Making up and Raiding Closets

Life Just Happens

So it is safe to say by the time Thursday has rolled by, I am thoroughly pissed at Ilhoon for being silent on this, I’ve been texting Peniel and Sungjae regularly, both assure me they aren’t terribly busy. Of course while this was meant to calm me down it only made me angry.

So here I am dancing to Replay by Zendaya, I’m mostly just making it up as I go along. If this keeps up I’ll just let Ilhoon go on the date by himself. I’m tried calling when Peniel and Sungjae say it is convenient, I’ve texted him and while they got progressively less worried and apologetic, I explained what happened and that I made sure that people were aware I was going to lunch with Hyunwoo. At least I’m assuming this is what he’s pouting over.

Regardless like the title implies, I’ve been replaying the song. I put a different spin on it each time I dance to it. Though I’m still just as angry as when this started. We finished up our promotions, I did a belated staged birthday celebration via twitter, and well I’ve helped Junhyung get ready for his own solo performances.

I stop in the middle of the song just listening to the lyrics. The words don’t particularly speak to me, but I find the song easy to dance to, I can move and just feel totally at ease in the song. As the song starts over I start up again. Stopping I’m breathing heavily, just trying to catch up with where I am, I walk over and press pause on the song.

“You okay?” Sooyoung asks walking over to me, getting up from her seat in the back, I hadn’t even noticed her. “You only dance like that when something is bothering you and you’re trying not to think about it.” She smiles at stopping a little ways from my spot. “Turn it down, I’ll dance with you.”

I grin at her nodding my head. Pressing play after starting the song over, I take my place next to her. I let Sooyoung lead and mimic her. “I think I upset Ilhoon.” I say almost mutedly after we spin and face each other, I’m still mimicking Unnie. “I hadn’t thought much of it until afterwards, but I think he didn’t want me to go to the lunch with Hyunwoo.” I murmur frowning.

Sooyoung smiles at me, she checks to see if the door is closed. “It’s difficult once you start dating someone, especially when it’s the first time you’re really like someone.” She doesn’t say anything for the rest of the song, but as it starts again Sooyoung starts talking watching me dance this time. “I’m going to guess that you and Ilhoon have been dancing back and forth with feelings before Hyunwoo, at least he’s liked you long before Hyunwoo met you.”

I nod my head conceding to this thought; it’d explain why Ilhoon would get jealous so irrationally, at least to me. I continue to listen; none of this makes me feel any better. “I left him a couple of messages explaining, texted him, he hasn’t said anything and it just makes me so frustrated.” I confess feeling a bit more than a twinge of anger coursing through me.

“I’d say it makes you furious by the way you started dancing.” Sooyoung says letting out a long sigh. “It’s probably a little bit of a foreign concept to you, being jealous.” She says watching me, the song changes beats a lot, which is probably why I like dancing to it so much, that and you can dance to the song really easily, more than that, I realize that the music itself reminds me of Ilhoon. “You appreciate what you’re given and protect it fiercely, with Junhyung you’re a bit spoiled, I’ll admit I even spoil you,” She says fondly. “You’re taking on a career that demands getting attention, showing off what you can do, and you’re pretty. While you may not act like a spoiled princess, you’re certainly have been given a lot. Now look at it this way. Ilhoon is the first boy you’ve seriously liked aside from Kikwang,” She says teasingly.

“Unnie,” I whine blushing as she brings up the crush I’d had on my older brother’s friend. Though I am listening to everything she’s said. I won’t deny any of it. Junhyung spoils me, if I ask for something Junhyung would probably get it for me. I know that I do demand attention when I’m on stage and it may happen off stage too, but I try not to let any of it get to my head too much.

Sooyoung smiles at me as I watch her versus my reflection. “Ilhoon is probably the first real relationship aside from being an idol you have to work towards. School work comes easy to you, dancing is like breathing to you, rapping you can do effortlessly. You’re charismatic, so much so that there are plenty of guys out there confessing their feelings to you. From Ilhoon’s point of you the only time you’ve reacted strongly to a guy in a very girly way is Hyunwoo, right?”

I stop dancing as the words sink in. I’ve been comfortable around Ilhoon more or less, the only times I get flustered are when we’re kissing and even then I mask it. “So then, how do I get him to start talking to me again?” I ask frowning, I face her nervously.

Sooyoung shrugs her shoulders at this. “Part of it is giving him the opportunity, you’ve probably stopped texting him right?” I nod my head slightly agitated again. Hyunwoo and I had gone to lunch Friday, I stopped texting him by Monday. “He comes back on the fifteenth. I think if you ask Peniel, Sungjae or Minhyuk can get Ilhoon to call you before they land in Seoul.”

