Gone for a Day

Life Just Happens

In the practice room I put on Bangtan Boys’ We are Bulletproof Pt. 2, the song seeming to be fitting of all this.

While yes I am bothered by my current situation me, and yes things are now very tentative for Prodigy because of what’s going on, I need to be strong. I roll my shoulders before looking up and moving, I’m angry, I’m very angry. Since I found out and got over the general shock, I’ve been furious. If they wanted to talk to me they could have contacted my parents or someone else to talk to me directly not just put all of this so publicly.

For me, I like that this particular song is very bold, the beat to the lyrics. I spend a long time just dancing, going over the actual choreography before switching to just going with the flow.

“Dayoung,” Ilhoon says as the music stops suddenly, I spin around and stare at him completely taken back by his presence. “I know you have a lot on your plate and everything,” He says walking over to me and taking my hands. “I don’t want to add to it, but I am worried about you.”

I smile at him, a little bit. “Sorry,” I mumble unsure what to say. “I’ve just, I’ve been angry and not the usual kind of angry I feel, not Junhyung or anyone has does something that irritates me. This is just…” I say trailing off unsure how to explain the intense rage I feel.

Ilhoon lets out a sigh. “You’re all sweaty,” He says with a smirk, I pout slightly, noting that he’s just the same as me. Leaning forward he presses his lips against mine in a calming nature. “Have you heard anything else?” Ilhoon asks tentatively while letting me lean against him.

“Not really, they’re still discussing terms or something.” I mutter frowning, though I feel myself relax as his arms hold me against him. “I want this to go away.” I mutter feeling a bit miserable.

“I know,” Ilhoon mutters my head gently. I know there isn’t much to say so I don’t press for more, I just let myself enjoy this small moment of peace. My mind isn’t swirling with thoughts, I’m not thinking constantly about how horrible all this is, all I can focus on is the way Ilhoon’s hand is gently caressing me, how nice it feels to have someone this close. “You seem better now.” He mumbles with a slight chuckle in his tone.

“I do feel better.” I say back feeling a lot of the stress gone. “Thank you,” I mumble kissing his shoulder affectionately. “I feel a lot better.” I confess letting my arms loop around him.

“Now she holds me.” Ilhoon says playfully. “I like when we can be like this.” Ilhoon mutters kissing my forehead this time. “Even if we’re a bit not clean.” He says chuckling.

I giggle smirking at this. “Well we aren’t hoping to have office jobs.” I mutter happily. “We kind of have some labors careers.” I note playfully.

“Sass is back,” Ilhoon teases me. “I was worried my little Dayoungie wouldn’t be sassy ever again.” He says with a bit of a sarcastic twist.

“Oh no, that’d be terrible.” I agree in an equally sarcastic tone. “I mean that’s like Junhyung supporting us completely and totally.” I say, giggling when Ilhoon stiffens.

“I wouldn’t say I’d support you two completely, but right now seeing you joke around certainly isn’t hurting your chances.” Junhyung says, I giggle again when Ilhoon flinches, twirling us around so he’s facing Junhyung.

“Sunbae,” Ilhoon says in a more than shocked tone. “You scared me!” He says while keeping his arms around me. “Ah, I take it you need Dayoungie.” He says rubbing my sides in soothing way once the words leave his lips.

“I do, as much as I would like for Dayoung to stay here and relax there things that need to be talked about.” Junhyung says in a regretful tone. “Dayoung,” Junhyung calls me in a low tone, one I’ve always associated with mild annoyance.

“I’m coming,” I mutter pouting. “I’ll see you around Ilhoon.” I mutter reaching up to peck his lips quickly, which only makes him a bit stiffer. “Sorry, but you’re too cute when you get like this.” I say getting out one last tease for the time being.

“I’ll call you tonight?” Ilhoon asks before leaning down to kiss my forehead. The action helping me get ready for what will come.

“Yeah, I’ll text you when I get back to the dorm.” I say before walking over to a very tired look Junhyung. Ilhoon leaves with us, but heads in the opposite direction. “Is everything sorted out or do they want something else?” I ask feeling a bit more drained already.

“A bit of both,” Junhyung says quietly. “I’m glad you can still have little things like that just now.” Junhyung says with a sigh. “While it isn’t easy to see, I am happy that you can still be like that with everything else that is going on.”

“It is nice,” I agree smiling softly at the thought of Ilhoon again. “But with all this going on it makes me anxious,” I say bringing my arms up and hugging myself. I glance down at my legs, the black dance shorts I’m wearing with black tights under them.

