Whispers In The Dark

Tick tock... tick tock... goes the clock.

Tick tock... tick tock... five minutes 'til midnight.

Tick tock... tick tock... bring out the sharpened knives.

Tick tock... tick tock... revenge will be his.

Tick tock... tick tock... they will all pay.

Tick tock... tick tock... goes the clock.

Tick tock... tick tock... run for your life.

TIck tock... tick tock... one minute 'til 12.

Tick tock... tick tock... you'll never see the light of day ever again.


"Has he shown any signs of improvement at all, doctor?" asked the a young man as he sat outside of the glass that kept his hyung a prisoner.

"I'm afraid not, Yoochun-ssi." the doctor solemnly answered, "He's still the same. Violent mood swings, nightly nightmares, tendencies of harming himself... they've become more frequent."

The man sighed. "Is there still any hope left for him..?"

"I can't say." the doctor replied regretfully, "But, Yoochun-ssi, have you considered other options? I mean--"

"What are you implying?" Yoochun cut him off sharply, "I told you before, I will not put him down. Damn it. He's not some ing animal that you can just put down for life!"

"I understand, Yoochun-ssi but... he's only getting worse. He's harmed five of our staff, not to mention the damages he's done to the property. Also, the damage he's inflicting on himself."

"I'll pay for everything." the latter replied through gritted teeth, "I'll pay every ing centavo, so please... please..."

"Alright." the doctor sighed, "We'll try our best. But keep in mind what I said."

"The answer is still no." Yoochun replied sharply.

"Would you rather remember the happy times? or would you rather remember this? Countless hours in a hospital, waiting for a miracle that will never happen."

Yoochun clamped his mouth shut, soaking in the doctor's words.

"Do you want him to be remembered as the vibrant, motherly Jaejoong who always looked after his friends or the crazy, suicidal Jaejoong who only wanted to cause pain not only to himself but to others? Do you want to remember him for who he truly is or for who he is now? Think about it, Yoochun. If Jaejoong was in his right state of mind, would he have wanted this?"


"If you'll excuse me, I have another patient to attend to." The doctor gave him a light pat on the back as he turned to leave.

"God damn it." Yoochun sighed heavily, striking the metal table with such force that his fist left a dent on the flat surface. "I'm so sorry, hyung.."

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Chapter 2: i want it to continue pls??? ;_; so good
Chapter 2: So is yunho dead?
yunhosjaejoong #3
Chapter 2: omo nice plot waiting for your next update .thank u.bye
Chapter 1: sounds cool. update soon ^^
pabolana #5
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^
subscribe already >.<
wait for 1st chptr
Omona! psychological!!!! OOOOhhhhhh I'll be waiting then ^_^