No More

Yes I'm a Pretty Boy

An ending chappie. Since I'm not going to continue this might as well end it nicely with some GTOP

I decided not to delete this but 'label' it as discontinued. :)

See ya! (at NTB&I.LW.M.O.B p.s check my Notebook for some random story ideas I had)

Also I'm making this chapter more fun so it will have some large font etc. for important parts. I dunno why but I wanted to write the chapter this way. >u< 

I feel so fired up after listening to 'The Phoenix' by Fall Out Boy!!!!!!



It has been well over a few months since Jiyong and Seunghyun's 'encounter' with each other and also the fight with Jaesoon. Seunghyun felt at that time that Jiyong needed comforting so... he gave his teddy to Jiyong.

It did help him for a while, Jiyong seemed happy, cuddling with the stuff toy. That is until he found his new teddy...Seunghyun.

"Hyunnie~" Jiyong crept up and hugged Seunghyun from behind, nuzzling his head against his neck.


"ing get back to practice" Ji snapped

"Yah~ I can't even take a break?"

"Not until we practice enough for the year end concert!"

Seunghyun pouted but gave up and resumed practice instead.


Here at YG Academy, it was important that students show off their talents and what they have learnt, thats why the Year End Concert was created and Jiyong and Seunghyun became a duo for it. They recorded a song specially written by Ji and Seunghyun. The teachers were suprised themselves that the both of them actually sounded pretty good together but they lack a special nmae to call hemselves so they helped them find a suitable stage name for each of them.



YG Academy Year End Concert


Today was the day that Jiyong's dream of finally being able to perform and sing, rap for his friends and students. It was only minutes away from his performance, standing backstage and he was already pumped up for it. Seunghyun was really happy to see Jiyong this excited, not caring about other things.




"Do you know why Jaesoon never got back to you or disturbed you anymore?"

"Now that you mentioned it...he never seem to bother me anymore. Is there something I don't know that you know Seunghyun?" 


"2 Minutes!" a teacher called out


"I told Mr YG about him and he gave him one of those long lectures and now Jaesoon won't hurt you anymore."


"I did it because I cared Jiyong and you know that."

"Seunghyun...thank you"

"No problem Ji. I'm always here to protect you."

Jiyong could feel his own heart beating faster with every word Seunghyun said, he didn't know if it was because he was nervous or something else...


"1 Minute!"





"You're up! Jiyong, Seunghyun good luck up there. Now go!"



"Everyone let's give it up for GD&TOP!!"



For the first time, Jiyong felt like the happiest person on earth, performing with Seunghyun.

His friends were cheering non-stop for him. It was perfectly how he imagined himself being someone that made others happy. This was him. And no one can bring him down.




"That was really a great performance just now"


The two of them were in the garden of the school, which was beautifully decorated for the event which has ended. And it became romantic as it was already night time and the garden was beautifully light up.


"So you're writing a new song right?"

"Yup. It will be really cool..." Jiyong stared at his shoes.

"Hey, you were trying to tell me something before we got on stage..."

"Huh? Oh umm..." he blushed suddenly thinking of it


"It's just that I...I mean like...uh..."


"I-I love y-"

Jiyong's was interupted when he felt Seunghyun pull him into a kiss. Ji was suprised at first but he soon began to blush. At that moment, the both of them finally knew how they felt.





'CRAYON'  by G-Dragon (Kwon Jiyong) Year 1, YG Academy


Get your Crayon
Get your Crayon
Head shoulders knees and toes

Swag check Swag check
Head shoulders knees and toes
Swag check Swag check

I’m still not Inferior, Yes I'm A Pretty Boy










Thank You for those that have supported this story and I'm sorry again that this is discontinued and it had to end so suddenly like this. I'm thankful for your words of encouragement and support



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END~~ kthxbye


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therealdjkhaled #1

therealdjkhaled #2
Chapter 1: haha! the funny thing is that photo is my background photo... what? i didnt say anything...
Chapter 8: Glad to have a final chapter
Chapter 3: ^^ it's okay, I'm sure you will make an even better story than this one next time!
Ce-Sar #5
Chapter 3: Ah what a pity.. but ok, good luck, then! Don't get yourself into depression, please~ Everyone got a bad time, someday .. heads up :')
Chapter 3: Sad to see you go but life comes first so good luck
Chapter 2: Dawww so cute. Yay seunghyun and his teddy to the rescue! ^.^