Please come back, i love you.


Gd's POV:

Somehow, i feel like going into the cafe. 

I stepped into the cafe and looked at the menu. 

Hmm, shall just get my favourites. 

I walked to the counter and paused. Isn't.. isn't that Na-ri?! I took a closer look. It is her! I got excited. I walked close to her and looked at her. She stared back at me. Ah, my disguise. I took off my sunglasses and she gasped. 

She asked me for the orders and i just ordered and went to the table. I need to talk to her.. 

Just then, a guy came up to me and asked to speak privately to me. Must be my fan. I walked out of the cafe with him. 


"Hello! Are you asking me for an autograph? or a pic.." i was cut off. 

"No, i'm here to talk to you about Na-ri." the guy, Minho told me. (I saw his name tag) 

"Na-ri?" i looked at him in surprise. 

"Yes, please don't hurt her." 


"I said, don't hurt her, end it cleanly." 

"Excuse me, but who are you?" I asked, slightly annoyed. 

"I like her, I like Na-ri. I'm her co-worker." 

Oh, a enemy eh. 

"In case you don't know, i'm her boyfriend." i said sharply. 

"You can only bring harm to Na-ri. She's upset enough with you, please just leave her." 

"What the are you talking about?" i shouted, getting angry. 

"It's the best for you and Na-ri. You don't deserve her anyways." 

I think i lost my cool because i saw him on the ground. I had punched him in the face. 

He wiped off the blood off the corner of his mouth and glared at me. 

Just then, Na-ri rushed out of the cafe. 

"What happened?!" she asked panickly and immediately ran to that guy and helped him up. 

"I will go in first." the guy said before leaving us two, alone. 

"What did you do?" she questioned me. 

"That guy.. what is your relationship with him?!" I yelled, feeling jealous. 

"You're not answering my question! Why did you punch Minho?!" she yelled. 

"Why are you getting all worked up because of a motherer?" 

"What're in the wrong and you called him a mother er when you're the mother er?!" she yelled. 

I looked at her, she is getting all angry. 

"That's because he likes you." i admitted. 

"Why can't a guy like me?" she retorted. 

"What the , you're my girlfriend!" i yelled. 

"We broke up already." she said coldly. 

"No, we have not!" i yelled back, desperate. 

"Ever since that day when you decided to conveniently forget my birthday and just go to Japan to meet that of yours, we are considered through!" 

"Baby, it's work. I didn't meet her because i want to. And i'm sorry that i forgot your birthday." i said remorsefully. 

"And you took so long to come to find me? It had be a month since i left your house, a MONTH! you did not bother to come and find me. You could have easily contacted Min-na and find my whereabouts, but you did not! Work is so important to you, fine. If i'm not important to you, I will be nothing to you." she said angrily. 

I stayed quiet for awhile. 

She started to leave. 

I pull her back. 

"I'm sorry. I just wanted you to chill first. I know you're safe with Min-na." i lied, not looking into her eyes. 

"Stop lying, kwon ji yong. I know you well." she exposed me.


She waited for me to talk. 

"The truth is, i'm very selfish. I'm tired of this. You're always leaving me, and i have to always chase you back, don't you feel tired? But i don't want to break up with you because i love you soo much." i admitted. 


"You know what? I'm tired too. You always have no time for me,work work work is the only thing you see. Sorry if i'm too selfish, i want you by my side. But you can't do that. Let's just break up." she said softly. 

"No! I just told you i love you so much.. i won't agree to this!" i yelled. Supressing my tears. 

"I don't feel the love that you're saying.." she said softly again. 


"You've been cold to me, so distant. We can't work. Let's just break up. You can focus on your work and i can just be happier.." she trailed off. Letting her tears drop down

"No. I can't let you go. You're important to me." 

"Prove it." 

I sighed deeply. 


"Tell everyone you have a girlfriend." 

"No, you know i can't do that." i stuttered. 

"Choose, Bigbang or Me?" 

I hesistated. 

She looked at me hopefully. 

Suddenly, my members' images came into my mind. We have trained for many years before we became a very popular kpop group, no way am i stopping now. This is the peak of my career. My own solos.

"Babe, don't make me choose between this two..." i begged. 

"Just give me the answer."

"You know i need to work to provide for you.." 

"I don't need you to help me financially! I just want you to care for me, showing me you love me!" she screamed. Making me jump a little. 

"I can't.." 

"You can't leave your work right?" 

I nodded. 

"Sorry that i'm being a disturbance to you. Let's break up." she said again. 


She pushed me, causing me to back away. 

I'm crying right now. She walked back into the cafe and went into another room, i suppose, the workers' room. 

I hurriedly ran to the cafe and wanted to open the door but was stopped back a forceful grip on my arm. 

I turned to see that it's that bastard again. 

"You're not allowed to go in." he said emotionless. 

"Who gives a damn." i muttered. 

He grabbed me by the collar. 

"Just leave. Don't make her cry anymore." he snapped. 

I pushed him away. 

"You don't know anything that happened to us, don't try to act like a smartie right now." I said sharply. 

"Yes, i don't know everything. But i know you're hurting her. I definitely won't allow you to hurt her. Especially when she's the woman i love. You don't deserve such a good, caring, joyful, beautiful girlfriend when you're just a earning-money-by-satisfying-girls-idol er." He talked angrily. 





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nurul_ #1
Chapter 29: love it <3 author-nim you the best... love all you fan fic
# finish this fan fic in just one day ... wo hoo ^_^
Chapter 29: i don't have to say that the story is awesome, because it really is *~~~~~~~*
Chapter 29: Wait, shouldn't Nari watch bigbang's concert with Minzy? Omo authornim you totally forgot about Minzy!! Btw I love this story!!
Chapter 10: Minho is so annoying lol .
Chapter 1: I've just read the first chapter and there are many question I want to ask .Did Nari and gdragon married already? Btw I'm gonna finish reading this story before midnight! HEHE!
Chapter 29: It's so cute!!! Can we have a sequel!!
Chapter 29: aigooooo so cute!! i loved it!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 29: Ahahahah way to go GD :D
Tabifan #9
Chapter 29: so your story!!!