I had done.

"Thats interesting." Luhan mumbeled. mumbling was a major pet peev of mine.

"Dont mumble.." I said clearly and walked out of Jongin's room. "All done."

"Good." He said "How were they?"

"I dont know, Ill look later."

He just shrugged, he knew something was wrong but hedidnt want others to know. I guess im too pecurlar for something like that.

"Jungah why do you wear glasses?" A black haired man asked.

"Um... Because I need to?" I said like it was the most obviously dumb question in the world.

"Woah!" He said, "calm down. It was just a question. I was trying to lighten the mood. You seem nervouse and I just wanted to make you feel welcome. Sorry!"

I looked at him, shocked. I was probly about to cry and most likely looked like I was going to punch something.

When a tear rushed down my face I decided it was my time to go. I calmly walked out the door and closed it behind me. I walked down the hall with tears running down my cheeks.

"JUNGAH! Get back here." Jongin yelled and ran after me. He picked my up and suprised me.

"JONGIN PUT ME DOWN YOU !" I screamed and kicked. I was acting childish and I knew it. He knew how I felt about mething new people. I didnt enjoy it very much. I just wanted to go home and develop more pictures. I wanted to do what I do on a  normal day in my normal life, not interact eith others like this.

"Stop Jungah. Your acting like a foolish child, you are so much better than this." Jongin said.

"I feel as though I need to call you KAI. I just want to go home Jongin."

He knew how nervous I got and how easily I got affended.

"Just go back in there, Tao wants to say he's sorry.."

"Fine." I said and looked up at him. I was still on his shoulder and I had some discomfort in my stomache. I guess it was worse than I thought because I was about to puke. "Put me down."

Jongin put me down and we both walked down that hall back to his dorm togther. I was holding his hand tightly and Im sure he could feel me shaking.

"Are you okay?" He asked, concirned.

"Yeah just a little dizzy, your boney shoulder was in my stomach and all I'v eaten today was.. well I dont even remeber.." I said. My mind went blank.

"Okay, your not okay!" Jongin said and pressed his hand aginst my forhead. "Your burning up! Lets get you inside."

We walked back down the hall and into his dorm room.

"Im FINE. Fine Jongin. Im fine." I said and sat on the couch. I was sitting next to Luhan.

"Oh.. you 2 are back. Look Jungah, Im really sorry." Tao said and smiled. I smiled back.

"It's fine. Im just a little overactive about everything. I totally understand where your comming from." I said and clutched my knees to my chest.

"Okay. Were good then?" He asked.

"Yeah. Were good." I said. My stomach ached.

"Okay thats it Jungah, I can hear your roaring stomach from here, Im taking you home." Jongin said and grabbed me by the hand. I had no choice but to go with him. He took me to the elevator, afterdragging me out the oor, and down to the lobby. Not once did he stop. We walked out to his car and he practicly pushed me into the front seat. I laughed as he got in after me. He looked concerned as he started his car and drove me home. He folllowed me to my apartment too. Once we were both inside he made me go to sleep in my real bed.

"Memh. Bye." I said when he waved at me. He locked the door behind him when he left my apartment.

I fell asleep quickly in my red, confortable bed.



H e l l o  A l l ~ ~

I t s  M e . . . RealisticLoveWar .

T h a t  W a s  C h a p t e r  N u m b e r  1.

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LOL and also listen to this:  http://enjoythemayoblog.tumblr.com/post/41236168516/new-version-of-mama-was-released

C A U T I O N > > >


E N J O Y ~


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