Highly Amusing

Life Just Happens

It is highly amusing to watch Ilhoon when Junhyung is in the same room as us, even more so when he looks at his hands then at the shirt Junhyung is wearing. It happens to be the same one from the other day, the one I’d been wearing. Oppa made me return it to him so he could wear it, which proves to be a very amusing situation.

Ilhoon slides out of his chair and to the other side of the room to walk around, he keeps running his hands through his hair. Junhyung joined me on my way to the break room; I’m having lunch with Iseul, Jinri, Ilhoon, Sungjae, Junhyung and Peniel. It was supposed to be a lunch date for Ilhoon and me, but obviously we had some tag-alongs, more so, on his end, the more troubling one though is Junhyung who followed me.

“How was the filming for the drama?” Junhyung asks Iseul as I’m busy tossing pieces of paper at Peniel’s head.

“It was a lot of fun; Unnie gave us some advice for our cameo.” Iseul beams happily. “It was really cool going to location for shooting. Like a little vacation to relax for a few hours.” She adds excitedly, though she picks up on Junhyung uneasiness. “Sunbae, you’re recording for your first solo stage now, right?” She asks curiously after a beat.

Oppa nods his head and runs a hand through his hair; I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder. “Oppa is stressed out about it.” I translate for everyone else. “Hence him following me around.”

“It calms me down when I know you’re not up to something.” Junhyung says teasingly, relaxing more. “Ilhoon what are you doing over there?” Junhyung asks as Ilhoon pouts while swiping at an empty counter space in a rather irritable way.

Ilhoon looks up suddenly and frowns when he looks at Junhyung and me. “Nothing, just trying to get my mind off some stuff.” He answers in an Ilhoon-kind of way. “Hyung do you want a coke?” He asks suddenly heading to the door.

“That’d be nice actually, Dayoungie, my wallet is in the recording room can you go get the money for it?” Junhyung asks lazily, shoving me off in a very older brother way.

Hopping up from the push I nod my head, smirking at my brother. “I’ll get enough for an ice cream too.” I tell him happily, leaving the room before he can object.

Ilhoon follows behind me, now in a much better mood. “I thought it’d be just us.” He says pouting rather cutely once we’re out in the hall, this look changes to annoyance when Minhyuk, Hyunsik and Eunkwang latch onto him.

I let out a small giggle at Ilhoon’s irritation. “You know, things like this were bound to happen.” I tell him as I push Hyunsik off Ilhoon’s arm and hold onto it myself, improving Ilhoon’s mood greatly, even more when he shrugs the other two off.

“We’re just trying to keep you alive, what if Junhyung is spying on you two?” Minhyuk asks in a hushed voice, this causes the normally sassy Ilhoon to stiffen considerably.

Shaking me off, Ilhoon looks at me wide-eyed. “Oppa, you didn’t have to scare him like that, besides like I told you, Junhyung is pretty fond of you.” I tell Ilhoon shrugging my shoulders as we stop outside of Junhyung’ usual recording room. Walking in I quickly grab a few bills out of my brother’s wallet.

“Ilhoonie froze up quite a bit,” Eunkwang says with a rather devious look on his face. “Ilhoonie and Dayoungie are doing things Junhyung would kill him for.” The elder quickly surmises.

“Yah, do I need to remind you not to.” Ilhoon says glaring at his leader. I follow behind the pair with Minhyuk and Hyunsik, watching on, partly out of annoyance and of course amusement, but mostly annoyance. “How many times have I saved your ? Huh?” Ilhoon taunts the elder.

“We decided not to talk about it.” Eunkwang says hurriedly, nudging Ilhoon slightly.

I can’t tell if it was Eunkwang nudging him or if it was him teasing Ilhoon, but the younger sends a murderous glare to the elder. “And what did we say about us?!” Ilhoon hisses sending a look my way. “Oh that’s right, not talk about it around here or anyone it’d be damaging to, like oh I don’t know, most of the people in this building.” He snaps irritably.

Hyunsik pokes me on my arm. “What’s eating him?” He mutters quietly, probably to avoid his dongsang’s wrath. “He’s not usually that upset when we .”

It is a bit of a difficult situation for Ilhoon and I, we won’t be able to really say anything about us dating for a while, and that’s if we last that long, in a realistic look of our situation. “We had a lunch date planned, but Sungjae, Peniel, Iseul and Jinri tagged along with him and Junhyung with me.” I explain understanding his frustration. “And cue you three when we finally get alone. We were hoping to have the time before you guys leave tomorrow.” I answer sighing heavily.

Minhyuk seems to take this in a stride, taking Eunkwang off and away from Ilhoon. “Hyung, you can later.” He says sympathetically towards me. “Let’s go find Junhyung and ask him for some help.”

