Just Go On

Yes I'm a Pretty Boy

Helloww~ Please support "No Turning Back" as much as you have supported this! I am working hard for you GTOP shippers out there. Thanks~ ^3^

*Btw, I edited the ending of Chapter 1 of this story...*


"Morning Jiyong"

"Morning Yongbae"

Jiyong slumped next to Yongbae and stared off. Eyes darting around the cafeteria. Yongbae only munched on the sandwich he was eating, being careful not to make a mess, becuse he knew one of things that Jiyong didn't like and that was messiness.

"Hey are you going to get something to eat?"

"Nah I have to leave early for recording..."

"Uh your already recording songs?"

"Yep. Its really exciting, it will be my first song."

"I'm looking forward to that. But you should really get something to eat." Yongbae gave Jiyong a concerned look. Jiyong could sense that Yongbae cared for him but right now, Jiyong's first priority is not to get beaten up by Jaesoon.

He scanned the whole place but instead of spotting  a bunch of punks lead by a guy named Jaesoon, Jiyong eyes seem to fall on someone, someone holding a bear...

"Yonbae-ah I'll be going now..."

"Take care of yourself ok."

"Thanks" Jiyong scurried off towards that mysterious person.


That man seem to walk really fast, Ji had to chase after him, the distance between them increasing. When he finally caught up with the guy, he was already heading into the direction of the studios.

"Hey! What are you doing with that bear!" Ji called out

"Excuse me?"

Jiyong stood there panting from the sudden early morning exercise.


"Ah I'm putting it in the studio, I found out the original one went missing so I decided to use mine and leave it there in it's place."


Jiyong stared at the tall man in front of him, decked out in designer clothes, obviously not a dancer. He wondered what area this particular student must be in. Acting?

"Yeah. Weird that I have the same bear as the director/principal of this school..."

"Wait, that bear belongs to the DIRECTOR?!"

"Yep, I'm pretty close with the big man himself and he likes his toys. He places them all around the academy, in the studios, backstage, hallways, everywhere! Thats why the school looks so artsy you know."

"Wow you seem to know him well...But why do you have to replace one that is missing?"

"Director YG has quite a temper, so I'm not sure if he will get mad his teddy bear went missing so just to be on the safe side..."  the man turned around, back into the direction of the studios.

"Wait! Wait! Don't put that stuff toy there!"

He turned back with a confused look.

"I-I stole the bear from the studio..." Ji admitted


Instead of going crazy and scolding him, the guy in front of him just laughed.

"Guess this oversized stuffed teddy is quite popular huh? That you are willing to steal it."



"Ya! That means I'll return it."


"Yes yes just wait here for me ok. I'll be back."

"Wait, before you go, why did you actually take the bear in the first place?"

"Because...because it comforts me..." Jiyong couldn't meet eye contact with the guy when he said that. He didn't want to share his problems with anyone, especially a random person with a teddy bear who happened to know Mr YG himself.

"Hurry then"

Jiyong nodded and hurried off to his dorm. He wondered why he was afraid of Mr YG so much, not to mention that guy too who obviously is some rich school kid the director made friends with. Seesh...

He hesitantly took the bear by it's ear and dragged the oversized teddy out of his room.



Ji handed the stuffed teddy to the man and apologised for causing trouble, bowing respectfully.

"It's okay, just don't steal alright?"


"See you around!" With that the ever mysterious man walked away with two bears in tow.

Jiyong was very lucky he didn't get into trouble, but he did lose a friend. That teddy bear. He was so caught up in this situation that he didn't realise he was late.

"Holy !"




The rest off the day Ji couldn't stop thinking of that guy, he missed the teddy. Now in a different studio, he can't radomly cuddle with the stuffed toy. And he couldn't help but feel more stressed out than ever.

"Jiyong hyung!" Seungri entered the room

"What are you doing here Seungri?" Ji annoyingly asked shifting agitatedly in his chair. 

"I just dropped by to see how ya doing thats all!"

Jiyong always felt that that mischievous maknae was always up to something and it obviously ain't good and at this moment, it probably isn't a good idea to mess with Jiyong. Annoyed enough, he didn't need to be irritated as well.

