Please come back, i love you.


1 week passed after he came into the cafe. 

"Na-ri ah!!" I heard Hara shouting. 

I turned to look at her. 

"Come here! G-dragon oppa is on a live show!" she squeaked, making me giggle. She held her Ipad and sat down, i joined her soon. 


-Programme (Fake)


*Crowd cheers* 

"We have Bigbang's leader, G-dragon here with us!" the MC shouted, causing more fan cheers. Hara wiggled in her seat. 

There he stood, waving into the camera, smiling perfectly. 

"Next we have 2Pm's Chansung, Woo young!" the MC introduced, fan girls shouted too. 

"*Blah blah, intro other guests*" 

"Okay, let's move on to those strong heart stories! Which guest over here can be our strong heart this week..??" The MC shouted. 

"MC, before doing that, can i do something?" boom interrupted. 

"Sure." the MC said. 

"I'm sure many people here are interested and curious of our Korean best rapper and song-writer, G-dragon *Fan cheers* 's love life!" Boom shouted. Causing more fans to cheer.While he just look at the ground shyly. 

"So g-dragon, do you have a girlfriend?"Boom asked. 

I find myself unable to breathe. I widened my eyes in anticipation. 

"Nope. I've not dated before." He said simply. Causing me despair. 

"Kyaaaaa, G-dragon oppa is pureee!!" Hara shrieked. 

"What type of girls do you like then?" Boom continued. 

"Hmmm, i guess all kinds? I'm not sure though.." he hesistated. 

I feel like crap. 

Unable to control my emotions, i ran into the workers room, leaving Hara stunned. 

So, he had already decided to move on with his life eh? 

It is clear that he is choosing Bigbang over me, i expected it. But reality seem to hit me hard. I feel my hot tears dropping. 2 years of relationship.. i love him. My mind went blank.

Just then, i heard a knock on the door. Minho came in. 

"What's wrong?" he frowned when he saw me crying. 

"Nothing much.." 

"I know something is wrong, just tell me, i will try to help.." he said softly. 

"I still love him. I still love jiyong.. but he doesn't love me anymore.." i stammered while sobbing. Minho looked flustered. 

"He doesn't deserve your love." He said sharply as he hugged me. 

"He chose Bigbang over me.." i cried even harder. 

"Hush, please don't cry." Minho begged. 

"He said he will love me forever, he promised me that.. but he don't love me anymore..!" i said in a louder voice. 

"Just forget him already, he already don't love you, don't cry anymore, please." Minho said. 

For the next 20 minutes, i cried into Minho's chest. Wetting his entire shirt. 

I sniffed and apologized to him. 

He just nodded and asked me if i wanted to go back home. I rejected his idea and went to clean myself up. 

Then i went back to work.


-1 Day before live recording for Strong heart- GD's POV


I looked into my phone wallpaper. A picture of us together. I smiled at the memory. 

"Yah Jiyong, tomorrow, you will have a live recording." Manager hyung suddenly interrupted my thoughts.


"Strong heart"

I nodded slowly. 

"And i'm sure they will ask about your love life." 

I swallowed. 

"Just say you never date before." manager hyung insisted. 

"But hyung.. you know i have a girlfriend.."

"Jiyong ah, you know this world well right? If anyone knows you have a girlfriend, you are screwed. Just pacify her after that." 

"But hyung..." 

"No buts, bigbang is more important than any stupid girlfriend right now." he said annoyingly. 

I winced at his word. 

"My girlfriend is not stupid" i muttered loud enough for him to hear. He just walked off. 

I sighed. I shall just find Na-ri after the recording and explain to her. Wait, i'm not even sure she would watch the show..




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nurul_ #1
Chapter 29: love it <3 author-nim you the best... love all you fan fic
# finish this fan fic in just one day ... wo hoo ^_^
Chapter 29: i don't have to say that the story is awesome, because it really is *~~~~~~~*
Chapter 29: Wait, shouldn't Nari watch bigbang's concert with Minzy? Omo authornim you totally forgot about Minzy!! Btw I love this story!!
Chapter 10: Minho is so annoying lol .
Chapter 1: I've just read the first chapter and there are many question I want to ask .Did Nari and gdragon married already? Btw I'm gonna finish reading this story before midnight! HEHE!
Chapter 29: It's so cute!!! Can we have a sequel!!
Chapter 29: aigooooo so cute!! i loved it!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
Chapter 29: Ahahahah way to go GD :D
Tabifan #9
Chapter 29: so your story!!!