I smile at the elder thankfully. “Oppa, you’re really great.” I say running over to Minhyuk and giving him a peck on his cheek. “Thank you.” I say sincerely as the trio treks off back towards the break room we’d been in.

“What did you say?” Ilhoon asks with a relieved look on his face.

Turning to look at Ilhoon I poke his shoulder, in what we’ve deemed to be affection in public. “The truth, a ruined chance for us to spend time together just before you leave tomorrow, I think Minhyuk understood what it meant to us.” I explain letting out a small sigh. “We should hurry; Oppa will still want a coke.”

Ilhoon smiles and grabs my hand, holding it carefully in his, walking down the stairs to the cafeteria two levels down feeling much more at ease. “It’ll be a short tour, and we’ll be back.” Ilhoon reassures me. “We can call, text and video chat. We can make it three short months.”

I smile to myself, looking at our hands I pull him to a gentle stop before we open the door to the stairs. “Oppa, we’re dating right?” I ask in a very quiet voice, looking up at Ilhoon blushing slightly. I just want to be sure, I mean I know we’re still getting to know each other, but I’ve been left wondering this for a while now.

Ilhoon’s eyes widen, blushing himself he nods his head. “Yeah, we are.” He answers in a low voice. Quickly pulling me closer he kisses my forehead. “You’re really cute, Dayoung.” He mutters in a shaky voice.

While I normally detest being called Dayoung, in this context I rather like it. Feeling my face heat up even more I cover it up with my free hand. Ilhoon lets out a chuckle, letting me calm down enough for us to walk around more or less unnoticed, well not suspiciously at least. After a moment, a now composed Ilhoon and I walk out not holding hands, but walking side by side in a very happy manner.

“The guys and I started watching the drama Sooyoung Noona is on, she’s really talented.” Ilhoon says grinning. “Do you think she’ll get a lead role soon?” He asks curiously.

I nod my head proudly of my friend. “I think so; it was really cool to see her acting on set when we went for our cameo.” I say shaking my head in amazement. “She really becomes her character and owns it.”

“We thought the same thing; Changsub got a bit star struck seeing her at the salon yesterday.” Ilhoon says chuckling. “I think he really admires her.”

I smile while letting out a little giggling. “Unnie was like that when she first met him, she’s really envious of his vocals.” I explain as we grab said coke, ice cream and a water bottle. “Your birthday is coming up soon.” I say causally once we get back in the stair well, to be exact it is in a week.

Ilhoon chuckles and nods his head. “Nothing special this year,” Ilhoon prompts immediately. “We can decide what would be best for us to get each other this year that way it isn’t awkward.”

I look at him suddenly aware Ilhoon wouldn’t know. “I don’t celebrate my birthday.” I tell him quickly, he looks at me questioningly. “The Deans died just after my birthday.” I confess with a frown. “I haven’t celebrated my birthday since I turned six. I just, I don’t like to celebrate it.”

Ilhoon nods his head; he looks at me and pulls me in, hugging me tightly. “Then we’ll just do dinner together sometime, not birthday-ish at all.” Ilhoon says softly. “No cake, no gifts, just dinner.”

I nod my head agreeing, I can do that. I smile into Ilhoon’s chest, happy he isn’t pressuring or questioning me too much about it. It had taken Junhyung and a call from our parents to convince the girls and Beast to stop them from throwing me a surprise party, telling them I flat out just don’t recognize my birthday as anything special and it’d upset me. No gifts, no mentions, just treat it like any other day, they of course asked me and I and I told them the same thing. It was just before Christmas that everyone found out I was adopted, and learned the date of the car crash, which explained it all to them. All in all I’m not overly fond of December, while I can now celebrate anything in December, aside from my birthday and anything on the ninth, now that I’m older.

Though I did take a few thank-you photos last year, and I suppose from now, on for Prodigy’s fans. It’s difficult for me still, but for our fans I can thank them for sending me some gifts. I’d made that choice when I was a trainee, that if I ever did debut I’d thank fans for the support.

“We should hurry and get back.” I mumble after a moment. Ilhoon and I race each other back to the break room; Junhyung is waiting patiently with the three goons from before. “Sorry, some topics came up.” I tell Junhyung simply as I take my seat, handing him his coke.

He gives me a questioningly look and I shake my head. “Well, I’m going to go help these three with the music for a song they’re working on.” Junhyung says while rolling his shoulders. “It’ll be nice to focus on something that isn’t my mini-album for a little.” He mutters sounding rather relieved. “I’ll see you later Dayoungie. Remember we have dinner with the guys tomorrow.” Junhyung says walking out of the room with Hyunsik, Eunkwang and Minhyuk, the four chatting happily.

“Remind me to get Minhyuk and Hyunsik something nice.” Ilhoon says while taking a seat next to me. I nod my head as his hand lands on mine. “Do you think he knows?” Ilhoon asks quietly. “Junhyung doesn’t miss much.”

