"Where are we going?" she asked on a sweet tone.

"Hm, wherever do you fancy, dear." Soo Hyun answered.
"Well...." Seong Jin thought, "Seeing the frozen ocean would be really nice, don't you think?" she popped from head from the backseat and leaned it on his shoulder.
"As you wish~" he took a sudden turn, making Seong Jin spawn from a side to the other of the backseat.
"Watch how you're driving!" she jokingly,

Soo Hyun prepared his car for the winter, unlike the others, caught unaware by the huge snow. Technically speaking, they haven't seen real snow since 2005, as winters have been relatively warm for the time of the year, full of rain and, ocasionally, a couple of snowflakes, but not enough to cover the ground.


Kevin sped off through the roads, not caring where the wheels took him. A mix of anger, sadness and frustration rushed through his veines as he remembered all the times he spent next to Seong Jin - happy or sad. But now...? She's gone. Gone forever. Gone and never returning.

[ Flashback ]

"Oppa!" she smiled broadly, hugging Kevin from behind. "I want a puppy!"
"Oh?" Kevin arched an eyebrow and smiled back to her. "Last time you said you wanted a kitty!" he turned around and locked her between his arms.
"No, I'm allergic to cat fur!" Seong Jin stomped her feet. "Puppies are much cuter!"
"Let's go adopt one, shall we?" he rested his chin on her shoulder, softly pecking her cheek.

Seong Jin giggled as she took his hand and dragged him along to the adoption center. They picked a labrador pup and named it 'Seven', since 'SeVin' seems similar to 'Seven'.

A couple of weeks later, Kevin called her again.

"Seong Jin, shall we go walk the puppy?"
"Uhm, oppa..." she hesitated, "You see... It... It died..." Seong Jin sniffed on the phone.
"Oh? How so?"
"I... I don't know, it just died!" she lied.
"Don't worry, we'll get a new one."
"No, oppa." she declined, "No, please. I don't want to cry over another one..."
"But maybe the next one won't die..." he pouted.
"..." Seong Jin paused in hesitation. "Best if you wouldn't, I can live without it too!" she answered cheerfully. "Shall we go out this evening?"
"Hm, sure, I'll pick you up at 6pm." they hung up.

As he reached his destination, Kevin stopped in front of the gate of her house and stared at something... familiar. He denied knowing it, though, as he approached it and crouched to see it better, damn, it was familiar... It was Seven, with his neck and paws snapped. He sighed and still hoped that Seong Jin will get over it... Someday... Somehow...
He stepped forward and knocked at her door. Ms. Moon answered, a broad smile plastered on her face.

"Oh, here you are... Seong Jin's up in her room, you can go." she closed the door after Kevin entered and minded her job.

Kevin went up the stairs and knocked at Seong Jin's door.

"Seong Jin, it's me, Kevin. Open, please." he asked with a soft voice.
"C-... Come in..." she hesitated.

Kevin slowly pushed the door and saw Seong Jin crouching in a corner, one arm hugging her knees, and with the other hand she was scratching the wall. Her breathing pattern was irregular, sudden sobs escaping her lips. Her makeup was ruined, mascara and black eyeliner were dripping down her cheeks along with tears. Kevin stepped forward and hugged her.

"It's gonna be alright... Calm down." he rocked her easily. "Shall we stay indoors now...?"

Seong Jin wrapped her arms around his boady, soaking his shoulder with tears. Her fingers dug deep in his back, making him wince in pain. It was a sign that she won't be regaining her mental stability for a while now...

[ End of Flashback ]

He didn't care that Seong Jin's mental sanity was going down the drain. He loved her dearly, he loved her purely. It was a children's love. He even thought about marrying her. He thought it would last forever - but no, it was just an illusion of time being a bit too patient with them. But now? Who cares? Seong Jin died. He accepted to let her die... The image of her closing her eyes and exhaling one last breath would haunt his dreams. The nurses pulling the white cloth over her cold, pale body would be a nightmare from now on. Would it have been better if he didn't see her die?

'At least she's alright now.' he tried calming himself. 'I know she is...' he nodded and decided to slow down.

His car wasn't properly ready for winter - he forgot the chains. He drove with about 80 kmph; rather slow for a car through the city... But rather fast for a car in winter, anywhere it would be. It was all until he encountered two cars in front of him, at a red light. He crushed the break pedal under his foot and yet, couldn't avoid it. The front of his car hit the back of the car in front really harshly, badly damaging it. Not having his seatbelt on, he hit his head on the steering wheel as sherds of the broken windshield injured his face, scratching any piece of skin they found. With the last drop of energy he had, Kevin lifted his head and looked at who he hit. He sighed and laughed at the same time.

"Sorry..." he mumbled, his head dropping back on the steering wheel.

He started feeling warm, as a pair of arms wrapped around him, pulling him in an embrace. His vision became blurry, yet, he saw a slim figure nearby. He smiled.

"Seong Jin, wait for me... Don't go too far..." he mumbled, leaving his last breath.


"Oppa, what was that?" Seong Jin asked a bit panicked as she felt the car tremble and heard a loud crash.
"I think we just were hit." Soo Hyun looked behind. "Seong Jin, who do you think it is? Look at the number."

Seong Jin looked behind through the window and saw a familiar face. Probably too familiar... She bit her lip as her hand clutched the cloth on her chest, near her heart.

"Oppa, drive off." she mumbled.
"DRIVE OFF!" she yelled, making Soo Hyun unwillingly step on the acceleration and speed off.

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Exoticfan2244 #1
Chapter 5: Congrats for the feature! And I love is story, I do but is soo confusing!
sea0horse #2
commovente #3
congrats :))
congrats! :)
Chapter 5: Even if I say congrats for random feature, the story was truly good!