The Beginning.

Happy Birthday to My Smart- of a Boyfriend

-3AM in the morning-

It's about 3 days in counting before my sweet boyfriend's birthday.  Oh, did I mention his name is Youngjae.  Yoo Youngjae.  He's the best, I think it's cause we're so alike.  Let me introduce myself, I'm JaeLi.  As you can see from my name, Youngjae and I are called the JaeJae couple.  I think it's quite cute, don't you?

Let me get back on topic.  So like I said earlier, it's going to be my Yoobeo's (that's my nickname for him, isn't it cute? Get it? Yeobo, Yoobo.) birthday pretty soon and I want to do something for amazing for him.  Like throw him a surprise party since it's his 20th (Korean age) birthday this year.  He's grown so much! However, whenever I do something special for him, he ends up finding out.  Ottoke? It's hard throwing a surprise party for someone who's smart as Youngjae.  He didn't get first place in school for nothing.  I think I have to consult with the rest of B.A.P. For now, I need some sleep.


-8AM, Going to School-

I got up in the morning and got ready with my sister DaeRi, she's my twin sister.  I'm happy that Youngjae never got her confused with me, at least that's what he tells me.  DaeRi has been telling me otherwise. It's cute that Youngjae doesn't want to get caught being clumsy.  Anyway, we were on our way to school.  We only met up with Jongup and Zelo.  The others were probably at home doing something.  Youngjae and Daehyun were at school but not ours, they're at college of course.  Anyway since Youngjae was around, I took the opportunity to talk with Zelo and Jongup about the surprise party for Yoobo. They were even discouraged to do something too.  I understood them completely but we made a plan before the bell rang and we went our separate ways.


-12PM, Lunch Break-

Youngjae and Daehyun had come to see me and my sister, and of course Zelo and Jongup.  Oh I forgot to mention that DaeRi is Daehyun's girlfriend.  Cute isn't it? The JaeJae couple and DaeDae couple.  ^w^  So sadly, I could continue my little plan with Jongup and Zelo. Dx No Fair! It's weird though, Yoobo kept staring at me today, like I was hiding something... Do you think he found out?  Ottoke?! The plan hasn't even started and he already knows?! I knew this boy was too smart.  I was happy that DaeRi was distracting him about 10 minutes before the lunch bell rang so I got to talk to Zelo, Jongup, and Daehyun now about it.  In the end, we decided that Zelo and Jongup were in charge of balloons, DaeRi and Daehyun are going to be in charge of decorations, and I'm suppose to distract Youngjae that day.  And hopefully that Yongguk and Himchan would be in charge of food and cooking.  Ohh. there's the lunch bell.  I better get going.  We said goodbye when Youngjae and DaeRi were coming back before going back to classes.

-3PM, End of the School Day-

Just outside our school gates were Youngjae and Daehyun.  They always come here to meet with me, my sister, Zelo and Jongup.  Zelo and Jongup decided to head to the skate park while we the DaeJae Couples decided to go somewhere for ourselves.  We went to a little park where me and DaeRi got to sit down while our boyfriend went to go get ice cream.  DaeRi agreed to talk to Yongguk and Himchan for me about the party so it wouldn't look suspicious if I did it. ^w^ I love my friends and family! Oh they came back with the ice cream and Yoobo brought me my favorite! Better eat it before-

"Yah Jae-ah!  Eat your ice cream before it melts.  Who are you texting anyway?" Youngjae teasingly scolded.  I looked up from my phone and looked over to the cone in my hand and noticed it was slightly melted.  I smiled and took the napkin that Youngjae offered me.

"Mianhae." I apologized.

"For what?"

"Nothing, forget about it."

"Wae? You didn't answer my question yet.  Who are you texting?"

"A friend from school." I teased hoping he would figure out I was joking.

"Boy or Girl?"

"Youngjae, you pabo, I'm not texting anyone. Mehrong!" I stood up and took my school bag before what I had said could process in his head.

"Yah! Come back here." Youngjae finished his cone and threw the trash away before chasing after me.  In the distant, I noticed Daehyun and DaeRi shaking their heads.  I let out a small laugh and stopped which was a bad move when I felt Youngjae's arms around me.  "Gotcha!"

"Youngjae let go!" I squealed.  In the end he did, but took a bite of my ice cream before he did. "My ice cream."

"Ehh, don't pout, I could always buy you more." He said and pecked my cheek before walking me home.

-8PM, Bed Time-

Sorry for that interrupted journal entry.  Oh, you could guess that I'm writing this in my phone right? It explains why Youngjae thought I was texting someone.  I finished my homework from before and DaeRi just informed me that Yongguk and Himchan agreed to cooking for the party.  So everything is set, we just have to see if it'll all work out. Good Night.

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Chapter 4: Adorable c': ... JaeJae what a coincidence xD