With that Unnie waves to me and leaves. “Remember we’re going out to dinner with Beast tonight to celebrate for Junhyung.” She calls over her shoulder as she leaves.

Sighing I pause the music and text Peniel if he could try to get Ilhoon to talk to me. The response is immediate.

‘You’ll have a call by tonight.’

I smile; I thank him and tell him that when he gets back I’m treating him to lunch. Sitting in the practice room I decide to take a break from dancing, and instead I just listen to the song after pressing play again. I guess it’s from listening to Prodigy or Beast’s own songs so many times, I can now listen to any song on repeat and it doesn’t really bug me.

Maybe an hour later I get a call, from the exact person I have been dying to talk to. Pausing the music I take a deep breath in anticipation. “Hello?” I say waiting to hear Ilhoon’s voice; I find that I’m holding my breath, just waiting for confirmation that it’s him and for us to talk.

“Hey Dayoungie,” I hear Ilhoon’s voice come finally, and I let out the air I’d been holding in. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have avoided talking to you.” He says in a tired sort of way. “I knew when the dating rumors came out they weren’t true, but it just it irritated me.”

“Ilhoon, I know I miss a lot of little cues, and that I’m not exactly the queen of human interaction, but you know I only like you, right?” I mumble blushing and hiding my face in a jacket. I hear him let out a sigh, he sounds relieved.

“I should have answered the first time,” Ilhoon says chuckling, it’s something I’ve missed terribly, just hearing him and I feel like it’ll drive me crazy. “Dayoungie when I get back can you meet me at the studio, on the fifteenth?”

“Depends on the time, I plan on sleeping that day.” I say flatly, not out of spite, but because I know what Ilhoon’s reaction will be.

He chuckles again, it being my goal. “Around four, I got you something, I saw it while I was out walking in Spain and I thought of you. I want to give it to you alone.” He mutters. “Yah, would you go away. I told you, I told Peniel I’d call her.” I can’t quite make out whoever it is or what they’re saying. “You of all people I don’t want ease dropping.” He says icily, if I had to guess Eunkwang.

I can’t help but laugh, though as they continue to laugh I find it less amusing, “Where?” I ask Ilhoon trying to get his attention back, the amusement of someone interrupting wore of quickly.

“I’ll meet you in the break room.” Ilhoon says switching his attention back quickly; I hear something muffled and then a door close. “Sorry, but that’s the first time I’ve heard you sound remotely jealous.” He says teasingly.

“Well we’re finally talking after everything, so of course I’d get a bit jealous…” I mutter blushing again, realizing all the more that Sooyoung is right. Jealousy isn’t exactly something I’m super familiar with, but just by the little bit I’d felt I didn’t like. “Besides I still have to head back to the dorm and the get ready for Junhyung’s party.”

“Ah, that’s right. Sunbae had his solo stage.” Ilhoon says letting out a small sigh. “You’ll be able to get away for the sixteenth right?”

“I made sure, yeah. Ian-oppa says I should take a break anyways.” I say confirming my halt in schedules, which I am extremely excited for. I feel impatient to see Ilhoon; I pout as I sit up and glance around the room. “I’ve spent most of the day dancing.”

Ilhoon doesn’t say anything for a moment, but when does, I’m surprised. “Sorry, you were angry with me right?” I’m silent, just that he knows me so well. “I know that’s not why you told me, but it’s the reason why.”

“It is, but the song made me think of you,” I say smiling slightly. I hum the melody of the song, the way it changes and how it’s a lively song.

“What part of it?” Ilhoon asks curiously, obviously enjoying this. I’m not quite sure how to verbalize it, or if it’s even a good idea. But hearing how excited and pleased Ilhoon sounds only eggs me on. “Come on Dayoungie.” He begs in his usual bossy kind of way.

“It’s more the music, the way it’s paced, how it changes several times, it’s easy for me to dance to, and I can pick any part and start dancing to it and feel content.” I say trying to word everything correctly. “It’s a fun song.” I say finally.

“You’ll have to show me when I get back.” Ilhoon says in a low voice. “I saw that picture of you and Junhyung the other day, Hyuna sent it to me.” He says randomly. “She also sent me several pictures of you fangirling over Onew-sunbae.” He says chuckling.

“Those ones don’t bother you?” I ask curiously, part of me just wants to know so that we can avoid not talking in the future or maybe this counts as fighting, though I don’t really count it like that.

