Chapter 1

415, Shining Street


Onew stormed out of the kitchen, his face a mix of anger and panic.


“Minho, weren't you supposed to go to the grocery store? There's nothing to eat.”


Minho silently asked Onew to wait, showing the cellphone he was holding.


“Yeah, thank you.” Minho said to whoever he was speaking to on the phone. “Yeah, yeah... great, see ya.” He looked at Onew with an annoyed expression. “What is it again?”

“Food. That's what it is,” Onew answered angrily, “Or no, actually, it's what isn't, since someone didn't go to the grocery store.”

“Yah, why is it always up to me to go? I was tired. Go do it yourself. After all, you are the hyung.”


Onew sighed. He was too hungry to argue.


“Fine, dongsaeng, since apparently my job now is to mother you, I'll go get lunch. But you'll still have to go to the store this afternoon, or else I’ll kick you out of this place, alright?”

“Whatever,” Minho answered, turning on the TV.


Onew closed his eyes and took a deep breath to keep himself from hitting the younger, terribly stubborn boy in front of him. He took his keys from the counter, yelled goodbye to Minho, and left their apartment. He walked down the street until he reached the main one, and walked for a good ten minutes before entering a restaurant. He wasn’t the first in line and had to wait for a few minutes. He used this time to breathe in and out, enjoying the delicious smell that was forever haunting his nose.


“Mexicana Chicken, may I help you?” a clearly bored employee asked him once it was his turn.

“Yes, I'll have two number 4s, please.” He said eagerly. “Actually, no, I'll have three.” He added after a second thought.


The cashier looked at him under her cap, eyebrows raised.


“That'll be 32,023.34 won, please. Your order will be ready in five minutes.”


Onew gave her the money and waited patiently, happily staring at the giant picture in front of him: chicken wings and chicken nuggets and chicken s and chicken everything.


The bell of the restaurant suddenly snapped Onew out of his reverie. He turned to see who entered and unconsciously cringed.


“Yah! You!” the man happily yelled at Onew, “My favorite neighbor!” He smiled cheerfully.

“Not that you have that many neighbors.” mumbled Onew.

“Oh, don't worry; out of the seven people that came one after another in that apartment, you're already my favorite. Also, I don't think I have introduced myself before. I'm Jonghyun.” He turned to the cashier. “Same order as usual, beautiful,” he said with a wink.

“Seven?” Onew raised his eyebrows. “How many years have you been in this apartment?”

“Oh, it's been 9 months, I think.” Jonghyun replied, looking back at him.

“How could you have 7 different neighbors in 9 months?” Onew asked in shock, worried about the answer.

“I don't know, they said they didn't like it there. They talked about noise? I don't really know what they were talking about; I never really heard any noise. I mean, outside of the ones in my apartment.”


Onew closed his eyes, dumbfounded by the stupidity of the boy in front of him, but most importantly worried for his sleep hours. It had been only four days since he lived in 415, Shining Street, and his neighbors hadn't had the time to make that much noise yet.


“One of them threw parties every Friday, yet he was the one who left because of the noise. I still don't get it.” Jonghyun kept going, endlessly and tirelessly speaking.


Suddenly, his eyes widened, as if he just had the best idea ever.


“Hey, speaking of parties, you should throw one! You know, since you moved into a new place and stuff.”

“We're actually throwing a party tomorrow.” Onew said absentmindedly while thanking the cashier who'd just brought him his order.

“Oh wow, that's great! Wow, Taemin will be so happy. Now excuse me, I have some business to do. See you tomorrow!” Jonghyun said cheerfully before going to the bathroom.


It was only once he was on the street that Onew processed Jonghyun's words.


Why? was the only word forming in his mind, and the only one he could say once he came back to their apartment.


Why what, Onew?” asked Minho, slightly worried about his hyung. He was afraid he might never get used to Onew's weird habits or scary trance-like state.

“The guy from next door, Jonghyun or something, I told him about the party and-”

“You what?”

“He brought up the topic and I don't know, it flew from my mouth Minho, I swear I never wanted to invite him!”


Minho buried his face in his hands, eyes closed, trying to fight the urge to punch Onew.


“But why did you let him go like that? Why didn't you tell him we didn't want him here?” Minho yelled, his already big eyes scarily widened.

Who doesn't want who here?” said a familiar voice, coming from the door.


Minho and Onew both looked in the direction of the voice, where a man stood with a smirk.

“I hope it isn't me,” he added.


He was wearing a white shirt and a bow tie with classy black pants. Just with a quick glance you could tell he was a successful man.


“Yah,” Onew shouted, “Where did you get the key?”

“I didn't. The door was already opened.” the man replied.

“Fair enough,” muttered Onew, “But why are you here anyway?”

“Minho called me this morning,” he said, pointing to the man in question with a move of his chin.

