Something Blue Released

Life Just Happens

I’m sitting at a table in KBS’s cafeteria waiting for Sooyoung and Ian-Oppa to finish negotiation for the drama they want Sooyoung for. After this Sooyoung and I have an appearance scheduled for a radio show, Yoora is representing us on another variety show while Iseul and Jinri focus on studying back at the dorm.

“Dayoungie, it’s been a while,” I hear Hyunwoo say, turning around I see him walking towards me with a smile on his face. Hyunwoo’s hair is still short, but a few shades darker than the warm coffee brown it’d been when we were filming for the music video.

“Oppa, it has!” I say grinning. I offer him the seat across from me. “What are you doing here?” I ask as he takes the offered seat.

Hyunwoo points towards his manger talking to a producer. “Working out a schedule for the drama I’ll be filming.” He answers happily. “What about you?”

“Sooyoung and Ian-Oppa are meeting to discuss the details for a drama.” I answer shrugging my shoulders. “Sooyoung and I have a variety show appearance scheduled afterwards.”

“I see; what have you been up to? Other than the numerous variety and music shows I mean.” He asks curiously.

I chuckle. “Well, I’ve mostly been studying.” I answer while gesturing to the book in front of me. “There hasn’t been too much time to do much else.”

“Ah, Dayoungie, you need to play a little too.” Hyunwoo says while shaking his head in a mock disappointed kind of way. “We should hang out sometime.”

“Any time after next week.” I tell him sighing heavily. “We have the last music show performance and a little fan meet coming up.” I inform him smiling.

“Then maybe we can meet for a coffee after you’ve rested up.” He offers while tilting his head to the side, very cutely might I add.

“It sounds like a plan.” I say happily. “Iseul and Jinri want me to go out and not work too; they’ve been nagging me about it lately.” I answer in a slightly flat tone, the tone I use when I’m being nagged. “It’ll be nice to go out.”

“I know what you mean, I feel like I’ve been filming for so long that I haven’t had the chance to use any of my own words recently.” Hyunwoo confess while shrugging his shoulders. “Besides we had fun when we had to hang out for work.”

“That was you teasing me.” I say as I giggle. “Oppa, I’m pretty sure eighty percent of the time we were spending time together one of us was teasing the other.” I tell him plainly with a playful smile.

Hyunwoo chuckles and nods his head. “That’s probably, true. But it was part of what was fun about spending time together, not worrying about what the other thought. It was really comfortable spending time together.” He confesses as he leans back slightly. “Dayoungie, you look a bit more relaxed these days on camera.”

“I’ve had more practice and I do feel a bit more at ease.” I say confirming his observation. “The girls and I still swoon whenever we watch any drama you’re in.”

“To be fair, I still get mesmerized every time I see anything with Prodigy.” Hyunwoo says while wriggling his brows at me. As his manager calls him Hyunwoo smiles at me apologetically, “Just send me a text when you can hang out Dayoungie.”

“I will; bye Oppa!” I say waving to him as he leaves. I continue to wait, working in one of the study books I’d brought with me. I’ve worked through two since Junhyung forced them on me, I call Miyoung whenever I get stuck on something or I’m not too sure I fully understand the concept. Each book gets progressively more difficult, making me spend a bit more time on each problem in any one subject.

BtoB has finished a little more than two months of the tour, leaving roughly three weeks left until they come back. I text Ilhoon a lot still, though we haven’t talked on the phone as much lately.

“Ready to go?” Sooyoung asks, pulling me away from my drifting thoughts. “Dayoung, we need to go, come on you space cadet.” Leader says the last bit jokingly as I finally focus on her.

“Sorry, I got a little distracted.” I mumble picking my things up. “How did it go?” I ask her as she leads the way to Ian.

“Once the rest of the cast has been made there will be a read through, and they’re hoping to start rehearsals in December, and then filming in February.” Sooyoung says brightly. “I auditioned for the lead’s best friend, I got the part.” She says happily.

“Congratulations Unnie, you’re working really hard!” I say cheerfully. I’m not sure how she’s juggling everything, she still has her uni classes, but then again she started her final classes a few months ago, but she’s still taking the charge of us, makes appearances on various shows, and makes the time for the commercials we’ve filmed.

“You’re looking well rested these days, you’ve been sleeping better?” Sooyoung asks once we start walking out behind Ian-Oppa who is on the phone.

I nod my head smiling. “Though I think it’s more that I’m mentally too tired to even do anything after looking and working in these booklets Oppa gave me.” I explain while shrugging my shoulders. I already explained that when I decide to apply for universities and take the entrance exams I want to go on hiatus from Cube so I can focus on being a student full time, which everyone agrees with if I get accepted into the school I want to go to.

“I don’t blame you; the girls and I were looking at the first one you finished. Those aren’t exactly easy.” Sooyoung says sympathetically. “Yoora and I tried working a problem out and got confused.” She says while chuckling.

I eye her carefully. “Unnie, are you sure you’re attending class?” I ask jokingly as we get to the car.

Sooyoung laughs and hits me on the arm playfully. “Yah, what do you think you’re saying?” She says trying to control her laughter. “Sassy Dayoung.”