“Oh, definitely not, you look at him like you do Junhyung more like admiration or like you want to be close to him in a younger sister kind of way.” Ilhoon says chuckling. “Hyuna likes telling me what you’re doing, do you know that?” He asks chuckling.

I shake my head, I’m not doubtful in the slightest. “No, but it doesn’t exactly surprise me either. I think she’s the biggest Dayhoon shipper.” I say remembering how Hyuna kept telling me that when Ilhoon and I start dating, I better tell her. “She’s always been convinced we’d end up dating.”

“Well it’s not like she was wrong.” Ilhoon says in his usual arrogant tone. For some strange reason it reminds me of the time he walked me back to the dorm for that first time and when we’d started hanging out. “Dayoung, did you hear me?”

“Huh, no.” I say coming back into focus. “What did you say?” I ask letting out a content sigh. I run my hand through my hair, I frown. I’ll definitely have to shower.

“I said, that she keeps telling me to tell her when we start dating.” Ilhoon says gently. “Are you okay? Are you tired?”

I smile to myself. “She tells me the same thing, and I was just thinking that you voice sounded a lot like when we first started hanging out.”

“My voice has changed?” Ilhoon asks, I can picture him furrowing his brow. “Are you sure you’re not tired?”

“I’m not,” I say chuckling. Sometimes he worries more than Junhyung. “You don’t use your arrogant, I guess, tone as much with me.” I inform him chuckling when I hear him scoff in return. “You used to talk to me in this superior high and almighty tone, but then again you used it with almost everyone.”

“Well then, I’m kind of glad I don’t. My sister says I use that voice when I’m nervous.” Ilhoon says chuckling, “Or when I’m obviously right.” He says, which sounds like Ilhoon is using it on purpose. “You’re a bit more familiar with people now.”

I furrow my brow confused. “How so?” I ask; I’d been pretty friendly with everyone, so being told I talk or act more familiar now sort of doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.

“Before you kind of had a distant tone, like you weren’t completely sure of what you thought of the people around you.” Ilhoon says slowly. “Now though, you just seem to pay more attention, even if something gets lost between one person and you. Like you’re making more effort to get to know more people versus a select group of people, you were only like that with Beast and Prodigy for a while.”

I can see what he means; I do treat and act differently around Beast and Prodigy than I do A Pink or 4 Minute. “I just got more comfortable around people.” I answer while frowning. “Well around you and the others really.

“I know, it is part of your charm. Energetic and charismatic on stage and in front of cameras, but take them away and you’re just plain mischievous.” Ilhoon says his voice is a bit rough and low, it’s sort of a contrast to his cutie player image.

Before I can comment back Dongwoon comes into the practice room. “Dayoungie, you need to head to the lobby, Yoora and Sooyoung are waiting for you.” Beast’s maknae says while just popping his head in. “Who are you on the phone with?”

I roll my eyes as he steps in watching me carefully. “I have to go, one of the goons are here to interrogate me.” I say in mock annoyance. I chuckle glancing to Dongwoon, who looks more and more suspicious of me.

“I’ll talk to you later, three more days.” Ilhoon says, though it sounds like he’s trying to calm himself down more than me. “Bye Dayoungie.”

I smile to myself happily. “Bye Ilhoon.” I say before hanging up, getting up I slip into my jacket, hat, and gloves, the ones Ilhoon had given me. Dongwoon stares at me a minute before shaking his head. “Something the matter?” I .

Dongwoon sends me a slightly annoyed look. “Dayoungie you’re too good at teasing people. I can’t even tell what I heard was you messing around or flirting.”

I was messing around.” I tell him plainly. “I’ll stop teasing you then.” I tell my sunbae plainly. We walk down to the lobby, with Dongwoon demanding I tell him straight what I’m planning. “Sunbae, I told you I’m not planning anything. I just said I’d stop teasing you, I don’t understand why you’re getting so worked up.”

The girls all chuckle. “Dayoung come on, you have to shower and get ready.” Yoora says pulling on my hand and tugging me away from Dongwoon. “Oppa, don’t let what she says get to you so much.” She calls over her shoulder while smirking.




Stepping out completely refreshed and void of sweat on my body I head to get dressed, we’re having a special dinner for Junhyung, much like we did you Hyuna and Hyunseung, or comeback really. I decide to pull on one of my mother’s old shirts; I get like this after the ninth every year. I start wearing her old shirts or some of her old jewelry, my dad’s old watch; just little things to remember them.