“I wanted Key to help us decorate for tomorrow.” Minho shrugged.


Onew nodded. He knew that among all their friends, Key was probably the best to help them with their decoration issues, or any issues for that matter. There was a reason why his name was Key.


“Well, good thing I got chicken for three,” Onew said while putting the boxes on the table.

“Good thing I didn't eat before coming,” Key replied with a smirk.

“Good thing I actually went to buy lunch, because if I hadn't you would've had nothing to eat since this guy didn't go to the grocery store when it was his turn.”

“Good thing I can control my anger because I want to punch you both in the face for using this expression so much.” Minho snapped.


Key laughed, while Onew stared at Minho angrily.


“You still have to go.”


Minho rolled his eyes and sat down at the table to eat his lunch.


“Thanks for the chicken, hyung.” Minho cheerfully said while taking a first bite.


Onew was about to reply, but seeing the food Minho was eating with such pleasure, he just gave in and took a seat in front of him. Key did the same at Minho's left.


“So,” Key said a few minutes later, when everybody was eating, “What do you want to do exactly? There is no theme, right?”

“Well,” Minho replied, munching his chicken, “Onew wanted to do a chicken-themed party, but I said no.”


“Well, you know, chicken-flavored food, pictures of... actually, you really don't want to know. We decided there would be no theme. Just friends, music, beer, and ladies.”

“Alright. I have lots of things you might like to take a look at, but they're all in my car. Just come with me after lunch and you can help me set things up.”


Onew, who had retracted from the conversation to eat his precious chicken peacefully, interrupted his activity.


“Wait. Minho has to go get the groceries.”

“What? But Key asked me to-” whined Minho.

“I don't care; you have responsibilities. If you don't want our guests and us to starve, you better take your there right now. There'll be around 20 people, so make sure to-”

“...Twenty-two,” Minho interrupted with a mumble.


Onew stopped.



“Twenty two. Twenty two people. Because you invited those stupid neighbors.”

“What?” repeated Onew, this time offended.

“You invited them. I didn't want them here but you invited them anyway.”

“I never-”

“So that's who you don't want here,” said Key, finally understanding what was going on.

“I just-”


Onew was again interrupted by a knock on the door.


“Who on Earth...” started Onew.

“Must be them.” said Minho with disgust. “Go answer them!” he shouted to a very confused Onew who just obeyed.


He was quite surprised to see an unknown face looking back at him. Before him was standing a man of his height, probably around Minho's age, his curly light brown hair hiding his forehead.


“Hey! Onew, isn’t it?” asked the boy with a cheerful smile.

“Huh, yes. And you are...?” asked Onew, eyebrows raised.

“Oh! Sorry, I'm Taemin.” he answered while entering in the apartment.


He walked around a little, looking at everything around him, while everybody else was staring at him; Minho with eyes as big as a soccer ball, Key with an amused smile, and Onew with a dumbfounded expression. Taemin ended up in front of the table and a spark suddenly lit his eyes. A second later he was taking a bite of Onew's chicken.


“BUT JUST WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?” Onew screamed, his anger almost bringing him to tears.

“Oh! I'm sorry, I thought you... I'm your neighbor. You know, I live next door. Jonghyun's roommate.” he said while taking another bite.


Onew was now red with anger. Minho approached him and put his hands on his shoulders in an attempt to calm him.


If there was one thing not to do, it was touch Onew's chicken.


“Well, Taemin,” Minho said calmly, eyebrows furrowed, “Why are you here?”

“Oh, that's right!” Taemin slapped himself on the forehead. “Jonghyun wanted me to bring you this.” he said while taking a cd out of his hoodie pocket. “It's a music mix for the party.” He smiled while handing it to Minho. “Thanks for the invitation! See you tomorrow!” He said before going back to the door.


“By the way,” he added before closing the door, “Delicious chicken. Thanks a lot.”


Onew started breathing heavily, his eyelids closed shut, becoming more and more red.


“Are you okay, Onew?” Key asked worriedly.

“I think he just needs some fresh air,” said Minho. “You totally should go for a walk, hyung.”

“Yes. Yes, I should.” mumbled Onew.


He slowly calmed his breathing to something close to normal, and his face started to find back its usual color.


“I think I'll go get the groceries.”


A/N : /hides in shame

I'M JUST SO SORRY TO ANYBODY WHO WAS LOOKING UP TO THIS SO MUCH LIKE???? It took me forever to update and i'm sorry OTL I'll try to update faster for next chapter, if school allows me to. Thanks for your patience and also thanks to goatapplepi for editing and fixing grammar mistakes ^^

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PLS UPDATE SOON OK?! This is awesome<33
Chapter 2: hehe well i already read this because editing but um.. yesh. so i really liked this chapter. twas precious.
Chapter 1: /sobs
dshfsdfsjdf i can'ttttttttttt