“Unnie, I’m just asking you a question.” I as I buckle my seat belt. “Besides I think it was rather legitimate.” I continue to joke as we ride all the way to the studio for the variety show.



“There is a lot of talk about Prodigy’s latest music video.” Myungsoo, the main MC, says looking at Sooyoung and me; both of us nod our heads. “You filmed two versions for Something Blue, correct?” He asks.

I nod my head smiling charmingly. “We filmed the dance version with a few added scenes, and then a drama version that was decided to be released later; it’s what the teasers actually lead up to.” I explain.

“There was a bit of fuss over who should be the lead in this one,” Sooyoung says chuckling when I scrunch my nose up at this. “We drew straws to see who’d play the bride, Dayoungie actually tried getting us to trade spots.”

“You didn’t want to be the lead?” Sohyun, the other MC, asks shocked. “Most girls would want to play a bride, like a prequel to their actual wedding!” She says looking around, a lot of other girls nodding their heads.

“I actually have some not so great experiences with weddings, from being pushed into a mud puddle, cake being dropped on me, they all added up to me not being a big fan of weddings.” I say chuckling. “But once we started filming for the scenes and picking the dress out, I had a lot of fun.” I say brightly.

“Dayoungie loved the dress for the ceremony she got to wear; she’d been swishing around in the dress when they were filming.” Sooyoung says happily. “It was fun to see Dayoungie dressed up like that too!”

“Her aygeo must have been in full affect,” Myungsoo says chuckling. “You filmed with Hyunwoo-sshi; you’re both big fans of each other.” He says; a blown up picture of the selca we took a while ago brought out.

“You must have been really excited!” Sohyun says grinning. “He’s really handsome, what was it like to film with him?”

“He treated Dayoungie like a princess whenever they weren’t teasing each other.” Leader says while shaking her head. “The two of them got a long really well.”

“He was really nice, helped me through the nerves of filming a lot of the scenes, Hyunwoo is really funny.” I say easily.

Yonghwa leans over from his seat, on the other side of Sooyoung. “Dayoungie made a very beautiful bride, Junhyung was sitting with me when I watched it for the first time, I’ve never been so afraid to say something before.” He says laughing.

“Oh, that’s right; your brother is very protective of you, his baby sister.” Kyuhyun says from his spot. “I was really shocked when he sent Eunhyuk an icy glare when he said you were pretty!”

I cover my mouth while I laugh. “Oppa is still coming to terms with things like that.” I say while shaking my head. “Before we started filming for the music video, our agency and Hyunwoo’s decided it’d be good for us to meet and get acquainted.”

Everyone is nodding their heads as Yonghwa says, “So you could play the characters, being in love.”

“Right, we started spending a lot of time together so that it wasn’t awkward or anything, but Oppa was so moody whenever he came in to watch or practice for Surrender.” I say amusedly. “He’d talk to Hyunwoo, but I’d have to mediate any kind of conversation going on between them.”

“Junhyung is really protective, we were at a music show and saw you both there, and he was swatting other male idols away.” Jessica-sshi says chuckling. “But it’s really cute at the same time to see that, Junhyung looks like he takes really good care of you and loves you a lot.”

I nod my head proudly of our relationship. “Oppa is always looking out for me, so I don’t really mind when he gets like that.”

“Dayoungie says that, but she’s also a really big fan of teasing and agitating him too.” Sooyoung says laughing; I puff my cheeks, unable to deny the claim. “Before we had a concept for our comeback, Yoseob-sunbae organized a prank on Junhyung,” She says while shaking her head. “He convinced the other members of Beast and even BtoB to all propose or confess their feelings to Dayoungie, the whole studio was in an uproar over this.” The other idols are all laughing or hanging on to each word Unnie is saying. “Junhyung-sunbae and Dayoung were in a break room after a practice when Kikwang-sunbae came in and proposed to Dayoungie with a ring,”

“Oppa was so mad, he just about lost it when Doojoon started saying he’d been in love with me, begging me not to choose Kikwang.” I say chuckling. “Oppa was so stressed out over it, the guys kept proposing, by the end of it when I accepted one of them, Junhyung figured it out.” I say rather happily.

“Junhyung must have been pretty furious over this, he gets touchy when we hang out and if someone mentions you,” Yonghwa says shaking his head. “He just gets really quiet then looks at whoever said something. ‘Want to say that again?’” Yonghwa says impersonating him, this earns a lot of laughs, everyone thoroughly enjoying this topic.



Sitting in the living room with a towel on my head I relax in the silence of the dorm, the girls are off at their own schedules or at school. Hearing my phone ring I answer it, Ilhoon’s ring tone. “Hello?” I say smiling happily already.

“Hey Dayoungie,” I hear Ilhoon’s cheerful voice for the first time in weeks. “I finally got a chance to go out on my own.”

“And as luck would have it, I’m on a day off.” I say equally excited. “You sound tired, have you been able to sleep alright?” I ask worriedly as we continue to talk.

“I’m fine; it’s just weird not getting to hear your voice nearly every day or running around Cube with everyone together.” Ilhoon says letting out a long sigh. “It’s really cool here though, what about you? How’s studying?”