For tonight I decide to wear one of her old band shirts, I pair it off with a pair of ripped skinny jeans. I head back towards the bathroom, where currently everyone is using to do makeup. I squeeze in, opting to do something simple, eyeliner in a winged style, mascara, and finally some red lipstick. I leave after Jinri and Yoora, leaving Sooyoung and Iseul at various stages of getting ready.

I run back to our room, I decide to leave my hair down in its natural waves, quickly pulling on my favorite jacket, one Junhyung bought for me, I race out to the living room, first to be done.

“As expected,” Doojoon says sitting comfortably on our couch. “Are the other girls almost ready?”

I shrug my shoulders, seeing Jinri and Yoora stepping out dressed. “I’d kinda expected Iseul to be right behind me.” I say to the other two girls.

“She got back later; she didn’t get home until after you got in the shower.” Jinri says taking her seat next to me. She’s dressed in a cream colored sweater, dark wash skinny jeans, a hat and a navy blue pea coat, Yoora is dressed similarly, only she has a white and blue striped shirt on. “I like your sweater,” I say to Jinri.

“You should, it’s your sweater.” Yoora says slyly, I do a double take at it and laugh. “Just wait until you see the other girls.”

“Like you can talk, where did you get your shirt?” Jinri jokes, I take a close look and discover it is in fact my shirt as well.

“Junhyung would love this,” Doojoon says from his seat. “Someone raiding Dayoung’s closet, a bit fair wouldn’t you say?” He teases me.

And that’s exactly why I’m not upset at all, the girls know the only clothes I refuse to share are the ones that I got from the Deans, old shirts and things that I had gone through years ago and decided to keep.

Iseul walks out in a plaid shirt, my cigarette jeans, hat, and leather jacket. “Was it raid my closet night?” I ask the other three suspiciously.

“Unnie, you know that this jacket goes perfect with these jeans,” Iseul jokes laying across Yoora, Jinri and me. “The hat though, Sooyoung-Unnie put on me as I was leaving the room.” She explains cheerfully. I chuckle nodding my head.

As Sooyoung finally steps out I eye the oxford shirt, my oxford shirt that I got last year. “It goes with my outfit.” She explains cheekily. She’s also in dark wash jeans and a navy blue pea coat.

I nod my head and eye the girls. “I am so raiding your clothes next time.” I tease them as Iseul gets up, as we head to the door I notice that all the boots that we’re putting on are in fact mine. “Guys, this is ridiculous. Sooyoung, you better not get anything on those boots!” I say pointing to one of my favorite ankle booties. “Yah, I don’t mind any of you taking the clothes while you’re away, but you better leave my boots here!” Jinri and Iseul are heading to their respective homes for their exams while Sooyoung is visiting her parents for our break and Yoora is traveling for a musical she’s in. So for the weekend I’m staying here to sleep and straighten the dorm up, though mainly so when Ilhoon gets back I won’t have to worry about the other girls or even Junhyung at this point. Oppa is going to be very busy with his schedules.

I pout slightly; nearly everything we’re wearing is from my closet. “We’ll be careful, no worries.” Yoora says as we follow Doojoon down the hall. I nod my head grudgingly, I don’t mind sharing my clothes, it’s my shoes I’m more worried about, I love my boots.


Alright guys, to get the double update five comments from five differnt people per chapter or
2 upvotes per chapter.
I haven't deciced if I'll to the extra scenes yet, but we'll see!

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pigzcanfly #1
aaannd you've mentioned super junior before
not to mention dayoung is beast's little sister

i would do anything to be dayoung right now.
pigzcanfly #2
Chapter 19: love how junhyung has two roles: a real one as support/protection for dayoung, and then comic relief when everyone else gets him freaked out over dayoung.
pigzcanfly #3
Chapter 3: why is my bro such a loser compared to junhyung?
ugh. my life.
this is not the reality that i wanted.
pigzcanfly #4
thanks for telling me about your other stories!
i found this and others and facepalmed multiple times...
can't wait to start!
Jung2208 #5
Chapter 50: This seriously needs a sequel!!!!!!! Like the title can be 'It happened' OMG FANGIRLING HARD
chunjoe1004 #6
Nice story ^^
Chapter 50: AKJAKSDJ MY FEELSSS !!!!
xRawrRiot #8
Lol lovedddd the ending though! :3
queenoftrouble #9
Chapter 50: Wonderful story!! And totally cheesy ending. :P Haha, just kidding (not really :3), but I liked reading it.
Chapter 50: Congrats on completion!! I just want you to know that I absolutely LOVE this fic and it deserves lots of attention!! Seriously!! Also the way this ended was suuuper cute and totally perfect and i loved it! :) Thank you so much for writing!!