Junhyung wraps an arm around my shoulders. “Me too, I’m even more worried about you.” Junhyung says resignedly. “This isn’t something you should be going through.” He mutters in an annoyed tone.

Once in the conference room Junhyung and I are directed to sit down with the same lawyers from yesterday. “Dayoung, Mr. and Mrs. Song will agree to you having Junhyung present, but they’d like a few minutes alone with you, just the three of you.” The man says seriously, Mr. Choi, the lawyer who’d handled my case when the Deans died.

“I’m going to go with they didn’t specify why.” I mutter while crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair. I get a short nod to this. “If I don’t agree to this they won’t agree to Junhyung sitting in, correct?” I say letting out a long sigh.

“Correct, they’re staying in hotel here in Seoul right now, they’re willing to meet as soon as possible, this is their own stipulation.” He says, I know I’m supposed to be reasonable about this, but I’m not sure how I feel about being left alone with them in a room for a ‘few minutes’. “Dayoung-sshi, this is a risky decision to make.”

“I know,” I mutter feeling all the relaxed and distressing I just got from being around Ilhoon leave me in this instance. “I’ll agree to it, but only five minutes at most.” I say unfolding my arms only to rub my temples. I feel thoroughly annoyed that this is all happening. “None of whatever is said in this building between us and them I don’t want it out at all. Just official statements that we met and talked.” I say hugging my chest up out of annoyance.

“Of course,” He says making a note of my choice. “I’ll contact them and inform them of your choice.”




I stand when, who I’m presuming to be Mr. and Mrs. Song walk in, I stay on my half of the table, bowing to them politely. “Dayoung,” The woman says in a pained voice. I find myself wanting to snap at her to cut it out, but I hold it back as I watch them warily.

“It’s been a while,” The man says coolly, which only furthers my irritation of this couple. I can’t find words so I simply nod my head to them. “It’s nice to meet you, well see you again.” He says.

I know I should say something, but I’m just stunned. “It’s polite to speak when spoken to.” The woman squeaks out.

I narrow my eyes at her. “It’s also polite not to make the mess that you both have made.” I snipe back taking my seat. I take a deep breath to calm myself. I clench and unclench my fists under the table as both take seats directly across from me. “I was told you wanted to speak to me privately.” I say waiting for them to say whatever it is that they want to.


Waking up in my bed I pant a little heavily, I’m crying. I try to calm myself down. I hate this, nightmares, more and more nightmares. I climb down from my bunk, picking up a pair of jeans, socks and a shirt in my pile of clothing; I pluck my favorite pair of boots and jacket out of the closet before walking into the bathroom to get changed.

Taking a deep breath I glance back at the note I’ve left on the fridge, completely aware of the trouble I’ll be in if I get spotted publicly, and the trouble I’ll be in just for leaving like this. But I’m going insane. I need to get out; I need to get away from all this.

I pull my blatantly obvious hair back into a low ponytail. I pull the hood of my jacket up, I glance back as I open the door, walking out I feel a large part of me saying to go back, but, it’s the small part that’s more convincing. I need to get out just for a while.

I head to a park close to the apartment complex, I glance around, the air is still cold and crisp, letting me focus on other things than the problems I currently have to face. Glancing down at my shirt I realize that I picked one of my mother’s old shirts, one of her old band shirts, it’s kind of ratty, but it makes me feel a lot better knowing I’m wearing it.

I walk around for a while I try to come up with places that are low key and I can just roam without really worrying about anything. I know I have to stay away from Cube, plenty of people are looking for me there, and I only got out of the building, unnoticed because we moved recently, a few days ago actually in response to the severe reaction of everything.

The good news is I’m close to the flower shop that I usually go to, and I know where exactly I want to go, I want to go visit my parents for a little while, I want to talk to them, I want them to know I’m trying my best to be strong, but I’m not sure I can get there without being noticed.

I settle for going to the flower shop, I feel relieved as Floette's Flowers comes into view. I’m even more relieved when I see that the shop is in fact open. Entering I look around for either Hanbyul, though I’m fairly certain she has class, or for Eunju, the owner.

I’ve known Hanbyul since she started working here years ago now and Eunju since I was little kid. She’d been the one to help me pick flowers back then, now I like Hanbyul to help me pick.

Eunju looks up surprised to see me. “You look like you could use a little break.” She says in a very motherly tone. “Come on back Dayoung.” She says welcoming to me.

“Thank you,” I say feeling completely relieved that here is safe still for me. “I just, I wasn’t sure where else to go for a little while.” I say letting out a deep breath. “I just needed to get away for a little.” I confess as she leads me to a back room.

