Missunderstood love

Why does it hurt... To breathe?...

A month already passed since Chanyeol had been tutoring me. A month of failing school... I looked at the clock, eyeing it... Just waiting for the time Chanyeol would come. "Ten more minutes..." I sighed heavily. "Ten more long minutes... I've been waiting for hours for him to come..." Then after thinking over what I said, I shook my head fiercly. "It's Chanyeol for god sake! Not like he's some really... Handsome..- Argh!" Again I shook my head. Handsome!? Please! I don't think he's handsome!... He's an annoying giant who's smile is intimidating... I arose from my seat, heading to the living room. "Stupid Baekhyun..." I growled at myself, sitting down on the couch. "You're an idiot!" I bonked myself on the top of my head. "Ouch!" Then feeling embarrassed with myself, I rubbed my head , and grabbed the T.V remote, and switched on the T.V. "English? Really? Gosh it's like Chanyeol has taken over my T.V..." I rolled my eyes. "Stop talking about him!" I accidentally had yelled that out, just as mu mother passed by. "Baekhyun?..." She looked at me curiously. "Who can't you stop talking about? Who is this man? Honey..." She sighed and sat down beside me. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to talk to you like this but... Not a lot of people.... The feel way you might... And this boy... He might not be into it-" Straight away I cut her off, "umma! I'm not gay!" She blinked  at me for a few seconds. " Well I'm glad we cleared that up.." She smiled at me and stood up, walking off. I gave a small smile, before hearing the door bell. "I'll get it!" I yelled out, jumping up and rushing to the door. Quickly I opened up the door. "Chanyeol! Ehem... Chanyeol..." I walked away from the door, letting him enter. Chanyeol shut the door behind him, his usual smile. "A bit happy to see me?" He asked with a chuckle. "Cheh... Yeah right..." I replied sarcastically. I turned to face him, tilting my head up to look at him directly. "I don't wanna study today..."Chanyeol blinked at me, staying silent for a few seconds. "But we have to..." He said slowly. I took him by the hand and lead him to the front door, reopening it and walking out. Straight away the cold hit me. I shivered lightly, dumb enough to not bring a jacket. Chanyeol looked down at me, then put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him. "W-w-what are you doing!?" I shouted out. He was so... Warm! I wanted to just snuggle into his side. He looked down at me and smiled. "Keeping you warm~" I just nodded and went with it lightly gripping onto his shirt. "So where are we going?" Chanyeol asked, looking ahead. I shrugged in response. All I really wanted to do was get out of the house... Maybe spend time with Chanyeol... "Well it's too cold today for ice cream... Bubble tea?"  I replied to him with a nod. I was too busy enjoying the warmth to talk. He chuckled and nodded back. "Bubble tea it is~"


(To be Continued next chapter~)


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Chapter 7: plz write more baekyeol<3
Chapter 7: i really want to cry....its end??my baekkie oppa is so poor what should i do?????????
Chapter 5: channie oppa<3
Chapter 5: omo so sweet i want to listen too....plz play for me...
Chapter 4: omo channie oppa is really sick?
Chapter 2: omo omo omo chanyeol oppa is really warm?I'm so jealous of baekkie oppa....
Chapter 1: omo plz update soon...i can't wait...