The Brightest Light of Them All

Love That Shouldn't be

Her long, curled blonde hair bounced from side to side as she walked with purpose. She was upset, very upset, and was off to let her parents know why. On her beautiful feature lay a pout, something that made her look cute, but no one would call her that at the moment. She gave a heavy sigh, realising that just angrily stomping would take longer than she wanted, so she stopped. She closed her eyes, glittery sparkle sorrounding her body as a pair of pure white wings sprouted from her back. Silently, like a hawk filled with grace, she began flapping and bringing herself higher into the air.

She began fliying at high speed, moving swiflty through each obstical that came in her way. "Hello Lady Hyoyeon!" a small angel child yelled, waving with a bright smile on his face. She looked at him, her heart melting at how cute he was, and immediantly stopped fliying. She made her way over to him and pickied him up, spinning him gently as their giggles filled the air. She figured she could hold off seeing her parents, but only because of the little boy.

"Kyungsan ah,I told you to call me Hyo noona." Hyoyeon said with a smile, placing the now 5 year old boy on the ground. She loved this little boy to death. He was one of the light  who had lost his parents at a young age because of the war. She was planing on being his trainor once he was the right age, taking him under her wing so he could learn how to use his powers properly.

"Okay, Hyo noona. Why were you flying so fast? Are you angery?" Kyungsan asked while blushing, taking Hyoyeon's hand and flying with her to a small clowd just above them. They sat on it, looking at the beauty that was heaven. Hyoyeon shook her head.

"Aniyo, I'm just a little....upset." She finished, ruffling his hair.

"Oh, can i know?" He asked, looking up at her.

"It's grown up stuff, Kyung. Maybe when you get older, ok?" She asked, taking him and sitting him in her lap. Kyngsan nodded his head, and being the good boy he was, he didnt complain. But he did turn and hold his pinky out to her.

"Promise, noone?"

"I promise," she took his pinky in her's and they squized. "Now come one, I bet *Miss Tiffany is worried about you."

With that, the two angels flew back to the ground and said their goodbyes. Hyoyeon made sure to watch him a he made his way back to the foster home he lived in, a sad smile on he lips. Once he was gone, she turned and began to fly again, going in the direction of a big palace. As she made her way to the front gate, gaurds bowed to her, smiles on their faces at seeing her. She gave them warm smiles.

"You may rise. Do you know where my mother and father are? I must speak with them."

"Yes, Lady Hyoyeon. King Leetuek and Queen Taeyeon are in the conference room going over battle plans."

Hyoyeon nodded her head in thanks and began jogging to the conference rooms. Once she got there, she knocked on the door lightly before entering. As she went in, she was greeted by the smiles of her mother and father. They were sitting at a big round table, a map of their land and of the enimes laid out before them.

"Hyo, what is it?" Taeyeon asked, motioning for her daughter to join them.

"Um, well....I have something to say." Hyoyeon said quitly, afriad of what her parents would say.

"Your not pregnant, are you?" Leetuek asked, eyes wide and questioning.

"Oh goodness, NO!" Hyoyeon yelled, denying the thought. Taeyeon and Leetuek both sighed in relief, Taeyeon putting a hand on Hyoyeon's shoulder.

"Than what is it, hunny?" Taeyeon asked.

"Ok......IWantToGoIntoBattleWithYouAndFight!" She rushed, hopping her parents would get confused. It didnt work.

"NO,ABSOLUTLY NOT!" Her mother and father yelled at the same time, giving Hyoyeon stern looks.

"But mother, the soldiers have gotten wind that King Yongwha's and Queen Seohyun's daughter's will be fighting alongside them, increasing their power by double-"

"No, you will stay here at this castle and wait for us to return. I don;t want you to get hurt." Taeyeon said, eyes strong, knowing he would win. Giving up hope in trying to convince her mother, Hyoyeon turned to her father.

"Father please, I can help you-"

"As much as we could us the extra power, I agree with your mother. I wouldnt be able to live with myself if something happened to you." Leetuek said.


"No buts! Now go, we need to plan." Taeyeon said a little too harsh than intended. Hyoyeon frowned, rushing out of the room as fast as her feet could carry her. Taeyeon sighed, placing her head in her hands. "I was too harsh on her."

"It's the only way for us to keep her safe. We're doing the right thin, Dear. Come on, we need to finish." Letuek aid, rubbing Taeyeon's back lightly before they continued.

Hyoyeon was running. She didnt know to where, and she really could give a crap at the moment. All she knew was that she needed to get awat from her parents. In the end, she found herself in the forest that sorounded the kingdom. She sat under a tree, getting away from the sun rays.

"Stupid mother, not letting me fight.....Stupid father for agreeing with her....UGHH!" She groaned. She lifted her head at the sound of voices, slowely getting up when she heard the farmilier voices of the gaurds.

"Come on, everyone get your armor on! The King and Queen said we move out at sundown!" The head gaurd, Shindong, yelled. That's when Hyoyeon got an idea.

"I'm so gonna get into battle." She uttered with a smile, sneaking over to where the guard uniforms and masks where. When she was done, she looked like any old guard and climbed into one of the wagons. Hours passed, and it was now time to head out. Hyoyeon had heard her parents would be joining the guards the next day, so she had plenty of time before they noticed she was gone.

"All right, let's head out! TO VICTORY!" Shindong screamed, being followed by many hoots and hollers. Hyoyeon raised her fist in the air, smiling underneath her mask.

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Elbirehl #1
Chapter 5: update please i love this story
HyoYulShipper #2
Chapter 5: Update pleaseee <3
Chapter 5: wooo sibling rivalryyy + forbidden love
this is interesting! new reader here, authors!

hahaha hyoyul, ftw! =)))
HyoDulce #4
Chapter 5: actualice pronto porfavorrrrrr
Chapter 5: sorry for my late comment
it is a nice chapter
yuri start falling to hyoyeon
i wonder what happen next
thanks for your update
HyoDulce #6
Chapter 5: Actualice pronto porfavor.
HyoDulce #7
Chapter 5: actualice prontooooooooooooo porfavor........
HyoDulce #8
Chapter 5: Actualice pronto porfavorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Chapter 5: OHHH DRAMA !!!