“It’s alright,” Eunju says letting me sit, glancing back when she hears the door open again. “I have to go man the shop, but stay as long as you need.” She says petting the top of my head. “You’ll be safe here.” She promises.

I lean down and rest my head at the table I’m sitting at. I close my eyes and just stop thinking for a little bit. I let my mind wander and think about happy things, people that I like, the girls, Hyuna, Eunji, my parents, Junhyung, the rest of Beast, BtoB, and to Ilhoon. I think about the people I’ve met recently that I really like spending time with now as well, Mark, Cheonmi, Julia, Jackson, and Melody. I think about how much I laugh when I’m with any of these people, I think about how much I care about them.

By the time I look up I realize a few hours have gone by and I’d fallen asleep at the table. Standing up I see Eunju helping a man pick out flowers, after he leaves she notices me in the hall watching. “I fell asleep.” I say smiling apologetically.

“Yes, but you look better now, it looked like you needed that. Though if you needed to sleep I would have slept on the couch not the table, the couch might have been a bit more comfortable.” She says smirking at me.

“Well you know, I have to sleep on what I can usually now.” I tell her back with my own smirk. I glance around at the flowers. “Is Hanbyul working later today?” I ask casually.

“She is, this afternoon, though I have distinct feeling you’re out without permission.” She says sending me a look.

I nod my head. “I needed to breath, everything feels like it’s about to fall in on me. I know that I’m supposed to behave a certain way more or less, and I know that a lot of people are probably worried, but I, I need to get out I needed to not be that Dayoung for a little.”

She sighs but nods her head. “Hanbyul will be here after lunch, so if you’re still out and not caught, though I do recommend not doing this again, you’re probably already in a lot of trouble.” Eunju says while shaking her head at me.

“I know, I decided to accept whatever happens after I get back already.” I say solemnly. “Thank you.” I murmur before giving her a quick hug, pulling my hood back up and walking out of the shop.


I know why I’m having the nightmares that I have, I’m supposed to meet them tomorrow morning at 9:30. The thought scares me, but I know I can’t put it off at all, I know that I have a lot of things I need to face and handle by the time the meeting is over.

So instead of heading back to the dorm or any place that I could be found I head to a book store. I settle for finding a good book, one that I know I’ll read, buying it and sitting down to just read. By the time I’m half way through, lunch has come and past.


As I enter Floette's Flowers again I find Hanbyul wandering around the shop in a semi-dazed state. “Hello,” I say trying not to startle her, though as she falls I help her up worriedly. “Are you alright Hanbyul-sshi? I didn’t mean to startle you.” I say as I help her up.

Hanbyul steps back and gathers herself before she speaks. “No, I’m sorry.” She mutters while dusting her pants off. “How can I help you today?” Hanbyul asks.

For as long as I’ve known her, Hanbyul has always been like this, a little clumsy and rather timid. She’s never been outspoken and has always been really nice to me. I decide to keep things as comfortable as possible for her, mostly so she doesn’t fall again. “I was thinking something with big blooms, maybe pink or yellow.” I say carefully while thinking about the flowers I’d like to give my parents today. As Hanbyul leads me around the shop I find myself suddenly a bit paranoid. “Hanbyul-sshi,” I say getting her attention carefully this time, well more than before. “Do you talk about me and tell people I’ve come here after I leave?” I ask as I look at some flowers we’ve stopped at.

“No, I’ve never told anyone about you coming in; it isn’t my business to do that.” She says firmly, I smile at her. I kind of figure Hanbyul wouldn’t on that exact principal; she’s always been very fair and overall pleasant to be around.

“Thank you,” I say not just for the flowers but for the sense of loyalty she’s shown me, even if she isn’t aware of it. “I always like the flowers you help me pick.” I wait a moment before I consider asking her of a favor. “If my brother comes in, can you tell him I didn’t come here?” I ask quietly. I want some time alone, alone with them without anyone watching me.

“I will, will you be alright?” She asks sounding rather hesitant and I know she probably is, but just for a little bit I’m going to be greedy about all this.

I pick several flowers that haven’t bloomed yet before I answer. “I’m just going to visit some people; I need a bit of time alone is all.” I say quietly feeling my heart tug at my word choice.  “You’re a student, right?” I ask wanting to change the subject desperately.

“I am, it isn’t easy, but it isn’t all bad either.” Hanbyul says quietly. “Why do you ask?” She questions as she punches things in on the register.

