Chapter 1: He'll never notice a nerd like me...

Dear Diary...


March 31 20XX

Dear Diary,

My day is always brightened when I see his smile. Even though it rained today and I dislike the rain it’s like he made the sun come out… no, he is a ray of sunshine! Ahh… this is getting too cheesy. (>////<)

April 5 20XX

Dear Diary,

It was hard to see him today because he was surrounded by so many friends! He’s so popular, well of course he would be… he’s so kind and bright and sunny. Sadly, I’m not part of that circle but I caught a glimpse of him laughing which made it a whole lot better. ^O^

April 14 20XX

Dear Diary,

Last night I dreamt of him!  It was so embarrassing! I dreamed that we were a couple and he held me in his embrace from behind, he was smiling so brightly and it was just so… I can’t stop smiling right now; I’ll never forget this dream! But I know it will never happen, so I’m just happy being able to dream about it. After all, he’ll never notice a nerd like me…


Min Hee closed her diary and let out a long dreamy sigh, then hid it under the books in her bag. It is risky taking her diary to school, but it would be even more dangerous leaving it at home or her sneaky little brother will find it. After getting dressed for school, she looks at her reflection in the mirror and pushes her long, straight hair up, posing for a while. Maybe he’ll notice? “Ah, no… this is stupid,” she shakes her head, “It doesn’t suit me and it won’t make a difference…” shaking the idea out of her head she proceeds down the stairs to have her breakfast. No matter… you’re content with just watching him, right? Min Hee assured herself.

Resting her chin on her hand, Min Hee watches her beloved’s back, thanking her luck for having such a good view of him. Gikwang sits just two rows in front of her on the left. She smiled happily to herself as she continued to watch him, only if he would turn around so she can see his face… OH SHI- Min Hee quickly grabs her book and hides behind her textbook as Gikwang turned around. Did Gikwang just glance at her? She hopes she wasn’t caught watching him, he might be creeped out.

Gikwang picks up his pencil which has rolled behind his chair.

She mentally hits herself for having such a ridiculous thought. Why would Gikwang look at her anyway? Oh well, she’s free to fantasize, still Min Hee was shaken up a bit, that was surprising. Her heart rate just stepped up a beat.

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243 streak #3
Awwww Kikwang !!! I loved this !!!
Congratulations being on the random feature.
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #7
congratulations on being featured
@Ambeiiminzeli: Awww, I'm so happy to know that this made you smile! ^O^<br />
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