
It's a Start

Seungri’s POV

I heard Jiyong. “Thanks for this” Jiyong said while smiling his big and gummy smile. I find gummy smile to be completely adorable. “For what?” Seungri had just finally had it with not talking with Jiyong, he wanted to know the boy more, and he knew that once he talks to someone they instantly feel the need to talk back. He was surprised though. When Jiyong insisted on paying for the coffee, never has someone done that for me. Everyone seems to expect me to pay since my dad is a big shot lawyer and my mother owns a clothing company. But Jiyong was different. He didn’t even give me the chance to pay, he practically shoved the money on the counter. But I was happy. “For this, for talking to me and making me laugh with your stupid corny jokes.” Jiyong said still smiling and looking into Seungri’s eyes. “It’s no problem, you should try to talk to others more, you always seem so alone. Your pretty funny too” Jiyong  sipped his coffee and said “I don’t want to talk to anyone else.”

“Is this because you’re expecting to move again?” I said which is what I’m afraid of, I don’t want him to leave before I had the chance to get to know him.

“No, it’s just that no one compares to you” I laughed then said.

“You don’t know me, I’m a complete mess.” he smirked

“With crappy friends at that.” I looked at him shocked

“What are you talking about?”

“They didn’t even notice you were gone, at all.”

“Oh, well I wasn’t expecting them too anyways” I looked away. I already knew I had friends who only seemed to like me because of my money. “Thank you”

“For what?”

“For paying, I know it seems weird but I always seem to be the one who pays for the coffee, that’s why I always come to this coffee house, it’s cheap.”

He looked at me surprised “Never? Why not? And this was not cheap I paid like, 7 dollars for 2 cups of coffee.”

“They think I have a lot of money since my parents do, but I don’t have their money. I earn my own money with my part time job. I work here so I get a discount, but before I had the chance to use my discount card you paid, so maybe you should have been more patient.” I said while pinching his cheek. He’s just so cute. I couldn’t stop staring at his lips. I just wanted to kiss him. But I don’t think he would want that, I just don’t want to ruin this friendship that we seem to be making.

“Hmph fine” He pouted. ‘Cute’ I thought. “But next time we use your discount card. I’m not paying 7 dollars again for something I could get for cheaper. Come on lets go.” He said while standing up and throwing away our empty cups away.

“Okay” I said while following him. He grabbed my hand, and I couldn’t help but blush and he dragged me down the street to the park, and he dragged me to an empty bench.

“What do you want to do after high school?”

“Hmm?” I said, I really hated that question because if I was honest I feel like I’ll be judged.

“I’ll tell you what I want to do.” I nodded. “Okay, this may come as a complete shock, I want to be a fashion designer. Are you surprised?” He said while giggling.

“Extremely surprised” I said very sarcastically

“and you?” he asked

“Okay I’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to laugh. Or tell anyone.” He nodded. “Okay, I want to be a dancer. Don’t laugh!”

“I’m not going to laugh but, you dance?” He asked and I could tell that he was genuinely curious.

“Yeah, I’m not the best but I’m definitely not the worst” He said while laughing.

“Come with me then” He said while dragging me by the hand

“Ahhhh-- stop dragging me everywhere” I said while wondering where he was dragging me this time.

We ended up at a gazebo in the middle of the empty park he took his phone out of his pocket and put on some music. “Dance with me” he said while reaching out his hand for mine. I grabbed it and we started dancing together, he put on a really slow song so we were close and I just wanted to kiss him, but I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.

Before I knew it the sun was setting and before I said that I should probably head home Jiyong leaned in and kissed me. It was soft, and I just didn’t want him to stop. Before I knew what was going on we were full on making out in the park. But the need for air arose and we both backed away and he rested his forehead on mine and I just couldn’t stop staring at his lips and I wanted to kiss them again. “I love you” He said, and I just couldn’t believe it “I’m sorry that I never tried to talk with you, but I didn’t think you would even want to talk with someone as boring as me, and I’m not even going to tr-” I put my lips on his before he turned into a blubbering mess, and then I pulled away “I love you too.” I said and that moment couldn’t have been anymore perfect to me.


A/N. I just. I didn't know how to end it, and i didn't want to continue writing it. So i hope the ending doesn't that much. I mayyyyy add on to it later, but i doubt it. Especially with exams coming up. So, yeah. I hope you like it ^,^

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Chapter 6: Cute
Chapter 6: Cute
Chapter 6: Beautiful!!!
Chapter 6: Like it? I love it. <3
It's ridiculously adorable. x)
Chapter 6: Awww... Cute...cute...write more about them, please..
jithesandpaper #6
Chapter 6: still so cute!!! makes me feel.warmm ♥
Chapter 6: Aww, how adorable! <3
raya_VIP #8
Chapter 5: Finally the two of you made some communication.
I'll wait the last chap :)
Chapter 5: Can't wait to read the end.... Finally....gri
neko_sieg #10
Chapter 4: woah,can't wait for the next chapter!><
please update soon~