"Go and watch your ing and don't disturb me." Ji shot back

"Wah, who says I watch ?" Seungri was a bit taken aback but he won't easily back down.

"The bags under your eyes are getting bigger, doing something late at night huh? Go sleep, panda."

"Yah! I don't watch okay, I just...don't sleep well..." he leaned uneasily against a table.

"Yeah yeah just keep telling yourself that..."


As much as he did not like it, Jiyong let the annoying panda stay. Its just something he could at least do afterall, he missed his teddy companion.



Before he knew it, it was already getting late and most students were already back at their dorms and he was still at the studio preparing his song, tweaking it here and there. Even Seungri left, he didn't have any supervision by anyone hence making it quite creepy being alone.

Sensing the sudden quietness, Jiyong decided to call it a day.

Packing up and switching off the lights, Ji exited the studio and warily walked towards the east side, where his dorm was. The dim lighting made it scary for him and he regretted staying so late.

"Who's there!" the sudden feeling of movement alarmed Ji and he glanced about. At the corner of his eye, he spotted a figure leaning against the rail of the staircase, hiding in the darkness.


"I know you're there Jaesoon..."

Jaesoon let himself out of the darkness and smirked, noticing how vulnerable Jiyong was right now.

"So so what were you doing until so late huh?"

"Its none of your business."

"Busy dressing up? Hah! I bet you look pretty."

Ji didn't know wether to take it as a compliment or an insult.

"To bad I have to ruin your 'pretty' face..."

Before he had any time to react, Jaesoon landed a punch right into Ji's face, hitting him so hard he crashed onto the ground, dropping papers everywhere.

Jaesoon laughed at the mess Ji had become. Jiyong coughed, feeling the pain hard on his face. He managed to murmur a weak '' before Jaesoon made his next move on him.

Raising his arm in another attack, Jaesoon was about to land another punch when suddenly a tall man appeared and gave him a punch back instead.

Jiyong looked up and found his saviour to be that same guy he met earlier in the day.

"Rich teddy bear guy?"

The blow was suprisingly powerful and Jaesoon wavered from the hit.

"You'd better run..."

"Urgh, I'll with you soon pretty boy..."

With that, Jaesoon went away, walking unsteadily.


The man helped Jiyong back on his feet and helped retrieve all his papers.


"It's okay, you should be more careful around Jaesoon though."

"You know him too?"

"Well, school bullies are well known."

Ji giggled at the comment.

"What's your name?"

"Seunghyun. Choi Seunghyun."

"I'm Kwon Jiyong." Jiyong gave a weak smile

"Your face must hurt really badly." Seunghyun noticed


Seunghyun brought a first-aid kit up to Jiyong's room. Ji sat quietly on his bed as Seunghyun carefully applied medication onto Ji's wounds.

"Does it hurt?"

"A little..."

Soon, he was feeling better, he thanked Seunghyun and they started to chat.

"So umm...you're in your second year here right?"


"So you're my hyung, nice to meet you."

Jiyong extended a hand and Seunghyun shook it. His hand felt soft yet solid and Jiyong couldn't help but feel mesmerised.

"Thanks alot Seunghyun hyung."

"No problem. I'll be going now..."


Jiyong smiled to himself. Choi Seunghyun, his saviour.




I must admit, this chapter is a bit crappy. I will edit it soon...



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END~~ kthxbye


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therealdjkhaled #1

therealdjkhaled #2
Chapter 1: haha! the funny thing is that photo is my background photo... what? i didnt say anything...
Chapter 8: Glad to have a final chapter
Chapter 3: ^^ it's okay, I'm sure you will make an even better story than this one next time!
Ce-Sar #5
Chapter 3: Ah what a pity.. but ok, good luck, then! Don't get yourself into depression, please~ Everyone got a bad time, someday .. heads up :')
Chapter 3: Sad to see you go but life comes first so good luck
Chapter 2: Dawww so cute. Yay seunghyun and his teddy to the rescue! ^.^