Pretty Much

Yes I'm a Pretty Boy

OMO starting this story?!! Yep.

btw this is not to hate gd or anything or say that he is really gay(i think he's biual though), totally for GTOP purposes.



YG Academy, a school for people with musical and artistic talents. It is highly respected as it's a birthplace of young superstars, singing, dancing even acting, it was a triple threat kind of school. It provided everything for pursuing dreams. They gave you the basics and the facilities, the rest is up to oneself's hardwork and soon you are on your way to stardom.

It was the dream place for Kwon Jiyong, and when he landed a spot there, you could just imagine how damn happy he was. He'd expect a place where everything was perfect, good coaches, awesome choreographers, luxurious classrooms this was what a school like this should be having.

It didn't dissapoint him alright, on his first day he was totally suprised and astonished with how huge it was, it was heaven for him. He could imagine himself composing songs and dancing in that kind of place. It was a gift to get to be in that kind of school. Now already in his second half of his first year, he was experiencing the best of the best, everything was perfect except for one thing...


"Hey look it's pretty boy again!"

"Hahahahaha look at him or I should say her.."

A bunch of guys dressed in hip hop, punk clothing stopped a young male who was carrying some books up the stairs.

Should have just taken the damn lift, Jiyong thought to himself. He dreaded meeting those bunch of guys, they constantly bullied him, making fun of him being to pretty for a guy. Especially that one guy named Jaesoon. Yes it was immature of them and himself for letting them do that to him but in this kind of school, these little things shouldn't affect anyone.

Well he couldn't be mad at them saying he was a pretty boy because he is a little effeminate but when they started to use violence on him, that was a totally new thing. Jaesoon and his gang were part of a hip hop group where they danced and rap pretty good but with this kind of attitude, he wondered how far they would go.

"What do you want? If you have nothing to ask, then I will get going."

"Nah uh you're not going anywhere, we just want to talk to you." they crowd around Jiyong pushing him to the corner of the staircase.

"Let me go."


"ing let me go"

"Ooh I'm so scared! What are you going to do huh? Cry?"

"Stop! Just let me go!" Jiyong tried to force his way out but the other guys just kept shoving him back until he fell onto the ground.

"Weak. Come on guys we got some better things to do."

With that the arrogant gang walked away from Jiyong who sluggishly got back on his feet. Though he hated this, he couldn't risk these happenings getting into his head, all he wanted to do was to become a singer and continue writing songs.

Because of the activities in the academy, everyone stayed in dorms. Jiyong's room was in the east side where basically he personally felt, was where all the 'good' people were. He was able to mix well with the students there, he even made some good friends in that area.

"Jiyong! Quick join us!"

"Yongbae! Daesung! Seungri!" Jiyong quickly ran up and sat with his friends.

"Hey your arm, there's a bruise" Daesung observed

Jiyong glanced at his elbow and quickly tried to hide it.

"Did you fall down?" Yongbae questioned

"N-Nah I just hit my elbow against the door just now."

"That hard?"

"Ya, ing door.."

The four of them started to chat about some things they experienced that day.

"You know my vocal training coach asked me to hit some high notes and I kept trying to go higher until I just randomly shouted 'I'M DAESUNGGGGGG' You should have seen my coach's face! Ha! Everyone was so suprised!"

"It must have been a shocker for them." Seungri laughed

"Anyway have you guys heard about the recent bulling happening in the school?" Yongbae asked


"You mean I'm not the only one?"

The others looked at Jiyong weirdly but he managed to recover quickly.

"Umm I mean, I'm not the only one who saw them..bully..."

"Whoa you mean there is bullying going on in a school like this?" Daesung seemed puzzled by the fact that such childish things can happen.

"It seems that the bullies are from a hip hop dance crew who are also quite good in rapping, since I'm in the dance area I should be more cautious now. I heard they can beat up guys pretty bad..." Yongbae mentioned

"Well, them! They got nothing else better to do."

"I agree with you Daesung hyung!" Seungri exclaimed

"Yeah they're just being ing immature..." Jiyong couldn't bear telling his friends that he is being bullied, though it was the right thing to at least tell someone, he couldn't.

Right now, he just wanted to lock himself in his room.

"! I've gotta go!"

Excusing himself, Jiyong scrammbled to get to the recording studio, because of the sudden attack by Jaesoon, he totally forgot about his recording session.

"Ah mianhae!" he apologized

"It's okay Jiyong, but I do hope you have your papers prepared already, we need to get recording soon."


So with that, Jiyong started to record his own songs, it was something he enjoyed doing, writing music and rapping. These things kept his mind off whatever problems he had which was good in a way but things will never change if he doesn't ask for help. As if he would...

Every song he wrote had a meaning behind it, be it love or friendship, there was always a story to tell. But recently, all his songs were to vent his anger out.


Finally a break from work, he glanced at a piece of paper where he wrote all the things he has been called lately, he thought to himself

"Gay...Pretty...How the did I get myself into this...I enjoy being myself but why won't others respect that? stop hurting yourself Jiyong!"

He started frantically looking for something, something to calm him down. Grabbing a stuff toy that was abandoned in the corner, he hugged it tightly and shut his eyes while he whispered

"Hey teddy bear, I guess you will have to help me from now on...I'm gonna kidnap you from the studio..."

And he really did, walking back to his dorm with the giant teddy in his arms.

That night, he sat by his bed, holding onto his bear.

"I feel so sorry for stealing you...But you look so adorable!" He looked at the lifeless bear.

"I wish you could talk...I sound like a kid, sigh, thats what I reduced myself into? A mere child, after all this bullying I expected myself to get stronger doesn't seem to work. I just have to live everyday as it is then..." Jiyong smiled to himself and patted the bear's head. He placed the bear beside his bed and got to sleep.

Little did he know, someone three rooms away from Ji, lay a sleeping male with the exact same teddy bear by his bed.





Okay I know this is short, this is like some intro maybe so its pretty short...

I tried...but i'm so tired...


It will get more interesting soon I promise.

btw, also check out 'No Turning Back', another GTOP story with mpreg.


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END~~ kthxbye


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therealdjkhaled #1

therealdjkhaled #2
Chapter 1: haha! the funny thing is that photo is my background photo... what? i didnt say anything...
Chapter 8: Glad to have a final chapter
Chapter 3: ^^ it's okay, I'm sure you will make an even better story than this one next time!
Ce-Sar #5
Chapter 3: Ah what a pity.. but ok, good luck, then! Don't get yourself into depression, please~ Everyone got a bad time, someday .. heads up :')
Chapter 3: Sad to see you go but life comes first so good luck
Chapter 2: Dawww so cute. Yay seunghyun and his teddy to the rescue! ^.^