Opening my ice cream I offer Ilhoon a bite, which he happily takes. I shrug my shoulders, I’m not sure what Oppa does and doesn’t know. “If he does, he’s probably waiting for us to say something.” I answer interlacing out fingers. “It’ll be weird with you being gone for three months.” I say finally.

“We’re coming back before Christmas.” Ilhoon points out resting his head on my shoulder. “We can go for dinner the night after I get back.”

“I’ll keep that night open.” I say smiling happily. “Junhyung wants me to study to take some entrance exams for next year.” I say randomly, just trying to keep the conversation from stopping, hearing Ilhoon’s voice makes me feel at ease.

“Are you going to?” Ilhoon asks quietly, his thumb is rubbing my hand gently. “You know, it’s okay to wait.” Ilhoon says in a comforting voice.

“I’m thinking about it, my parents want me to look at going to a university too.” I say feeling a weighing in my chest.

“What do you want?” Ilhoon asks me in a firm voice. “Have you thought about any schools and what department?”

“Literature at Yonsei University,” I whisper quietly, it’s the only school I’ve really been interested in. Ilhoon sits up and stares at me, he looks at me the same way anyone has. I know how prestigious and difficult it is to get in. “It’s the school that my dad taught at.” I mumble looking down at my lap. “English language and English Literature, he was also qualified to teach modern Korean Literature.” I explain focusing on my hands.

“Well, since this is you we’re talking about, I’m sure you could get in anywhere.” Ilhoon says confidently, reaching over he takes my hand back. “What about your mother?” He asks gently.

“She was into music from what I remember, I can’t really remember what she did, just her dancing and singing all around the house after we moved.” I say turning to look at Ilhoon. “We should head to one of the hiding spots.” I mumble pouting slightly.

“Off we go then.” Ilhoon says as we finish off the ice cream, after cleaning the room up a bit we head out in the hall. Talking casually about safe topics, slipping upstairs into the same room where Ilhoon and I had first kissed. “The guys are going to give me so much crap for earlier.” Ilhoon mutters as we sit in the back corner after confirming we’re alone.

“About us doing things that would get us in trouble?” I smiling, sending me a glance he rolls his eyes. I lean over and rest my head on his shoulder. “The girls will interrogate me too if that makes you feel better.” Ilhoon’s long legs are stretched out in front of him, making mine seem much shorter in comparison.

“You’re too relaxed about all this.” Ilhoon says taking my hand and drawing on the back of it with his finger. “Then again I suppose you’re not the one who’s in danger of Junhyung.” I giggling, only worsening his thoughts, stopping suddenly he looks at the sleeve of my shirt. “I like this shirt too.”

“It’s mine; I bought it last week with Jinri and Sooyoung.” I whisper smiling happily; I watch Ilhoon’s expression change from slight happiness to relief. Pulling my hand out of Ilhoon’s and standing I get up so I can sit between Ilhoon’s legs.

“What’re you up to?” Ilhoon questions with an amused look on his face, I return the look with a smirk, and though I am blushing a bit I lean forward and initiate the kiss. Ilhoon pulls me so that I’m forced to fall into him even more, my legs find their way to lying over his, my arms wrapping around his neck. I feel one of Ilhoon’s hands snake around to the side of my face and the other resting on the small of my back.

My mind starts to fog as we continue to kiss; when we do finally pull away I rest my head on his shoulder, breathing heavily. Ilhoon’s cologne surrounds me. The smell reminds me of an open pool, crisp fresh air, but with a sweet undertone at the same time, it’s subtle, and if I’m right what Ilhoon has been favoring lately.

“You alright there?” Ilhoon asks in a low voice right in my ear. “You’re very still and quite, Dayoungie.” He mumbles out. I’m struck by how much I like this, not necessarily the kissing, though I do like it, but that we’re very close and it’s not at all awkward.

“I like how you smell,” I answer timidly; I feel Ilhoon let out a quite chuckle. “It’s really easy to pass over it if you’re not paying attention.” I mutter feeling a little embarrassed.

“I’m glad you like it,” He says before kissing my shoulder. “It’s weird, I never thought about cologne before, but then after we started hanging out I started trying some out.” Ilhoon confesses. I don’t say anything, but hug him. “I’ll miss you.”

“I’ll miss you.” I say breathing in this smell, distinct. “What time are you guys flying out tomorrow?” I ask, my voice shaking, partly from the nerves and from the way Ilhoon’s hand drags against my back.

“Around eleven thirty tomorrow morning,” Ilhoon says as his other hand runs through my hair. “Remember, we get back December fifteenth; so on the sixteen we’ll have dinner.” Ilhoon reminds me when I move to pull away, instead he holds me in place.

