Part Three

Bom's Bed Time Story

Bom nodded and said, “Okay mommy who came next?”

Minzy smiled saying, “Let’s see, oh yeah. I went to a prestigious college instead of pursuing dance. I was deeply hurt by Billy and my ex best friend. Every time I danced, memories of them kept popping into my head. So I decided to go to college and see if I could find a different passion. And I did!

”“Was it what I think it is,” Bom asked.

Minzy laughed saying, “Yes Bom, I learned to love and appreciate photography. But it wasn’t a passion that came by easily. Someone showed me how to love it!”

“What do you mean by that,” Bom asked.

“That’s where the next guy mommy loved comes into the picture,” Minzy said and Bom quickly picked up her pencil to write. Minzy continued saying, “College was like a fresh start for me. I went to school out of town and no one knew me. I was determined to forget my past and move on with my life. College is so much bigger and there are so much more people. It was great getting to pick what classes I could take and when I would take them. I remember going to visit an academic counselor, someone who helps you pick your classes according to what you are interested in. I told the counselor my situation and we scheduled different classes from different fields to see if I would be interested in them. You know, to test them out. One of the classes I took was introduction to photography. I was really iffy on taking the class, but it seemed like I would be able to get and easy A!” Minzy paused to smile and continued saying “The professor handed out cameras to half of the class and asked the rest to find someone who had a camera. Luckily, the professor gave me the camera so I wouldn’t have to ask. Everyone seemed to have paired off and I was lucky enough to have my own camera. But then someone from behind asked if they could partner with me. I was a little bummed that I didn’t get my own camera. But my expression changed when I saw who it was. He was so hot,” Minzy giggled to herself.

“Mom,” Bom said tapping Minzy on the shoulder when she noticed that she wouldn’t stop giggling to herself saying, “I’m right here. Can you stop acting weird?”

Minzy smiled and nodded saying, “Sorry. Anyways, he was very good looking. I became self-conscious and accidentally let go of the camera. The good looking guy reached out and grabbed it before it hit the ground. He handed it to me and introduced himself. His name was…” Minzy stopped to think what fake name to give him.

“John,” Bom shouted excitedly.

Minzy nodded her head saying, “Okay, his name was John. After the professor saw that everyone was paired off he told us that, that person would be our partner for the rest of the semester. I was so happy I wanted to squeal like a little girl. But that changed when John rolled his eyes. I was kind of angry that he would do such of thing and asked him why he did that. You know what he said,” Minzy asked Bom.

“What,” Bom asked.

“He said he didn’t want to be partners with someone so careless with the camera and that I would cost him his grade,” Minzy said frowning.

“Really…what a jerk,” Bom said.

MInzy nodded and continued saying, “After that moment my whole perspective of him changed. He went from hot to NOT!”

Bom nodded her head saying, “Yeah that’s totally mean!”

“Well we had a huge project in the class. As partners we had to capture moments of happiness. I honestly didn’t want to do that project. I mean, I moved to start over but I was still hurting. But I forced myself to push those thoughts aside and was determined to find happiness again. Even though I tried not to talk to John as much as possible, this project forced me to not only talk to him. But be around him more,” Minzy said with a funny panicked face.

Bom laughed saying, “That , so what happened?”

“Well we decided that we would take turns taking pictures and I went first,” Minzy said. Minzy stopped to shake her head saying, “Well that was a bad idea! We went out to a park for our first day. He criticized every picture I tried to take, saying that I was doing the project all wrong and that I didn’t really understand the assignment. I finally gave up and shouted at him to show me how it was done. He then snatched the camera out of my hands and looked around. A couple of seconds later, he started to twirl in circles as he took pictures. He looked kind of crazy doing that and after he was done I asked him what he was doing!”

Bom giggled saying, “What did he say?”

Minzy smiled saying, “He looked at me and simply said that he was capturing moments of happiness!”

“What,” Bom said confused.

Minzy laughed saying, “That’s exactly what I said! He rolled his eyes and told me that he couldn’t explain it he had to show it to me. From that moment on we spent every weekend of the semester together. He took me to different places every weekend. We went to museums, the movies, dances, plays, and all sorts of places.”

“Wow,” Bom said trying to imagine it all.

Minzy smiled saying, “When it came towards the end of the semester I remembered that we had that big project due! I remember one weekend I was freaking out that we had slacked off so much and forgotten about the project. When I looked to him for his reaction he just sat with his arms folded like everything I said was going in on ear and out the other! I felt like I was wasting my time and decided to leave. But then he grabbed onto my arm to stop me,” Minzy brushed her hand against her arm remembering the moment.

“Mom,” Bom said shaking Minzy.

“Huh,” Minzy said looking to Bom.

Bom then pouted saying, “What happened? What did he say?”

“Oh yeah, sorry sweetie! He grabbed onto my arm to stop me but I wouldn’t look at him. I was so pissed at him to look him in the eyes. He kept holding onto my arm and he slowly turned me to him. I tried to avoid eye contact but he kept moving in every direction my eyes went making me laugh. He laughed too and then told me that we had already completed the project. He then said that we just needed to add the final touches to it. I didn’t get what he meant by that but in a split second he kissed me right on the lips,” Minzy said shaking her head.

“WHAT?! What was that for,” Bom asked as she kept scribbling into her notebook.

“That’s what I thought after the kiss. Out of nowhere he pulls out his camera and takes a picture of me! He then said that now the project was complete. I looked to him for an explanation and he took me to his dorms. He brought out a board filled with pictures. I looked at all the pictures and saw all the places we went to and it seemed that he took pictures of me without knowing. He told me that all the times we hung out were for our project. We had to experience it first hand to know and see what moments of happiness were. I was a happy but then a little bummed at his explanation,” Minzy said.

“Why mommy? You got your project done,” Bom asked.

Minzy nodded saying, “I was happy that we did get our project done. But I was also bummed that he was only hanging out with me for the project and not because he wanted to!

”“Oooh, I see,” Bom said.

“I guess my disappointment showed on my face because he asked me what was wrong. I lied to him and told him that nothing was wrong, but he read right through my lie. He walked up to me and squeezed my hands and said that the project was his excuse for me to go out with him,” Minzy giggled and Bom giggled along with her mom. “He then kissed me again and told me that the project showed his moments of happiness! After that we started to date. We dated for two great years,” Minzy said.

“Wow, what happened after the two years,” Bom asked.

Minzy sighed saying, “Well Bom all good things must come to an end. At the end of our second year of college together John had to leave me. His dream was in the field of business. One of his professors told one of his friends about how talented he was and they made him an offer. They offered him a really great position that would be hard to turn down. He told me about the offer and I told him to go for it. But then...then he said that it meant he would have to move out of the country for three years!”

“THREE YEARS,” Bom said shocked.

Minzy nodded her head saying, “As much as I didn’t want him to leave me I knew that this was his chance to make it big. So I told him to go and if he didn’t go I would just break up with him if he stayed. It was hard holding myself together, but I knew it was the right thing to do and with that he left. He left without another word and not looking back at his past.


Author's Notes:

I noticed that I'm not really a patient person haha. So I might as well just finish this 5 shot/chapters thing. Gosh I at holding out, oh well. I hope you're enjoying it!

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geezleweez #2
Chapter 1: This is really cute. LOL at Minzy being Bom's mom.
I think it's gonna be fun guessing Bom's dad along with her.