I let out a groan as I think about the books that I still have, not to mention Junhyung is still looking at other ones for me. “I mean I understand most of it, but it’s just really draining mentally.” I confess rubbing my temple with one hand. “Though I’m learning a lot and it isn’t bad, I just feel like it’s at the wrong time.”

“Have you told your brother that?” Ilhoon asks curiously, he chuckles when I remain silent. “You could tell him, that you’re studying, but your main focus right now is your career.” He offers diplomatically.

“I’m getting there. It makes Jinri and Iseul really nervous when the three of us are home to study all together.”

“I can imagine, your school work before wasn’t a joke, and the university you have your eyes set on isn’t an easy target either.” Ilhoon says with a hint of laughter in his voice. “You have one more music stage and fan meet right?”

“Yeah, Ilhoon, what’s been your favorite place to perform at?” I ask curiously, with a slight bit of envy. I know Prodigy will get there too, but at this point I’m just so anxious to get there.

“France is really cool, and so is Italy, they have a lot of little streets and places to explore, but Spain was really awesome too, you’d love it there.” Ilhoon says as he starts telling me about all the places in Europe they’ve gone to, the things he’s seen, the places that BtoB has performed, all of it sounding very exciting. “You’ll have a lot of fun when you guys start touring out of Korea too, you’ll get to see a lot of things and meet a lot of new people.”

I grin happily. “It makes me really excited for our next comeback,” I say moving to walk around the dorm. “Oh, guess who I ran into last week.” I say excitedly.

Ilhoon’s laugh fills my ears, which is slightly contagious as I chuckle and smile with him. “It must be someone not under Cube; did you get to meet SHINee’s Minho?” He asks teasingly.

“No, but you’re kind of close.” I say as I grab a pen and paper so I can doodle, when Ilhoon says he gives I finally tell him, “Hyunwoo, I saw in him the KBS cafeteria while Unnie and Ian were getting things set for a new drama.”

“Oh, what did you guys talk about?” Ilhoon asks a little less enthused than I thought he would be, but I suppose since he isn’t really a fan of him it makes sense. The girls were really excited about me running into him, but we’re all fans of Hyunwoo.

“Nothing much really, we’re going for coffee next week to catch up, since we’re wrapping up promotions on Wednesday and having the fan meet on Friday I’ll be free to do some other things than studying and practice.” I explain drawing, rather horrendously, an octopus. “I’m getting a small break from variety shows too, but I made sure that Ian wouldn’t schedule anything on the fifteen to the seventeenth.” I say excitedly as I think about the date we have planned.

“You’re going to meet him?” Ilhoon asks unhappily.

I frown, putting the pen down and switching ears I try to decipher what he means. “Well yeah, we had fun hanging out before and it’ll only be for a bit, Hyunwoo has his own schedule too.” I say slowly. “Are you upset about it?”

“No, just surprised I guess, but it looks like we should be back on time too.” Ilhoon says switching topics quickly. “It’s kind of exciting it’ll be our first real outing.” Ilhoon says cryptically, probably around other people.

I smile letting Ilhoon’s strange behavior go and chalk it up to fatigue. “It’ll be fun; do you know what you want to do exactly?”

“I’m planning it all out; you don’t need to worry about it.” Ilhoon says pleasantly. I hear the other members calling for him, and then an irritated sigh from Ilhoon. “I have to go, looks like our break is over. I’ll text you later.” Ilhoon says sounding tired all over again. “Bye Dayoungie.”

“Bye Ilhoon,” I mumble smiling. Hanging up I set my phone down, finishing my picture, which ends up looking like anything else I attempt to draw, horrifying.


I'm on top of updating this one. c:
lolsorry. I'm just proud to be working on a schedule again. XD
I'm trying to update on Mondays/Tuesdays. 

Let me know what you guys think. ^^
And Hyunwoo is back for a bit. 

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pigzcanfly #1
aaannd you've mentioned super junior before
not to mention dayoung is beast's little sister

i would do anything to be dayoung right now.
pigzcanfly #2
Chapter 19: love how junhyung has two roles: a real one as support/protection for dayoung, and then comic relief when everyone else gets him freaked out over dayoung.
pigzcanfly #3
Chapter 3: why is my bro such a loser compared to junhyung?
ugh. my life.
this is not the reality that i wanted.
pigzcanfly #4
thanks for telling me about your other stories!
i found this and others and facepalmed multiple times...
can't wait to start!
Jung2208 #5
Chapter 50: This seriously needs a sequel!!!!!!! Like the title can be 'It happened' OMG FANGIRLING HARD
chunjoe1004 #6
Nice story ^^
Chapter 50: AKJAKSDJ MY FEELSSS !!!!
xRawrRiot #8
Lol lovedddd the ending though! :3
queenoftrouble #9
Chapter 50: Wonderful story!! And totally cheesy ending. :P Haha, just kidding (not really :3), but I liked reading it.
Chapter 50: Congrats on completion!! I just want you to know that I absolutely LOVE this fic and it deserves lots of attention!! Seriously!! Also the way this ended was suuuper cute and totally perfect and i loved it! :) Thank you so much for writing!!