A Happy Birthday Afterall

Happy Birthday to My Smart- of a Boyfriend

-Youngjae's POV-

I was sitting on the couch, enjoying a plate of food the hyungs made.  It was good, and I loved my birthday. It was thanks to my little Jae. Baekhyun hyung, was yelling at me about Jae leaving but I thought he was joking, until Daehyun came back in with and upset DaeRi. I guessed she really did leave.  I sighed and got up to leave.

"Where are you going?" Himchan asked.

"Yea, you're party's here." Luhan called after.

"I know, but my heart isn't." I smiled and left the others confused.

I stood infront of the twin's home and rang the doorbell.  The door swung opened and stood my little Jae.

"Shouldn't you be at the party?"

"Shouldn't you be beside me?" I teased.  "That was very sweet of you to throw that party."

"How'd you know about it?"

"Read over your shoulder, other's talking about it.  They do a bad job at trying to keep it a secret.  Except for Jongup, he's always smiling.  I can't tell if that's his poker face or he's just really happy." I joked and I knew I made her smile. I opened up my arms and she came in my embrace. 

"Happy Birthday Smart Yoo Youngjae." She said.

"I may be a smart-, but I'm your smart-." I smiled and kissed her cherry lips.

It turned out to be a Happy Birthday afterall.


Author's note:
A little late for my little baby Youngjae <3
But better late than never.

can you guys it's been 1 year with BAP?
Oh and did you hear about BAP and EXO feels at Idol Athletic Sports Championships?!
BabyExotic feels xDDDD

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Chapter 4: Adorable c': ... JaeJae what a coincidence xD