I take my time with answering, partly so I don’t offend her or seem like I’m trying to pry. “You go to Yonsei, you’ve mentioned it before.” One time to be exact, Junhyung asked where she got into the year before last. “I’ve always wanted to go there. I’ve always wanted to see it,” I say wishfully, “For the school’s ­literature department mostly.” I confess quietly as I pass my bank card to her.

Hanbyul speaks rather happily this time, which surprises me. “That’s the department I’m in.” She chirps. “Your total is 62,472 won.” She says handing my card back to me.

The information shocks me, I watch her a moment before I’m even able to speak. “You’re a lit. Major?” As she nods I feel like I’d just been punched. I know she couldn’t have known my dad, it’s been a long time obviously and she’s I think a second year now.

“Dayoung-sshi, are you alright, did I say something that upset you?” Hanbyul asks worriedly form her spot behind the counter.

I chuckle softly at her; she’s rather cute most of the time. “Hanbyul-sshi, I’m just surprised, I’ve known you for years, Junhyung and I have known you for years, and you’ve always been so kind to me. When I heard you started attending Yonsei last year I was jealous. Someone very special to me used to teach there.” I explain carefully.

Her next words hit me harder than finding out she’s a lit. Major. “Professor Dean,” Hanbyul quickly covers and stares at me shocked. “Sorry, it’s just, they pay homage to him the entire literature department does.” She says stuttering over the sentence.

While I am shocked, I’m more than happy at the information. “I’m really happy to hear that, Hanbyul-sshi thank you for the flowers and treating me well, and mostly for telling me that last part. It makes me happy to hear it.” I say smiling at her. I leave the shop and quickly head straight to my parents’ graves.


I kneel down setting the flowers between the two grave stones as I usually do, I read the inscription and glance around somewhat nervously. “Mom, Dad, I have a big day tomorrow.” I say quietly trying to get my head around everything. “But a good person just told me some really nice things. Like that they still celebrate you at Yonsei dad, and mom I keep wearing your old shirts, I wish, I wish I’d gotten to know you a bit better when I still had the chance.” I mutter wiping some tears away. “I’m probably going to be in a lot of trouble when I get back to the dorm or when someone finds me. I wanted to see you guys though.”

I take a deep breath trying to calm myself down as I let my thoughts filter through so I can just speak comfortably. “A lot of people know now, I wish they didn’t but they do and I have a lot of things to do now, I have to be strong still, I need to hold it together.” I mumble trying to give myself a pep talk.

Instead my thoughts drift back to wanting to know them better. “I wish I’d paid more attention, I know mom liked having flowers in the house, I know you liked reading books, but what kind of books did you like best dad? Did mom like them? Did you both like the same type of flowers? Would you be proud of me like this?” I ask wiping the tears away. “You both gave me so much, I love you guys more than anything and I swear I’ll make sure you guys aren’t looked down on because of me. You are wonderful, loving and caring people.” I pause before I say this next thing, never have I voiced this aloud before. “I wish you’d all made it home that night. I wish you hadn’t gone out to dinner. I can’t remember if I asked you not to go, I can’t remember if I had a bad feeling or not, I just wish you guys were still here. I know things would be different, and I love my parents, and Junhyung, the girls, being an idol is even a lot of fun, but…I wish you could see me now doing some really cool things because I want to share these kinds of experiences with you.” I say standing up.

I wipe my tears away before leaving. “Junhyung has probably been told by now; he’s probably looking for me, and now that I think back on it. I shouldn’t be greedy like this. Hanbyul will probably not be able to handle Junhyung when he’s hell-bent on finding me like I’m sure he is. I promise to come back, I’ll bring you some more flowers, maybe even bring you a book and read it with you guys for a little, I don’t know when, but I’ll be back.” I say walking away.



I hear Junhyung asking Hanbyul rather impatiently if I’ve been here, and she stuttering completely overwhelmed by my brother’s rather aggressive nature at the moment. “I’m right here, stop harassing Unnie.” I say walking over getting both of their attention. “I’m sorry; I’d forgotten you’re really timid Hanbyul.” I say genuinely, I watch as she attempts to calm herself down.

“It’s, it’s fine.” She says smiling at me relieved. Hanbyul begins to breathe a bit more regularly as she continues to calm herself.

Junhyung apologizes, “I’m sorry, I should have been so terse with you. I hope you can forgive me.” Junhyung says while bowing.

I inwardly curse my brother for doing a full 90 degree bow; Hanbyul begins to panic again bowing quickly in return. “Ah, no, I’m sorry.” She says and dropping the clippers that had been in her hand.

