Chapter 1


"LET ME GO!" she yelled as loud as she could.
"Please stop! Don't make noise in the hospital!" the nurses and the doctor ran after her.
"NO!" she continued shouting her lungs out as the medics touched her, "Take your hands off me, you killers! Leave me alone!" she closed her eyes and cried.
"Make this easier for both of us! Come on! Stand still!" the doctor said as he grabbed the syringe.
"Keep that away from me! Don't get it close! I'll shout! I'll...! I'll... !"


"I'm sorry, mister Woo." the nurse bowed her head, "I know how you're feeling."

A tear betrayed Kevin's feelings as he looked behind the nurse - his girlfriend was struggling for her life.

"I understand." he nodded and wiped his tear away. "So, are you sure there isn't anything to do?"
The nurse shook her head as she sighed, "I'm sorry. This is the only thing we can do - let her rest in peace."
"But... But I love her... How am I supposed to live from now on...? There isn't absolutely any way to let her live...? Please..." Kevin begged as he felt his knees buckle and weaken under his weight.

The nurse looked behind her, at her workmates holding the girl still as the doctor tried getting the needle in her vein.

"I'm afraid that 'please' won't work in this situation..." she sighed and apologized again. She turned around and went she was.

Kevin sighed. He then acknowledged that, if the doctors can't do anything, then no one can do anything. He turned around and left the hospital.


The girl bit the doctor, making him drop the syringe. As a nurse loosened the grip on her body, she managed to escape. She ran back and forth, throughout the halls of the hospital, looking for an exit. She constantly looked behind to see who was following her... until the only thing she saw was the back of a relatively well-built man's jacket. She fell onto her back as she looked up at the one who she just hit, meeting his gaze.

"What are you doing...?"
"What are you doing...?" they asked at the same time.

They locked their gazes into each other's eyes for a couple of seconds until the guy offered her his hand to get up.

"Help me..." she whispered, as she heard a couple of doctors shout after her from the other end of the hall.

The guy nodded as he took her hand and took the lead - he seemed like knowing perfectly the labyrinth of halls he was in, which doors to pass through and which ones to leave open. The last door opened let in a ray of vivid light blind them and a strike of cold air send chills through their spines - they were outside, at last.

"Fast, get in the car!" he pushed her towards his car and slammed the door shut.

Soo Hyun ran to the driver's seat and locked the doors, pulling up the smoky windows. He exhaled in relief as he saw the doctors and nurses pass by his car as the girl wasn't inside.

"So, Seong Jin, where do you want to go?" he asked as he turned to face her and fastened his seatbelt.
"Seong Jin...? My name isn't Seong Jin..." she turned her look from his and looked at her toes.
"Huh? Then what is it?" he asked, a tint of surprise and mystery lingering in his deep voice.
"... I forgot." she hesitated before climbing her feet up, in the seat as she hugged her knees. "S-... Sorry."
"Then... You don't mind if I call you Seong Jin, right...?" Soo Hyun smiled as he took her hand and carressed it easily.
"It's... It's okay..." the girl hesitated a bit before smiling in agreement.

Soo Hyun smiled warmly and started the engine.

"Where are we going?" Seong Jin asked curiously.

Soo Hyun didn't take his eyes off the road - yet, to answer her, he looked into the upper mirror. He could see her face and a small part of her clothes - hospital pajamas. He smirked and accelerated.

"Take it easy! There's snow on the road!" Seong Jin shrieked as she jumped in the backseat, rather scared.

Soo Hyun lowered the mirror and looked closer at her clothes - surely hospital pajamas. Direction was finally decided. Seong Jin hid in the backseat for the whole 'journey' through town. As Soo Hyun stopped the car, she popped her head.

"Where are we?" she looked around, unaware of the situation.
"Wait here." Soo Hyun got out of the car and slammed the door shut, turning on the children safety lock to make sure she won't get out and run away.

After a couple of minutes rushing through the shop he parked his car in front of, he came out holding four big shopping bags. He unlocked the child safety and opened the windows, pushing the bags through it, in the car. He didn't bother opening the doors or getting in. He leaned casually against the car, waiting for Seong Jin to get changed. He looked at the steam coming out of his mouth as he was breathing. The cold atmosphere was almost unbearable as the snowflakes landed on his rather summarly dressed body; he started shaking with his arms crossed, trying his best to warm up. As Seong Jin knocked at the window, Soo Hyun startled and turned around, looking through it.

'Are you ready?' he steamed the window and wrote on it.

Seong Jin nodded. He smiled and got inside the car, in the driver's seat. He the heat and blew hot air into his already frozen hands. Seeing his condition, Seong Jin wrapped her arms around his neck and tried helping him warm up. Soo Hyun sighed in defeat and put one of his hands on hers - she was as cold as ice too. Yet, he pecked her cheek and turned up the heat.

'Why does it have to happen only to me...?' he thought. 'Why am I the only one in this condition... Huh, ain't it tragic...' he sighed again.

"Seong Jin, if you were cold, you could have turned up the heating, y'know." he took his hand off hers.
"But I'm not cold..." she murmured. "I'm just fine..."

How could she have been 'just fine', when her body was cold? It seemed just as if she were... lifeless...

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Exoticfan2244 #1
Chapter 5: Congrats for the feature! And I love is story, I do but is soo confusing!
sea0horse #2
commovente #3
congrats :))
congrats! :)
Chapter 5: Even if I say congrats for random feature, the story was truly good!