“I know, I’ll make sure that I’m not doing anything that night.” I say relaxing back into his arms. “You’re going to Busan first right?” I ask rather comfortably.

“We’re going to go around Asia and then some cities in Europe.” Ilhoon says sighing, sounds a bit tired, then again they’ve been practicing a lot lately. “Prodigy is wrapping up promotions in a couple weeks right?”

“Yeah, Iseul and Jinri are both graduating this year.” I say smiling happily. “They’re going to take a break to focus on their exams.”

“Are they taking entrance exams?”

I shake my head, chuckling. “We’re having a comeback in January.” I tell him smirking, we’re promoting heavily at the start of the year. “We’re supposed to promote actively until April, after that we’re doing more solo schedules.” I explain rolling my shoulders. “What about you guys?”

“We’re having a comeback sometime in January or February,” Ilhoon says chuckling. “Maybe we’ll get to promote together again.” He says in a teasing tone. “We could dance together, Hyuna and Hyunseung are supposed to have another comeback.” Ilhoon says chuckling.

“Hyuna was telling me about that the other day; she wants me to sit in on her practices whenever I get the chance.” I mutter laughing. When I pull away again I smile at Ilhoon in the dim light, pressing my lips against his I smile before I untangle myself from him. “We should head back downstairs soon, you still have practice.”

“I know,” As Ilhoon stands up, walking over to me he leans down and kisses me one last time before he has to go, since I probably won’t see him tomorrow I’ll let him. We won’t get to run around together until December, which feels like a long time from now. “I’ll call you before we leave the dorm tomorrow.”

“I’ll be up, probably on my way to Music Bank.” I say leaning against his body, his warmth surrounding me, along with his scent. “We started hanging out about a year ago now.” I say randomly as we head out of the room and down the hall towards the elevator.

“You hit me with a stone.” Ilhoon says frowning. “That’s when Junhyung started being a bit mean.” He adds laughing. “Actually, now that I think about it, that isn’t funny.” He mutters looking down and away as we head down a floor.

“I agree; Oppa was really trying to get me to dislike you.” I say rolling my eyes. “Though it was fun to agitate him like that, he still gets like that from time to time.” I add on a happy note.

Walking towards BtoB’s practice room I find myself smiling, we’d played a set of games through this building on this particular floor. “Let’s be honest, you find it highly amusing whenever you get to agitate someone, tease or poke fun at anyone.” Ilhoon says as we stop off in front of their room, Junhyung coming out. “Right, sunbae?”

“All too right, you could stand not to take so much enjoyment when you make fun of me.” Junhyung says frowning. Turning to Ilhoon he sends him a small smile. “Guess I’ll see you when you guys get back, stay out of any serious trouble.” He reminds the younger.

“Bye Ilhoonie,” I say smiling as Junhyung heads off towards the elevators. “I’ll talk to you later.” I mumble hugging him.

“What about us?” Sungjae asks poking me when I’m let go, Ilhoon rolls his eyes. “Hyung, we’re important too. Who do you think covers you?”

“Minhyuk, Peniel, and Hyunsik.” Ilhoon says plainly, and accurately. “Sometimes Changsub.”

Walking into the practice room I give everyone a goodbye hug and wish them safe travels before heading out towards Prodigy’s own practice room.


I've been a bit more focused on other things recently, but I got back into
K-Pop again, as expected, and am catching back up. XD
Thank you guys for reading and waiting for this next chapter~!

Let me know what you guys think. ^^~

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pigzcanfly #1
aaannd you've mentioned super junior before
not to mention dayoung is beast's little sister

i would do anything to be dayoung right now.
pigzcanfly #2
Chapter 19: love how junhyung has two roles: a real one as support/protection for dayoung, and then comic relief when everyone else gets him freaked out over dayoung.
pigzcanfly #3
Chapter 3: why is my bro such a loser compared to junhyung?
ugh. my life.
this is not the reality that i wanted.
pigzcanfly #4
thanks for telling me about your other stories!
i found this and others and facepalmed multiple times...
can't wait to start!
Jung2208 #5
Chapter 50: This seriously needs a sequel!!!!!!! Like the title can be 'It happened' OMG FANGIRLING HARD
chunjoe1004 #6
Nice story ^^
Chapter 50: AKJAKSDJ MY FEELSSS !!!!
xRawrRiot #8
Lol lovedddd the ending though! :3
queenoftrouble #9
Chapter 50: Wonderful story!! And totally cheesy ending. :P Haha, just kidding (not really :3), but I liked reading it.
Chapter 50: Congrats on completion!! I just want you to know that I absolutely LOVE this fic and it deserves lots of attention!! Seriously!! Also the way this ended was suuuper cute and totally perfect and i loved it! :) Thank you so much for writing!!