It cant be...

Love That Shouldn't be


Yoona walked back into the tent, eyes wide from what had happened. She was in a slight daze, every now an then taking a glance at the unconscious blonde laying limp in her arms. Yoona never looked at her face though, in fear of confirming the feelings that were  jumping inside of her heart.
"Mother, I have her..." she called in a small voice, looking around the room. At the sound of her sisters voice, Yuri ran up to Yoona with a worried expression. "Mother is with unit 1 making sure everything has been off. She said to make sure the princess stays unconcious until we get back to the castle."
"And father?"
"He left with some of the guards to fetch the warriors who went to scout out information."
Yoona nodded at Yuri's words. "Yuri, take her." she said bluntly, not even waiting for a reply as she passed Hyoyeon over. Without a word, Yoona walked out of the tent. Yuri huffed a sigh, walking over to the couch she had been seated, and gently layed Hyoyeon on her lap (AN: just because Yuri was raised to be bad doesn't mean she IS bad).
"What's up with....her..." Yuri began, taking her first glance at the sleeping blonde. Her breath hitched in , suffocating her. "Beautiful..." she whispered, slowly bringing her right hand to Hyoyeon's face to softly it with the back side of her hand. Her eyes widened when she saw no burn marks blemishing the white skin.
So it was true, Yuri had found her mate. But many thoughts kept running through her head.
How can this be? Mother said you always mate with one's like you! This is bad, THIS IS VERY BAD! Mother and father can't know, even of she is my mate, mother and father wouldn't allow it...Yoona wouldn't allow it. Her parents definantly wouldn't allow it. I'm happy I've found her, but, given the situation....
Farther away, similar thoughts were going through Yoona's mind as she thought about the fight.
She can NOT be my mate! Just because she makes my heart flutter a little bit, and I repeat, A LITTLE BIT doesn't mean she's the one. I mean, I didn't burn her, but maybe that's because I never really touched her bare skin....wait, I remember feeling her hand when picking her up, and I think I saw something.
■□■ Flashback start ■□■

Hyoyeon stared, eyes unblinking as she watched the man who was like a little brother to her fall. She didn't need to go and feel his pulse to know he had just been killed, the dagger Yoona had thrown at him had hit him right in the heart. As Yoona simply flicked her wrist, Kris fell hard to the ground, not making a sound even when his body made impact with a loud 'thump'.

Yoona gave a small smirk at Hyoyeon, still not getting a good look at her face. "Too easy, he never stood a chance." she muttered, flipping a strand of her hair behind her. "Are yo gonna come freely, or do I need to hurt you, too?"
Hyoyeon slowly looked up from Kris's body, eyes filled with anger at Yoona. She stood up, body tense. "You ! He didn't need to die!" Hyoyeon yelled, running to Yoona with her hands outstretched. As she got closer, her hands began glowing, light bursting from her finger tips. Yoona's eyes widened, not expecting Hyoyeon to take her full on.
Yoona lifted her hand and tried controlling Hyoyeon, but the blonde girl was very fast and they crashed together. Hyoyeon was on top, holding both of Yoona's arms in attempt to beat her, but Yoona was stronger.
Easily, Yoona flipped the two over so she was on top, pinning Hyoyeon harshly to the ground. She was finally able to get a clear look at Hyoyeon's face since her hair was sprawled everywhere around her. "Give up" Yoona trailed off, staring at the girl under her. She looked at Hyoyeon's wrist, we're her hand was holding, and moved it slightly to see of any burn marks had been made. There weren't any.
"Get off me!" Hyoyeon yelled. In Yoona's moment of distraction, Hyoyeon to the opportunity to kick Yoona in the stomach with her knee, causing Yoona to fall off in pain.
The brunette groaned in pain, looking at Hyoyeon as the blonde got up slowly, her finger tips still glowing. "Your gonna pay!"
"Not today, hun." Yoona said, lifting her palms once more and throwing Hyoyeon far back into a nearby tree. Hyoyeon hit with a great amount of force, causing two trees to break in half. Minutes went by with no sound or motions, Yoona just waited for Hyoyeon to get back up. Finally, with no sign of the small blonde, Yoona picked herself up and limped slightly over to Hyoyeon.
She found her unconscious, laying limply on the ground. Checking to make sure she really wasn't awake, Yoona picked Hyoyeon up bridle style, making sure she was secure before disappearing in another puff of smoke.
The whole time, she never looked at Hyoyeon's face again.

■□■ Flashback end ■□■

Yoona stared into space, still lost in her thoughts.
This is crazy.....why does my life have to be so screwed up?!
"Yoona, dear, your back?" She heard someone, her mother call. Yoona turned around, facing her mother.
"Oh, yes mother. When did you get back?"
"Just now. Have you brought her?"
Yoona nodded, pointing to the tent where Yuri and Hyoyeon were.
"Yes, Yuri is watching over her right now."
Seohyun nodded with a sickly sweet smile on her face. "Good, now come. We will be heading back to the castle."
"Yes mother...." Yoona replied, following Seohyun. Seohyun looked at her youngest daughter, noticing that something was off.
"Yoona, are you alright?"
Yoona looked at her mother, eyes widened.
She can't know! She can't know that the princess might be my mate.....No, I won't accept this! It is impossible.
"No mother, everything is fine. Let's just go."
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Elbirehl #1
Chapter 5: update please i love this story
HyoYulShipper #2
Chapter 5: Update pleaseee <3
Chapter 5: wooo sibling rivalryyy + forbidden love
this is interesting! new reader here, authors!

hahaha hyoyul, ftw! =)))
HyoDulce #4
Chapter 5: actualice pronto porfavorrrrrr
Chapter 5: sorry for my late comment
it is a nice chapter
yuri start falling to hyoyeon
i wonder what happen next
thanks for your update
HyoDulce #6
Chapter 5: Actualice pronto porfavor.
HyoDulce #7
Chapter 5: actualice prontooooooooooooo porfavor........
HyoDulce #8
Chapter 5: Actualice pronto porfavorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Chapter 5: OHHH DRAMA !!!