
Masks and Handcuffs



It was as if time had stopped for them momentarily as TOP finally caught up with the mysterious person with abnormally red hair. It was ironic for TOP to think that the person in front of him had weird hair as he had turquoise-colored hair as well. Perhaps he did not expect a criminal would actually dye such a color that would attract so much attention.


He was stumped for words as the mysterious person turned around without fear – with a mask on. It was not an ordinary mask as well. TOP did not expect to see a lady as a suspected criminal. Another thing he noticed was that the mask was black with the outline full of glitters shimmering even in the day. Even though he could not see , he could feel that the lady in front of him was smirking.


“You’re not getting away. I know you have something to do with the robbery. Go back to the police station with me, young lady.” TOP tried to maintain his professionalism although he was mesmerized by her appearance.


The red-haired lady raised her eyebrows and slowly made her way to TOP.


TOP was bewildered. Why would someone like her be so bold?


She stepped forward and made her way to his left ear and whispered, “Not so easy, handsome lad.”


After that whisper, her leg flew right across and landed on his face. It made a powerful impact as he whined in pain and shock. He rubbed his cheek and hissed, “What the…”


Before he could speak more, he felt her leg coming towards his face again. Luckily, he was able to dodge it this time and grabbed tightly on her ankle. The lady came forward despite being trapped with her leg being grabbed and attempted to punch him. TOP effortlessly took her wrist and pulled her closer to his face and smiled, “Hello.”


She knocked her forehead against his with full force and made him let go off her limbs. She did not rest a bit and tried to tackle him. TOP recovered himself and blocked her attacks swiftly but did not find a way to catch her. TOP’s a policeman but he had never found a reason to attack a woman. He tried his best to get her wrists to his handcuffs but the lady was too quick for his own good.


Finally, the lady got fed up with the long fight he put up and started running away. TOP managed to grip her shoulder but she flicked it away. Suddenly, she took something out of her red hair ponytail and flung it to TOP. The item flew quickly and cut his trousers, resulting in his thigh bleeding from whatever that sliced it. “Ouch, f-“ He looked at his wound and lost sight of the lady, “Crap.”





“You’re not heading anywhere. There’s no way you can escape here,” GD challenged on the rooftop after seeing the lady with funky long pink hair with a mask on. The mask was in black (too) and elegantly plastered with silvery stars on it. It looked classy but bad- for some reasons.


“Mister Blondie, aren’t you giving this pretty lady here a chance to atone for her mistakes?” The lady cocked her head to the side innocently while battering her long eyelashes to GD. GD narrowed his eyes to try to decipher her thoughts.


GD frowned, apparently not amused by her flirtation skills, “You can atone for your mistakes all day in jail.”


Her hands were still behind her back, as if she was all ready to give up and surrender – but hell, GD was way wrong. She winked at him mischievously and said, “Jail doesn’t seem like a fun place to be in.”  


Within a second, she threw a thumb-sized item at GD which he tried to dodge. However, the item seemed to know its own way and made its way to his right arm, cutting through his jacket. He fell back to the wall and the lady took her sniper rifle in one hand quickly and jumped off the building without hesitation.


“No!” GD launched forward to the end of the rooftop, somehow afraid for this criminal’s safety. He witnessed the lady successfully landed onto another building nearby without any wire effects like a pure ninja. She simply slid down the water pipe of the shorter building and landed on the ground.


Before she left the area, she looked up at GD and gave a flying kiss to him, obviously teasing him. She fled the scene through the back alleys where she could not be seen any longer. GD clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth tightly, “Darn it.”


It was not the first time he had lost a suspect like that. The reason he was feeling angst and regretful was that he did not even make the best effort to chase after her. She was different. She was way different from other criminals. GD did not know the reason why he felt that way but this feeling had got to stop.





GD inspected the scene to see if she had left clues behind but the scene was clean – except for the item that sliced his arm open. He ignored his wound even though it was bleeding because the case was more important than his health. It always happened every time he was working on a case.


Using a piece of tissue, he picked up the item. It was a small shuriken (a ninja’s common weapon) but instead of shaping like a star, it shaped exactly like a butterfly. It was peculiar for he had never seen such a weapon. Even though it looked innocent, the edges were insanely sharp and he was very careful not to get cut from it again. The reflection of the shuriken made blinded him and he placed it into a small plastic bag for further studies.


It seemed like telepathy as he received a call and picked it up, “Hello, TOP. I was about to contact you.”


“Hey, GD. I encountered this suspect that I chased after and she attacked me with this ninja-looking weapon. It hit my thigh so painfully and ouch…” TOP was telling his story and whined.


GD nodded to himself and continued, “Is it shaped like a butterfly?”


“What? No,” TOP was taken aback by the random question as GD frowned. TOP answered him, “It’s shaped like a… A horse with wings.”