I rush around the counter grabbing some paper towels set out on the edge; I quickly apply pressure to the cut on her forearm. “Hanbyul are you okay?” I ask, though I shake my head. “Actually, why don’t you just tell me where the first aid kit is?” I say smiling at her, though I am worried. I know she’ll say it’s nothing and Junhyung and I can leave, but honestly, I rather her not be left alone like this, not with a cut. “Junhyung will you get it out,” I say in a calm tone, she doesn’t need to panic any more than she already is.

“I’m sorry.” Junhyung says regretfully as he opens the box and handing me things to clean her cut and then bandage it.

“No, this is my fault.” Hanbyul says, I can sense her about to go into full panic mode so I clean her cut without warning to change what she’s thinking about, at least I hope I do. “I’m sorry, but I can take care of this if you two need to leave, I’ll be fine.” She says weakly.

“It isn’t too deep, but you should probably get it checked out before you head home after work,” I say as I bandage her arm. “All done, just be careful of your arm.” I say worriedly, I glance at her and resist the urge to be more familiar with her, she’ll probably only start fluttering around nervously. “I’m sure you’ve heard this before, but you should probably pay a bit more attention.” I say seriously.

Hanbyul nods her head while keeping her eyes trained on the ground. “Thank you, I’m sorry to have troubled you.” She says to Junhyung and me while bowing.

I fling my hand up to Junhyung’s mouth before he can say anything, I know where he’ll go with it and she doesn’t need to hear it, not now at least. “We’ll see each other next time, be careful Unnie.” I say while tugging on Junhyung. “And it wasn’t any trouble at all.” I say sincerely as Junhyung and I leave.

“Bye Hanbyul-sshi, be safe.” Junhyung says before glaring at me. Once out he leads me to his car. Getting in I cross my arm over my chest and wait for it. “What the hell made you think it’d be okay to go off and just disappear for the day?” Junhyung barks as soon as he closes his door. “Do you have any idea how worried everyone is? Dayoung, it was dangerous and wrong!” He rants. “I was terrified something happened to you, you didn’t bring your phone, you just moved to this area, what if you got lost? What if someone recognized you? Your hair is still bright red!” Junhyung says while starting the car.

“I’m sorry,” I say once he’s gotten it all out, I look my brother in the eyes as I apologize again. “I’m sorry. I was suffocating at the dorm; I have been for the last week and a half. I wanted to get away; I didn’t want anyone around when I talked to mom and dad.” I say quietly.

“I would have taken you; I would have stayed where I usually do so you could talk!” Junhyung say upset, and rightly so. “I know this is probably something you needed to do for tomorrow, Jinri told me that you’ve been having nightmares again.”

“About meeting them,” I say quietly still. “Junhyung, I don’t want to meet them.” I say seriously and still angrily.

Junhyung sighs heavily, the drive back to the dorm is quick, “You need to apologize and thank them for calling me and not Ian or anyone else.”

“I will, I’m sorry Junhyung, I’m sorry I worried you.” I mumble reaching over after he’s parked. I hug him tightly. “I’m scared about tomorrow.”

“I’ll be there for you.” Junhyung says faithfully.


I know a lot happened in this chapter, but I just wanted to get all done in one short instead
of splitting it up into different chapters.
A cameo of Hanbyul > u>

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pigzcanfly #1
aaannd you've mentioned super junior before
not to mention dayoung is beast's little sister

i would do anything to be dayoung right now.
pigzcanfly #2
Chapter 19: love how junhyung has two roles: a real one as support/protection for dayoung, and then comic relief when everyone else gets him freaked out over dayoung.
pigzcanfly #3
Chapter 3: why is my bro such a loser compared to junhyung?
ugh. my life.
this is not the reality that i wanted.
pigzcanfly #4
thanks for telling me about your other stories!
i found this and others and facepalmed multiple times...
can't wait to start!
Jung2208 #5
Chapter 50: This seriously needs a sequel!!!!!!! Like the title can be 'It happened' OMG FANGIRLING HARD
chunjoe1004 #6
Nice story ^^
Chapter 50: AKJAKSDJ MY FEELSSS !!!!
xRawrRiot #8
Lol lovedddd the ending though! :3
queenoftrouble #9
Chapter 50: Wonderful story!! And totally cheesy ending. :P Haha, just kidding (not really :3), but I liked reading it.
Chapter 50: Congrats on completion!! I just want you to know that I absolutely LOVE this fic and it deserves lots of attention!! Seriously!! Also the way this ended was suuuper cute and totally perfect and i loved it! :) Thank you so much for writing!!