GD chuckled softly, “You mean a Pegasus?”


“A what? You mean a unicorn?”


“Unicorns have horns, not wings.” GD corrected him. A while later, GD changed the topic, “Hold on, did you say ‘she’ earlier?”


TOP widened his eyes and explained, “Oh yes, about that! Yes, she’s a woman with bright red hair. The thing is her fighting skills are as good, or else, better than mine. I’m really certain she has something to do with the robbery. How is it going with the sniper?”


GD checked his watch and cursed in his mind, “Hey, TOP. I’ll tell you about mine tomorrow. I’m really late for my session. That’s it.”





Without even changing his clothes, he simply arranged his hair within seconds and went to the washroom for two minutes before heading towards the restaurant that his mother had arranged the girl to meet him. GD really hated matchmaking sessions but he had no other choice since he really loved his mother. Ever since he was fourteen, he had never once fallen in love again. There was no particular reason to it because he felt work was his priority at this point of time and love was never a part of his current life. At an age of 24, his mother was nagging him to find a girlfriend for him to bring home, even the girl had limbs full of tattoos or a foreigner.


He slumped himself on the chair after taking a seat, checking his watch to find out he was already fifteen minutes late but the girl was nowhere to be in sight. The girl was said to be wearing a red and black checkered shirt and a light blue jeans with long brown hair but she was nowhere to be found. He sighed in relief to know he was not the latest. He touched his wound on his arm which was already bandaged and hidden thanks to the jacket he was wearing.


Tapping his fingers on the table, he waited and waited – until he heard a commotion at the entrance.


“Stop following me, goddammit.” The girl’s voice echoed through the whole restaurant as she made her way into the restaurant. Her heels were making really loud noises in a quiet environment like this and it was garnering all the attention of the public.


GD decided to do the same and propped his elbow on the table while covering his mouth. The girl was actually a lady. He was surprised as the voice could easily belong to a younger female. The lady walked into the restaurant and looked around. She was wearing shades and a yellow scarf around her neck, as if hiding from someone.


“Look! Baby!” A guy appeared at the restaurant and the lady immediately walked faster.


Suddenly, she sat down on a seat, facing GD, on the same table. GD was confused and was about to speak before the guy came over and stared at them with so much suspicion. The lady with short brown hair pointed at GD and said, “Can’t you see I’m with someone? Leave now.”


“Your boyfriend?” The guy asked.


“Well,” She avoided GD’s gaze and replied, “Maybe one day, he will be.”


“You’re lying.”


The lady rolled her eyes and said, “Leave, I need some private time with my friend.”


The guy grabbed her wrist forcefully and pulled her up, “Dara, go with me now!”


GD could not stand guys who treat ladies that forcefully so he stood up and broke their contact away, “She obviously does not want to go with you. You should leave before you get into trouble.”


The guy crossed his arms and smirked, “Who do you think you are?”


GD scratched his head and smiled, “Hmm, a policeman?” He showed his ID to the guy who was more terrified than before. GD did not wait for his reply and took the lady’s hand, “Let’s go.”


Stepping out of the restaurant, GD was still holding onto her hand and dragging her to the streets. He looked back repeatedly to check that the guy was not following them before stopping at a bench. He realized he was doing something he should not do and he should probably go back to the restaurant for his matchmaking session. He let go of her hand and sighed, “Lady, I hope you’re alright.”


“I’m more than fine.” She removed her shades and finally got a good look at the policeman who ‘saved’ her.


Dara stiffened as she realized who the man was. Things were getting out of hand. If this was a coincidence, God was certainly playing a fool on her. Shoot, it’s that policeman at the rooftop, she thought.


GD scanned her from head to toe and paused to look at her again, and again. He stepped forward and glanced at her again, “You look familiar.”


“What? I have never seen you in my entire life.” Dara remained her composure.


GD pursed his lips and he finally realized.



It’s her.



It’s definitely her.




Hello, again! Thanks for the very warm response for the story. I didn't expect to get 30 over subscribers within one chapter. I hope I don't disappoint. Maybe you'll have loads of questions with the chapter but be patient! :) Thanks once again!

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xe2d2205 #1
Chapter 38: Nice story ! Thank you :)
Unixai21 #2
Chapter 38: Aww.. This is so beautiful.. Im just sad coz bommie died... But i loved this authornim.. Thank you
Chapter 33: Bommieeee :'(
Chapter 28: Little dara and jiyong, soon..kekeke
Chapter 10: Topbom, my alien couple, my cracked ship.. I miss you both..
3shhaaa #6
Chapter 38: Love the story!! Thank you!!
Chapter 38: shocks the story is daebak but im quite sad that bom died .. topbom and daragon Forever. make another topbom and daragon please !
Chapter 38: i thought some miracle/s would happen and Bom will be alive at the end though. Daragon and TopBom forever <3